Season 3: Episode 3; Exclusive Interview with Draya Parks!

*Kathy is shown going over her cards*
Producer: Kathy, in 5, 4, 3, 2..
Kathy: It’s another week here at Reality of Roleplay and we are back in action for another REALLY good episode! How are you ladies doing? Last week was a great episode with our interview with Petra!
Taylor: I could be better Kathy, I’m still processing what all has occurred in the last 48 hours in our community.
Kathy: TT *looks down at her* we will get to that after while, TT! As you all can see Elle is not with us today, she’ll be back next week!
Taylor: *laughs* I’m sure we will! Nice to see all you ladies looking somewhat decent today!
Tyler: Well I’m doing well, ready to dish! *laughs* We certainly got the tea from Miss Petra, so I had a lot of fun last week.
Tre: I’m doing well little Miss Kathy. Last week was a very good episode with Petra and who knew you’re good at asking questions? If only you could mind your business. *laughs*
Jac: Hello beloved! I’m doing well. Currently gearing up for a little project that I’m filming next week. Something very exciting that I hope you will all be able to support as we are women who support other women of course! That interview with Petra was phenomenal wasnt it! Our guest this week has bit shoes to fill!
Tyler: *stares into the camera* Make sure to pay attention to the ads. Jenny Craig here our girl comes!
Jac: I actually had an endorsement with Jenny Craig after I had my little gorgeous girl Annabelle. I know that the only endorsement Tyler gets these days are with depends or Zimmer frames.
Tyler: I had heard about the My Life on the D List reboot… I didn’t realize you had auditioned.
Taylor: Another project? Oh wow! Hopefully we will see this one on television this time all the way through.
Kathy: What can you tease us about what YOU’RE working on, Jac? *laughs* That’s true our guest has very big shoes to fill!
Taylor: We will wait Jac while you figure it out. *smiles and leans over to Tyler* You know she be lying.
Jac: It’s actually a really exciting project that I’m looking to do with one of my Hall of Fame sisters! Very exciting!
Tre: Well I can tell you it isn’t me. *laughs*
Jac: Oh no. Tre most definitely wasn’t approached about this project! It won’t be all of us. Just myself and one of the girls. The spotlight girls! *laughs*
Tre: Yes I’m not desperate for a check. *laughs*
Jac: Well you’re on Family Hustle, so you’re desperate for something. *laughs*
Kathy: *laughs* Well we are excited to see what you and your HoF sister do together! I’m sure it’ll be a hit just like Jac down the aisle was!
Tre: We are so happy for you Jacqueline. Congratulations and we’ll see it this Fall on the For You, By You Network.
Kathy: Well, speaking of spotlight. Our guest this week has had all the spotlight on her for the last few days! Why don’t we welcome our friend Draya Parks to the stage!
*The panelists all smile and applaud, the audience roars seeing Draya walk out.*
Taylor: *squealing* MY BESTIE!
Draya: *while waving* LADIES!
Kathy: *looks at TT * Well you can see, she’s excited to have you here!
Draya: *blows kisses at everyone* Everyone looks so gorgeous oh my gosh! *sits*
Taylor: So happy to have my bestie join the panel today since Ellen chose to skip work!
Jac: Hello Draya!! You look great!
Tyler: I haven’t seen TT this happy since we got here weeks ago. *laughs*
Jac: I haven’t seen TT this happy since craft services ordered Dominos for her lunch the other week!
Taylor: What can I say.. I LOVE Dominos!
Tyler: And it wasn’t just her lunch…I had a slice!
Jac: *mumbles under breath* We can tell!
Tyler: So happy to have you join us today, Draya!
Draya: Can I just say? I’m a fan of everyone here! I know I have talked sh*t about almost everyone but I’m happy to join you ladies!
Kathy: Yes Draya, we are so glad to have you! What’s been going on in your world?
Draya: My world! Well, Mona Quinn has reported my blog so Twitter is currently evaluating it. I’m glad to join you ladies right now because my fingers are itching!
Tyler: *laughs* Not got the blog reported!
Taylor: Why do you think Mona Quinn reported you?
Jac: Not my Mona. She would never!
Kathy: Jac, she wouldn’t?
