Season 3: Episode 2; Exclusive Interview with RHOBB Producer — Petra McClaire!

Reality Of Roleplay
19 min readJun 16, 2023


(From L to R) Tre Spice Slovain, Jac Carter, Elle Stonewood, Tyler Newman, Taylor Thompson, Kathy Irvine

Kathy is seen reviewing her cue cards.

Stage Manager: Kathy we are counting you in 5…4…3…2...1

Kathy: I am Kathy Irvine, and we are back for another week of your daily dose of Reality in Roleplay! How is everyone feeling after the debut episode? What’s been the reactions at home with your friends and family *looks at Tre*

Tyler: I loved seeing the response that we got from the community at large, it seemed like everyone loved our premiere! And boy are we just getting started. *stares directly at Tre*

The other panelists look at Tre awaiting her response to the question.

Tre: Well, I would’ve loved not to have such a shady start but I’m on a panel with shady women so that’s to be expected right? *laughs then looks to Kathy* I think you should tell me since you were out having brunches. My immediate family was very proud of me. Can you say the same? *smiles*

Kathy: Courtney took me out to brunch to celebrate the new season! We just caught up about her life something you don’t care to do with her… *shrugs* And my family and friends had a watch party for me… *smiles*

Taylor: Courtney is a messy woman Kathy be careful.

Elle: Courtney is not messy she just doesn’t know where the cup is for the tea, so she spills it all over the place.

Jac: Okay, let’s get back to the question here. My Beau was just happy that I have another source of income for my shopping addiction *laughs*

Elle: I’m extremely thankful for the outpouring of support you all have shown us. When Kath started this, I don’t think she imagined it growing into what it’s becoming, and you the panel all are a huge part of that and what’s to come so thank you, everyone. *smiles*

Tyler: I know my friends and family watched with bated breath and excitement. We had a little premiere party at my home in Malibu as well.

Taylor: *grins* well you know Twitter was abuzz wondering what I would say that would offend someone, but I am happy to be here! *laughs*

Kathy: I am glad you all are here, with Elle and I. And, Jac you are dressed to the nines in that outfit.

Jac: *smiles at Kathy* Thank you my darling. Yves Saint Laurent but I’m loving Tyler’s new pieces from targét

Kathy: Well on that note I say let's bring out our guest today! Everyone stand and applaud thee Petra McClaire, producer and creative director of Twitter’s hit series Real Housewives of Beverly Beach.

*The Panelists stand and applaud Petra’s entrance*

Petra: *walks out* Hello ladies! Thanks so much for having me! Mwah! Mwah!

Taylor: *claps* my favorite oh my god

Tyler: Thank YOU for being here! We’re definitely excited to get into everything with you today.

Petra: *gives Tre a kiss on the cheek* I think the last time I saw you; you were pregnant and screaming in my face. *giggles and sits next to Taylor*

Tre: *to Petra* I know and I returned that Penny Tuesday gift back to Dollar General! You look great hun.

Kathy: We have lots to discuss today, so I want to just start out by saying we are so glad we could get you, Petra! We know you just celebrated 100 episodes! How does that feel?

Elle: 100 episodes?? Congratulations girl that’s huge!

Petra: It feels so great! I had no idea the show would have some longevity, especially how the first couple of seasons went but the core cast definitely stuck with me! I’m happy with how far the show has come.

Tyler: *claps* It’s certainly an incredible show!! I know that I love tuning in every week when you’re on the air. I have to fast forward a bit with that one over there *looks at Jac*, but I’m SUCH a fan of Beverly Beach nonetheless.

Taylor: We love the show and a producer who is willing to trim the fat to keep things fresh and unproblematic.

Kathy: I will agree to that TT, I mean it takes balls to lay it out there that this is what we are doing moving forward, and I recognize what happened.

Elle: Now you’re hot off a HEATED finale and we’ll get into more of that later but whew you had Twitter ablaze this season, anything you’d like to say about that?

Petra: All I’ll say, is this season definitely got messy, chaotic, and toxic. It’s kind of a breath of fresh air now that it’s over. Now, I’m not saying I disliked the season because everyone worked their asses off, but it definitely steered into toxic territory!

Jac: I completely agree, boss. It felt like the girls weren’t willing to have fun and you know I tried boss lady. *laughs*

Kathy: Ladies we will have more time to discuss this latest season of Beverly Beach, but I want to have Petra help us break down the latest episode of Family Hustle.

Tre: And before Kathy adds her little commentary on this episode, I’m aware that I came across as a bitch.