Draya: Oh yes she would! I mean wasn’t she defending racist nonstop last season? I’ll post my proof at a later date.
Taylor: *nods* She was Draya! I don’t think Mona even speaks to Jac! I heard she’s only talking to producers trying to get her spot back after her IRS issues.
Jac: Mona and I are on very good terms. She reached out to me when she got back in town and we recently spent time together. That’s my girl!
Tyler: Receipts? Oop, sorry you’ve been proven wrong yet again Jacqueline.
Taylor: *nods* well looks like Jac is loud and wrong on the panel again. Always got to be someone!
Draya: Well. I tend to emphasize posts shared online. It was announced she got fired, so I said she got fired, tagged her, and thanked God! Maybe she’s mad at me, mad she got fired, or an atheist. You label her, Kathy.
Tre: *chuckles* There’s nothing wrong with thanking God. It’s what you should do.
Tyler: Sometimes those pink slips fall straight from God’s lap! *laughs*
Jac: *laughs* I don’t know that she would go as far as to report someone’s *uses air quotes* blog but if she did then maybe we should have her on to explain her side of the story!
Kathy: Jac, do you think Mona is coming back next season?
Jac: I think Petra made it clear that she wasn’t going to be back but I would love her to be on in some capacity. Look Mona is part of the DNA that is Beverly Beach and I think the fans would love to see her but that’s a decision well above my pay grade. I just get paid to act a fool and calm Sheridan down! *laughs*
Draya: I heard she’s back in Town and has contacted production.
Tyler: Why don’t you call her up for us right now, Jackie if you guys are so close?
Kathy: Oh yeah, you can totally call her if you want! Maybe she’ll answer… For you.
Tyler: I’d put money on her hitting the red button not the green one, Kath.
Kathy: Guess we are about to see, Tyler! *laughs* Call her, call her!
Taylor: Does she even really have her number? *laughs*
Jac: *laughs and looks at the other ladies annoyed* Ladies, I’m not going to call her. Todays show is about our very interesting guest Draya and I think we should tailor our questions and commentary towards her!
Taylor: *whispers to Tyler* She didn’t have her number.
Kathy: Okay very true Jac, it’s all jokes. So Mona if you’re watching this, please don’t report this! *laughs*
Draya: She sure will be watching! Hey girl! You won’t break my soul! *laughs nonstop*
Jac: *laughs and waves at the camera* Hi Mona girl! Love you!
Taylor: Hi Mona! Pay those taxes!!!
Draya: I don’t think she should come back. This season of RHOBB was on track to be one of their best and due to her running like a pitbull was chasing her and Bree’s racism ruined the season. It’s sad a reunion hasn’t been announced.
Kathy: So Tre, Family Hustle this week. Very interesting to say the least!
Tyler: Yess, Family Hustle was certainly full of twists and turns this week!
Tre: Yes it was an interesting week to say the least. Where shall we start? *laughs*
Kathy: Start us from the top! How was it seeing Christina?
Taylor: Love Christina!
Kathy: She’s always an icon in my books even if we didn’t ever see eye to eye!
Tre: It’s always nice seeing Chrissy but you know she came back with a business proposal for me to do Reality of Roleplay Live! I do want to say thank you for covering our tab during that scene Kathy. Such a wholesome lady you are!
Kathy: I do take care of my people! I was happy to pick up lunch when you got the news!
Draya: Christina is great. I’m glad to call her my friend. She’s a smart business woman and I’m happy she picked up Family Hustle.
Kathy: Christina is a great producer, I can’t wait to chat with her next week, when she’s on!
Tre: Yes we love Christina always.. even when she doesn’t want to give me an extra $30 for my gas hunni.
Tyler: Love Christina! Tre, do you have a message for her now that you’re at the cohost desk and she’s tuning in? I thought it was kind of funny to watch her pitch you as a guest host knowing I was sitting across the stage from you today. *laughs*
Jac: She’s a riot and a consummate professional! I love a producer who is professional. Like my dear friend Petra. *looks at Tyler*
Tyler: She already said you’re back, you don’t have to keep kissing Jac. *smiles*
Tre: All I can say to Christina is thank you girl! *winks* Well you know I had previously been a guest and enjoyed the experience and I feel this show is good exposure, plus the pay is well!