Kathy: We will get to you in a minute. *winks at Tre*

Petra: I just watched this last episode and I feel bad for my girl Court...

Tyler: Yes!! I felt sorry for Courtney as well. Having your ex and his mama show up at your place of business? That’s… a lot.

Taylor: Oh, my goodness those Karma girls truly hate my guts, but I do tune in! *hears Petra* Feel bad for Courtney? She’s a martyr!

Tre: It’s not that we hate your guts TT. You just don’t fact-check before you post and the things you say. Plus, the things you say about some of us were very damaging.

Petra: *laughs a bit* Hey! Courtney always had my back on M2M, I loved visiting with her and Elijah…It was a lot, but I'm glad there was a semi-resolve.

Taylor: Courtney does a lot of dirt behind the scenes and then films as if she’s a victim. I’ve personally had conversations with Elijah and his mother and Courtney is not as innocent as she makes it out to be, ladies.

Elle: Courtney’s going through a lot I think this season. Add on top of that her having to film more for Frankie’s, unavailability, it’s probably an added stresser.

Taylor: Is that Frankie woman really in prison? She should be fired if she isn’t showing up to work.

Tre: Keep watching about Frankie and her absence. I’m not at liberty to reveal other people’s storylines… And I mean I thought Elijah and Mama Graham were wrong, but Mama Graham isn’t wrong about some of the things that were said about Courtney. I’ll say that…

Jac: I understand that but what grown man needs their mother to help them fight their battles? It’s giving power-bottom energy…

Kathy: I think showing up at a photo shoot and causing a scene like that speaks more to their characters than hers. Courtney didn’t just tell them to come to act an ass at her business deal.

Tyler: Oop…I don’t know, I just feel like divorce is hard enough. Why be so nasty? It seems like Elijah and his mama are holding on to the past. The divorce is over, it’s time to focus on those two little girls.

Petra: *SIGHS* See, I can kinda get where Mama Graham is coming from because she’s just protecting her son, Courtney always just gets a bad rep. She’s a gold digger, she’s a harlot, and she wants to put her ex behind bars…Where does it stop? She’s a kind girl, and exactly Tyler, they need to focus on the children.

Taylor: Courtney knows what she’s doing to make interesting tv since her costar is going through legal issues she’s unwilling to show on camera, andI don’t want Frankie to show up with some lying ass excuse as to why she was absent. Girl you were in jail just be real on camera. Be authentic!

Tyler: As far as Frankie and her absence, I agree with TT, if you can’t do your job don’t have one. But Tre says to keep watching, so I’ll see what I think then. *sips water*

Elle: Let’s shift gears for a minute, what did you guys make of Ryan bringing Mac along to, well Tre your and his meeting?

Tre: I was not a happy camper okay. *laughs* I really wanted to spend that time with my brother. It felt like an ambush in a way.

Tyler: Now I love my girl Tre, but her reaction to Mac walking in.. well, first off, it was funny. But it was rough too! This lady just came to talk shop. *laughs* I do think Ryan could have warned Tre though.

Tre: Tyler, I had not seen that woman since we wrapped Season 2. I was quite frankly over her.

Kathy: Do you support woman Tre?

Tre: Kathy…that’s such a stupid question to ask. I’m on a panel with women and you aren’t I?

Jac: We have a special guests here today to interview and talk about the show, not listen to you two argue. *points and Tre and Kathy*

Elle: I felt uncomfortable for Tre. I love Mac no pink lemonade shade to her, but Ryan should’ve given a heads up.

Petra: I do have to give props to Tre on how she handled it. *nods at Tre*

Tyler: Tre, do you feel like Ryan getting back into business with Mac is a good idea at this point, given their history?

Tre: Honestly and this might get me in trouble but Ryan is doing this to get in the good graces with Mac again.

Elle: There’s some tea right there…

Tyler: I mean, I can see it! He has certainly been working on repairing that relationship this season. Do you think that means he wants her back? Or just wants to co-parent? *smirks*

Tre: I think he knows he needs to make it right with his son and the way to do that is to please his mother. *laughs*

Jac: A man should always respect the mother of their child. Sorry but that’s the truth!

*Petra nods in agreement with Jac*

Tyler: We love a good father! Happy early Father’s Day, Ryan! *laughs*

Taylor: Can I just be honest? I don’t really care about Tre, Ryan, or Mac. I just watch for Courtney and her mess.

Elle: Taylor! *coughs* Let’s be, pleasantly objective and not outwardly rude. *giggles*

Petra: I’m not sure if TT knows the word “objective.”

*The Panelists all laugh at Petra*

Taylor: People tune in for my honest takes Elle! Didn’t you read Twitter?

Kathy: Now I want to move on to the main event of our show and that is our guest; RHOBB Producer, Petra! Petra, we have lots of questions to ask you!

Petra: Ask away! I’m so excited! This is my first-ever interview…

Jac: I have a question for you Petra! The show experienced its highest-rated episodes in the show’s history whilst also tackling some dark issues. We obviously know your opinion on what went down with Bree, but what do you think contributed to the show kind of going off the rails a bit this season?

Petra: For sure. The Bree incident happened while we were filming episode 2 I believe. So, we had a choice. We could scrap the season and start over, or follow an actual storyline, and I went with it after I made sure everyone felt comfortable, especially Vic. The season could have gone a different way, but I learned a lot and I don’t necessarily regret going the direction I chose. It for sure contributed to it, but more so how the cast reacted to it.

Jac: *nods* I completely agree. Were you shocked by anyone in particular’s reaction to Bree’s remarks?

Petra: I think I was shocked that at the beginning, some of the cast did really kind of want to sweep it under the rug. There was definitely a disbalance because Sheridan really pushed the issue throughout the season, and she is not in the wrong at all. It just made for unproportionate reactions when a majority of the cast didn’t want to address it, so it was pushed at every opportunity.

Jac: Living it myself, Sheridan definitely led the charge, and I was proud of her for that. I wish some of the girls really held her feet to the fire the way she, Yvonne, Vic, and I did but we can’t cry over spilled milk now.

Petra: Let’s be clear, what went down was not acceptable, but my thought process was Bree could kind of answer to it. We had a dialogue, so she wasn’t just cast off into oblivion. In my heart of hearts, I don’t think she’s some raging racist, because I have personal relationships with all my cast members, but it did need to be corrected and addressed. I am a POC as well just to clarify too!

Jac: So eloquently addressed. Thank you for that. That’s why you’re the boss and I’m the employee. *laughs*

Tyler: I think you definitely made the right decision to address things, it definitely made for a very raw and authentic season.. even if that had some challenges.

Taylor: I think if she would have owned her behavior and not held a vendetta against Sheridan for holding her accountable there could have been redemption for her.

Petra: I was more so shocked by Bree not remembering when she was confronted in Episode 3… I’m serious guys. We had to have an off-camera conversation while we were shooting that scene where the comments were made.

Kathy: I want to pivot to another point you discussed. You mention making sure the cast felt comfortable in particular Victoria. Was there any point that the cast came to you and was uncomfortable with Sheridan’s strong stance on the issue? I know they clearly didn’t want to talk about it, but did they feel like talking about this was going to ruin the show?

Petra: No, nobody came to me and was disappointed in Sheridan. Just the sides were so solidified this season. They were just going to do the opposite of Sheridan, and Sheridan was going to bring up Bree’s racist remarks any chance she got. It was like a war between the majority of the cast and Sheridan.

Kathy: It’s almost like they were shocked that their friend's behavior was caught, and they wanted to do whatever it took to cover it up and just dismiss it.

Taylor: It was a bit disappointing. I think sometimes on these shows they get so caught up in the side wars they lose the sense of morally being right and wrong.

Tyler: Yes, it definitely seemed like they wanted to cover things up. Sometimes on these shows, people get caught up as TT said in the game of alliances and TV friendships.

Kathy: Last part to this, did you have to talk to the cast about the importance of not turning a blind eye to microaggressions?

Petra: Listen I wanted to address it, and I told everyone we were going to talk about it. It was their choice on how they talked about it. They are their own humans. I’m not going to force them to have certain viewpoints, but as the season aired, you all definitely got a sense of who took it seriously and who didn’t and that reflects on their character. I’m just here to document it and make sure everyone is cool, and things don't get too out of hand. That’s on you if you don’t do the morally right thing.

*All the ladies nod in agreement, and the audience claps*

Kathy: Amen to that, thank you Petra! I appreciate your candidness.

Taylor: So miss Petra; enough with the negativity it exhausts me! Tell us, how do you plan on moving forward into season 8? We see you fired the dead weight so what is next for season 8? Give us some exclusive info!!

*Jac looks at Petra in excitement*

Petra: We are definitely going to try to find some new blood to rejuvenate the cast. We definitely want a lighter vibe to next season and more fun, so I’ve been talking to some people about potential characters. I would like to confirm that everyone from Season 7 who did not get fired or left will be offered contracts for Season 8!!

*Before the ladies can congratulate Jac she jumps up*


Taylor: Oh, wow sit down Jacqueline.