Tyler: Next up, what can you tell us about KP’s music career? I thought it was cool that his studio is in the shop!
Tre: I love my little brother KP. *laughs* Like he said, he’s no Jay Z but he has his own style and his own flow. I’m so proud of how he approached this season compared to the previous ones.
Jac: KP is a star! I can see his name in lights! KP Spice opening for Anita Baker! It’s all there.
Kathy: As for KP, what got him into music? Where did he get his start? He seems to be on his way to the top! I jammed out to a song on my way to the studio today!
Tre: That’s a question you’ll need to ask KP himself but he’s a dynamic character. He’s very different that Ryan and I.
Draya: This season of Family Hustle was different. Personally, I’ve never been a fan of the show as I thought it was dull and confusing with all those characters.
Jac: *whispers to Tre* Did she just call you dull?
Tre: *whispers to Jac* Perhaps but my checks say otherwise.
Taylor: *nods* Yeah I tried to give it a chance this season like Draya, and yeah…not my cup of tea.
Kathy: Is this season changing your tune, Draya?
Draya: Hell yes. Look, before I comment on this show. I have apologized to Frankie and she has accepted my apology. The old network that produced this show clearly paid it no mind as it was the lowest on the totem pole *shrugs* Sorry, Tre. I was happy for my friends Tre and Courtney to see them finally succeed within this saturated world of roleplay. I was constantly commenting on the show and giving them flowers, but after last night, and tonight, I won’t be doing it anymore.
Kathy: So moving on the the top golf scene. What did y’all make of Calvin? Courtney’s new boo? *mumbles* He seems to be a step up from Elijah.
Tre: I honestly like Calvin. I think he’s a gentlemen and is very good for Courtney. And yes, he’s a huge step up from Elijah.
Kathy: Courtney and her man friends. Love her to death though!
Tyler: What were your thoughts on Calvin and Courtney picking your brain on second marriages? Do you think you and Mike are a source of inspiration for the other couples on the show?
Tre: They see us an inspiration but honestly Mike and I are just like any other couple. We’ve been open about our issues but relationships have their ups and downs but I’m glad they see us as an inspiration.
Tyler: It’s hard to hide your issues if you’re being real for the cameras so I understand that Tre.
Taylor: Being real for the cameras… interesting point Tyler.
Tyler: It’s certainly not for everybody TT darling. *looks directly at Jac*
Kathy: Last thing at the top golf scene. How did it feel to see the tabloids saying Frankie is going to jail? The scene ended abruptly and no one talked about it.
Tre: Well quite naturally on our way home, Courtney & I were quite shocked. Mind you, I hadn’t seen Frankie at this point in time during filming. All I can say is stayed tuned.
Draya: Am I going to get bombarded with hate if I speak on this topic?
Kathy: Absolutely not. This is a open discussion and I’d like for everyone to participate, including you Draya!
Taylor: Draya I think we should speak on it here…because this show is Reality of Roleplay and our views are valid.
Tyler: I think the whole tabloid situation is very… challenging. It’s hard to discuss someone or something when the ball is being hidden, so to speak.
Taylor: I think it’s obvious with what was shown on the show and the statement that was released that someone on the show isn’t interested in showcasing the arrest on the show.
Tyler: I hope that we get to see it addressed more in some way this season though.
Kathy: I agree with Tyler, I am looking forward to seeing it get addressed more. You guys have done good at addressing everything else so I except nothing less by the season finale!
Tre: All I can say about the topic is keep watching. That’s literally all I can say without giving too much. *laughs*
Taylor: I want to see Frankie’s real life addressed. Stop hiding; don’t deflect. Your own producer hinted at your arrest. I did a little digging. She’s been arrested four times and it’s being ignored.

Tre: Now I don’t know about four times girl. *laughs* I mean she looks cute in all of them..
Taylor: Was she practicing her mugshot skills at the police department Tre?
Tyler: *hides face behind coffee cup* TT never fails to deliver some tea in the morning.