Elle: I have a question for Petra! Did you know anyone was leaving when the finale was shot or were those decisions made later on?

Petra: We obviously announced Bree was not returning next season on the day of the Season 7 premiere. Mona had been inactive for some time *coughs* And I did talk to Grace prior to the Finale.

Tre: Can we touch on Grace just a bit..

Petra: Sure! What were y’all’s thoughts on her this season?

Taylor: Grace got fired from this gig and Beverly Beach within weeks!

Tre: Honestly, what was up with her? She’s been kind to me and all of that, but she was barely serving a teaspoon of sugar on the show but came at Sheridan and Lorelei heavily on Twitter.

Elle: Her Twitter rant lives in my mind I’m sorry it’s not funny but it was just so random and quotable.

Taylor: It was very disjointed with Grace. Was that editing or was that her behavior being erratic?

Petra: I love Grace and she gave so many great storylines to the show and was so dedicated. Season 7 just wasn’t her season and I think homegirl wanted some disagreements on camera, hence her flipping suddenly.

Jac: It was beyond confusing for me being there and just watching her let certain people get away with such disrespect but then turn on her friends. It was a little calculated for me.

Tyler: We talked about the minimization of Bree’s issues with several of the women, but I felt like watching that was a recurring theme for some of the ladies. I’ll use grace as my example. They seemed to run away from anything on screen; drama, conversation, you name it. I definitely know how challenging that can be. So my question is how do you handle a cast member who doesn’t seem to want to be involved? Did you have conversations with them about why they were hiding from the cameras? *laughs*

Petra: I mean I think the entire cast was heavily involved this season, whether it was for the right thing or not, that’s debatable. This season we had MANY cut conversations or fights. I cut the things that didn’t make sense or were too repetitive, but all in all, I really didn't think anybody in the cast hid from the cameras. For instance, Grace and Lorelei had a huge blowout in episode 2 where Lorelei brought up Megan not being Grace’s daughter. That was just used in a flashback because in that episode we were kind of focusing on Sheridan versus Monsè.

Tyler: It’s definitely hard to capture everything, so I do understand that. I just felt like there were times with people like Grace that she was brought up, and it almost seemed like she hid under the table.

Petra: I could see that towards the end of the season! Hence, the current cast.

*Tre and Elle look at one another*

Jac: I’m still confused about whether or not Grace’s daughter is biologically hers. *laughs*

Taylor: *nods* It seemed Grace served friend this season.

Tyler: *laughs* I agree with TT, I would have loved to see Victoria snatch her role! I loved Victoria and her quick wit on season 7. Definitely an amazing addition!

Petra: Yes! She was a kiii. She had never really done RP before so I’m glad people enjoyed her, and I’m glad she kept filming even after everything.

Tre: Now Miss Petra you know I’m sometimes a nosy girl so I need to ask. What’s the tea on the spin-off in Beverly Beach and is it true that Jac is a sugar momma to one of the cast mates?

Jac: *laughs* Not sugar momma. We all know my sugar goes into my shoes, not boys.

Petra: *laughs* We’re actually filming right now as we speak! No, Jac is not a sugar momma.. but maybe we’ll see her pop up. It’s basically going to follow the staff of an upscale beach club. I’m so excited because it’s a much younger vibe and our cast is definitely very entertaining! I can’t wait to see how it all turns out. It will be a short first season, we’re planning on 8–10 episodes!

Elle: Will there be any famous pop-ups? *looks around*

Tre: You know Elle and I love a good check from a show hunni!

Jac: Hello! She just said I may pop-up. Who is more famous than I?

Tyler: We do not have enough time to go through the list of names.

Kathy: I am excited to see it play out! Us panelists might have to tag along with Jac and come see this beach club!

Petra: Yess Kathy, all expenses are paid for!

Kathy: You will regret saying that! *laughs*

Tre: Make sure we keep Kathy caged up. You know she can’t control herself when she sees men…married or single. *laughs*

Taylor: I do hear all the men who work at the beach haus are gay, so Kathy is in the clear!

Tre: Aww you hear that, Kathy? But maybe there’s a plumber nearby for you girl!

Tyler: Kathy or the men? *looks over and playfully pushes Kathy* I’m just teasing

Kathy: I love the gays!!! I might flip one for the night *laughs* who knows!! Anything is possible at a beach club!

Taylor: Oh my, Kathy! Okay okay girls! I do have some good little Lipton for the gals! *makes puckered lip face* My first teacup comes from the world of balls, Baller Wives!

Kathy: I always love your tea unless it’s about me, so spill about them Baller Wives.