Draya: Tre. I’m at little upset at you and I think you’re trying to hide her mess. I have been covering this since May and you have alluded to this arrested before. There’s a mugshot. We have the answers, why are we hiding it? In fact, there’s multiple mugshots of Frankie out there. This just happens to be first time that’s been discussed by us bloggers.
Taylor: It’s clear the girls have a pact to bury the story because they are all family.
Tre: I’m not sure how I can hide her mess when we don’t have a very close relationship on the show. Also we don’t have a pact. If that’s the case, they wouldn’t have said half of the things they’ve said about me for two seasons okay. *laughs*
Jac: I will say, this entire conversation makes me very uncomfortable. The way that some people in the community have been hounding and berating this woman relentlessly, is unfair and unkind.
Taylor: Jac, with all do respect it’s a reality show. She’s paid to not hide her life.
Draya: Listen Jac, I can speak for me, I have mentioned the prison stuff because there’s a mugshot out there. If there was a mugshot of me out there you would assume I was in jail.
Tyler: I feel like people just want to understand what’s going on based on the footage we’re shown.
Jac: But does her absence from the show have anything to do with these so called arrests?
Tyler: I don’t know Jac, that’s why people are asking.
Kathy: Exactly Tyler, it’s super confusing for the viewers when things are left undiscussed.
Tre: If I’m telling you to keep watching, then obviously there’s answer there. Whether you like the answer is totally up to you, but there’s contracts in place where I cannot speak before such things air. TT you wouldn’t understand since you’ve never been on a reality show.
Kathy: Tre keeps saying to watch so we must get some answers, and fingers crossed for a reunion!
Taylor: *nods* If there was a mugshot of me the girls would definitely be talking about it. I think this situation is different because of the statement that was released that mixed roleplay with real life.
Tre: I’m not dismissing how you ladies feel. You all wants answers and rightfully so. We wanted answers and eventually we did get one.
Jac: I think we need to give the woman grace to answer in her own time. When internet gangsters start tweeting and harassing the people we want answers from, we’re never going to get them.
Tyler: Internet gangsters? *laughs*
Taylor: I think it’s a double standard. Jac calling Draya and I internet gangsters is very funny. You women can call me fat, etc. but if I post that I have body issues would you feel bad?
Jac: I have never made comments about your size and I wasn’t referring to you as an internet gangster.
Tre: Well I have called TT a whale and I apologize. It was in reaction after she said I was cheating on my husband with a sugar daddy.
Tyler: I don’t think internet gangsters is funny, I think it’s a joke. Asking questions is not being an internet gangster.
Draya: I’m not an Internet gangster or whatever. I am commenting on a show that’s currently airing and trying to get to the bottom of a storyline that’s not being shown to the public. I’m doing what you ladies are doing but on Twitter. With my fingers.
Jac: If I wanted to put a name on it, I would have. *shrugs*
Draya: Well since we choose to be naive we might as well think she bought a mugshot set to take pics for Instagram and the blogs.
Jac: No one is being naive. I just hate when people try to narrate other people’s lives and experiences.
Tre: Thank you Jac. You get it.
Kathy: Tre, please do speak to what TT said because that’s what I wanted to discuss today. What do we do when someone mixes their real life with Roleplay? That makes it harder for us to comment on things.
Tre: Firstly, I want to say I do understand why TT and Draya would feel uncomfortable with the statement. Draya said earlier that she apologized and Frankie accepted her apology which is great. I cannot speak for Frankie however I don’t think her intention with the post was bad. I believe she wanted to address the real reason for her absence outside of role-play.
Tyler: *sighs* It’s certainly difficult when the lines between real and “reality” blur. Roleplay and this community are things that we all do for fun. So it definitely makes it harder to react. I do empathize with her or anyone else struggling in their real life. But it just makes it harder to comment and have those conversations that make this community so special.
Jac: I understand and appreciate what you’re saying Tyler. I just think we should not write someone else’s narrative. Let that person be in charge of their destiny.
Taylor: We are roleplaying, and mixing real life with roleplay is a bit problematic in my opinion. If you aren’t able to disconnect from the characters you play and take it personal. A break from roleplay is needed until you are in a place to not think you are the character you are playing. The statement being released when Draya and I were releasing our blog posts about the arrest, felt strategic. It worked. We were silenced, and people villainized us, hell Jac just called us internet gangsters. We merely were doing our jobs, promoting the show. Had we not blogged about the show, no one would be talking about Frankie Neal this season because she was absent from filming.