Tre: I love the Baller Wives! Brittany Slay is my girl!

Tyler: Yes TT, fill my cup up!

Taylor: *nods* Well Brittany Slay Juniper Reese Bailey is in an uncomfortably heated feud with her costar and former best friend Cassie Carlisle, and it is rumored that oneof the women has started to spread amongst the group that there is an alleged sex tape with a famous rapper…

Brittany Slay Juniper Reese Bailey

Jac: Lil NAS X? One of my dear friends told me he lays it down! *laughs*

Kathy: Who is the rapper, I love Drake?!

Tyler: Not a sex tape…last year it was Cassie and nudes and now a tape for Brittany?

Elle: Those girls and their sexcapades!

Taylor: *sips tea* I don’t have the tea on who exactly the rapper is, but things are breaking down for them and I don’t think they’ll ever mend their friendship.

Tre: Well, that’s unfortunate.

Taylor: Another piece of Baller Wives tea is that there is a newbie in the mix named Femi and I hear she made quite the stir in her first scene! My source told me it wasn’t organic and was just a big fight over nothing really. Can’t wait to see how that goes!

Tre: Femi is a nice girl. She’s filmed with us last season on Family Hustle so I doubt that TT. *laughs*

Tyler: I saw her scene with Courtney! I’m interested to see what she brings to the table in a more featured role.

Taylor: Oh, my goodness, she was on Family Hustle? What is with these crossovers? Let me text Cassie so she will shun her like she did Elle.

Kathy: I hate when new girls come on as a try hard. Obviously, they come on as fans of the show!

Petra: That’s always a problem! They come in looking to cause a scene, but that’s not good Role Playing; it’s about development.

Taylor: I agree with you guys completely! My second teacup comes courtesy of the show I was asked not to talk about by their producer who hates me, and I am currently in a lawsuit with her over her evil dog. Connecticut Wives!

Tyler: Well lawsuits be damned, spill that tea, Taylor!

Taylor: That damn dog is evil it bit me! But anyways, so the cast was originally announced as this.

CT Wives S5 cast (before Andy’s disappearance)

Taylor: Well of those women on the photo only Giovanna, Belen Bailey Russo, and Reese Gallagher will be on the show. The beauty on the bottom right, Yasmin, showed up for like 2 scenes and stopped filming, and was fired quickly. She is allegedly known to do that across Connecticut. Show up for a couple of things and then bails. *smirks* Oh and Alexis Benton is now returning. *looks straight into the camera*

Tre: Cheers for The Benton!

Kathy: Oh Alexis is back for this new season? I bet she’s thrilled to be back on!

Jac: Congratulations to Alexis!

Petra: YESS Alexis with a comeback

Taylor: I just hope with the new production company, the show airs! We are rooting for the show! Well ladies that’s all I got to fill your teacups today!

Kathy: Whew TT you have spilled a lot tonight! I’m actually speechless. You always bring the tea and shade, huh?

Taylor: *giggles* Don’t make me blush Kathy! *winks* Happy Pride Month girls!

Petra: Wait TT are you a lesbian?

The Panelists look to Taylor for her answer.

Taylor: Can’t a girl just have some fun?!

Kathy: Well Petra thank you for coming over to chat with us! It was a real pleasure, to chat with you! You definitely handled yourself in the hot seat!

Petra: Thank you, ladies! Been such a great experience! *gets up and gives everyone hugs* Ciao!

All the Panelists hug and clap for Petra as she exits the stage.

Kathy: Well ladies this concludes another episode of Reality of Roleplay. I think we WORKED today. All great questions and dialogue ladies. Can’t wait to see some of you next week!

All the ladies stand and wave at the audience as the camera pans out.

Producers reached out to Petra for an exclusive comment after the show on why there wasn't a reunion, and this is what she had to say;

Petra: We just felt the storylines of the season have been beaten to death, in scenes and across social media before/during the season aired. How many times were we going to discuss Bree and Victoria? Everyone was so ingrained on being on their “side”, we felt like no resolution would come from the Reunion. Also, Mona would not be in attendance and a pretty significant storyline this season was Mona v Sheridan.

Tune in next week as the panelists interview THEE Draya Parks! Twitter socialite and famous blogger! She’s got the hottest pot of tea you’ll LOVE to sip!

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Reality Of Roleplay
Reality Of Roleplay

Written by Reality Of Roleplay

Daytime Roleplay Show, covering all Roleplay’s trending topics. Panelists: @kathyirvine_ @ElleStonewood @TylerRHofT @TheTeaCupofRP

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