Jac: You can say it’s strategic but isn’t berating someone constantly on social media for months for likes and retweets strategic?
Taylor: I’m a blogger Jacqueline. You do the same thing I do, I just do it publicly to people’s faces via my blog.
Jac: *nods to TT* Congratulations on your blog.
Draya: I will say. It did feel like it was a way to silence us and put a stop to the storyline. There’s so many people that dislike us and that felt like an “Aha!” Moment. I have never attacked anyone’s real issues in their real life.
Taylor: I have a lot of empathy for Frankie; I’ve been around and a fan of Frankie going back to her Married to Medicine days when this same thing happened back then too. I think maybe a break from roleplay is needed.
Kathy: I agree Frankie is great when she’s in it but I think like you guys are saying she’s needs a minute to breathe and kind of, recharge!
Tyler: I like Frankie as well, and I certainly wish her the best in her private life. I just want the answers on the public one.
Taylor: Absolutely Tyler, I just think we need to keep real life separate from this space and roleplay and not try and use our personal lives to influence shows and filming. It’s not fair for anyone.
Draya: I think what’s done is done. Now everyone will walk on eggshells when commenting that show and things will never be the same. I wish everyone on the show the best. In Roleplay, and real life since they mix real life situations when filming.
Jac: Draya, I think when you have some more experience in filming a show you’ll understand that sometimes your real life does at times cross over to your public one.
Draya: I’m talking out of character.
Tre: What I want everyone to take away is yes, you may feel uncomfortable which is understandable and I respect that and value your feelings.
Kathy: It’s uncomfortable to have the uncomfortable conversations but that’s why I hired you all to be here. To bring it out, lay it out there. We all hear each other and we move forward with an understanding of everyone’s different perspectives.
Tre: I would also like to say we do have 3 episodes left of the season and there’s other storylines that some of us are excited to share and while I understand everyone’s stance, do remember there’s other people on the show too like myself. *laughs*
Kathy: Tre we will all be tuning in for you and I couldn’t miss Courtney, you love tease me about how much I love her!
Tyler: It’s really Tre and Courtney’s Family Hustle this season, let’s be real. *shrugs as the audience applauds*
Jac: I think this season needs a reunion.
Kathy: Jac I agree. This season definitely needs a reunion. I’ll have to tell Christina!
Tre: We don’t need a reunion! *laughs* We’ve done the best we can with this season given the circumstances to a certain network being discontinued, no shade.
Jac: Let’s move on to a game!!
Kathy: What game do you got for us Jac?
Jac: *claps* Okay ladies well I’ve been thinking about this game for quite some time and it’s a really unique one. I don’t think it’s ever been played before. It’s called *a drumroll plays* Who Said That?! I’m going to present you ladies with some shady remarks made on the most recent seasons of Family Hustle and Beverly Beach and you guys guess who said it!
Tre: Jacqueline you’ve said a lot of things throughout the years. *laughs*
Kathy: I love the idea of this!
Jac: First up from Beverly Beach!

Tyler: Yvonne?
Tre: That sounds like something Miss Yvonne would say!
Kathy: I’m going to guess my good girlfriend Yvonne!!
Draya: Yvonne!
Taylor: I also think Yvonne!
*Jac pulls a buzzer out from behind the couch and hits it*
Jac: WRONG! It was Lorelei Sullivan.
Tre: Not Lorelei said that!
Jac: Yes my big booty friend Lorelei Sullivan!
Kathy: Omg what the heck. I really thought it was Yvonne! *laughs*
Jac: Now onto Family Hustle!

*The audience yells in unison with Jac*
Tre: Christina said that because she said it to me. *laughs*
Tyler: Ohh ohhh that’s Christina!
Taylor: Well we know who it wasn’t since they haven’t been there all season… *looks towards camera*
Kathy: That’s definitely Christina, with her shady self!
Jac: Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner!! Tre you win ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!! Next up, we’re back over at the Beach!

Tre: Sheridan? *laughs*
Taylor: Was that Bree Bailey and her bush?
Tyler: I’m going to guess Mona, just for you Jac.
Draya: Monse.
Kathy: Maybe Yvonne! I don’t know. *shrugs*
*Jac slams the buzzer*
Jac: ABSOLUTELY NOT! It’s my season 7 newbie sister, Victoria Franklin!! You all owe me $25!
Tyler: I hope a PA takes that thing back after this segment. *rubs her temples*
Jac: Now let’s see the next one! This was said by a Family Hustler!

Tyler: That’s the star of the show, miss Spice!
Kathy: I’m going to say Mike! Isn’t that his name?
Tre: Don’t do my man bitch! *glares at Kathy*
Taylor: I’m going to say it was KT. Is that his name? Hell that messy slutty boy!
Tre: He’s not messy…nor is he slutty TT. Look in the mirror.
Jac: DING DING DING!!! Tyler you are correct!!! You win a 1 year’s supply of condoms as we all know you need it!! *the audience erupts in applause*
Tyler: At least one of us is getting laid, I’ll take it!
Kathy: At least someone around here is having some sex! *looks at the other ladies*
Jac: Tyler loves sex! The Queen of the 8P!
Tre: *whispers to Jac* A rude heifer she is…
Taylor: What was that Trecina? *rolls eyes* Anyways!
Tre: I said a rude heifer you are…
Taylor: That’s your cousin or whatever. *smiles*
Jac: Now we’re back in the Beach with our second to last Who Said That question!

Tre: Well it’s not Sheridan.. I think that’s Bree or Monsé.
Kathy: Maybe that’s Mona!
Taylor: I think it may be Yvonne!
Tyler: Love that Grace takes out everyone at this panel but you Jackie. But I’m going to say this is Mona too.
Draya: Grace has me blocked so I fast forward when she’s on! Sounds like it’s about her! Stupid!
Jac: DING DING DING!!! TT, for the first time in your life you’ve WON SOMETHING! It was in fact Yvonne! You win a day with a stylist! I know we’re all grateful for that!
Taylor: Love that for me.
Tre: She always wins a toy in her Happy Meal…
Jac: Finally ladies, whoever gets this right will win something big! Something amazing! Something spectacular!
Tyler: *whispers to TT* It’s a list of all the work she’s had done.

Jac: Here’s the clip!
Taylor: Courtney and her curry!
Tyler: Yes, that’s Courtney for sure.
Kathy: That’s definitely Courtney! I wonder if she still feels that way! *laughs*
Tre: Yes that’s Courtney. *laughs*
Taylor: *stands up and does a twirl* The Queen!
Kathy: *claps for TT* You better twirl!!
Jac: TT you win a lunch date with me!!! *Jac turns to the camera* Please know that all prizes are not redeemable. *turns back* Thank you ladies for playing, “WHO SAID THAT?!”
Kathy: Jac we will have to let you start doing the games more often. You are so full of life!
Tyler: Full of something!
Jac: Oh thank you sweetheart! I love games!
Tre: Sometimes she’s full of shit and sometimes she’s full of sunshine!
Taylor: Well ladies it’s been a fun show today! Draya, we want to say thank you for joining us and speaking from an authentic place! It’s hard for some of these girls in roleplay! *giggles*
*The audience roars with applause*
Tyler: *claps* Yesss! Thank you Draya!
Jac: *claps and gets up and gives Draya a hug and whispers to her* Thank you for coming on. I know I was hard on you girlie.
Kathy: Draya, thank you again! You talked on some real tough stuff, but we appreciate it. This was a definitely an interesting episode!
Draya: Thank you ladies for having me! I know we have different opinions but that’s what makes this show good. I hope I get invited back to stir the pot! *blows kiss* Love all of you!
Taylor: See you next week where we will be joined by the lovely Christina Phillips who will be stopping by for a reunion with Kathy and Elle ready to spill all the tea on Baller Wives and Family Tustle!
Tune in next week as we interview THEE Christina J. Phillips on Reality of Roleplay! Christina is a Former Reality of Roleplay panelist, Family Hustle star and producer as well as Baller Wives producer. We’re getting ALL the tea, and a whole lot of shade from Christina next week!