Season 3: Episode 5; Exclusive Interview with Grace Whitworth!

*Kathy is seen shuffling her cue cards*
Kathy: Audience this will be a good episode, let the lord watch over me though. Amen!
Tyler: * waves at the audience and sits down on the couch next to Kathy* And the Lord said Amen girl. *laughs*
*The rest of the ladies come out on stage*
*Elle’s MU and hairstylist are shown doing final touches before she shoos them away*
Elle: Welcome back to another episode of Reality of Roleplay! I’m your co-host Elle Stonewood and as you can all see Tre is on vacation this week! We’re sending her our best although I do want to ask Taylor, you and her seemed to be in a bit of a Twitter fight a few days ago, what can you say about that!?
Taylor: Damn Elle, you dove right in
Elle: I did *laughs*
Kathy: *laughs* she sure did TT! Are you the reason Tre, took a Vacay out of Twitter?
Taylor: Trecina has been a nuclear *bleep* to me backstage and on Twitter all because I’ve held her and her cast-mates accountable to showing their real lives. I will get into what I revealed about Trecina later on in the show! *winks*
Jac: Trecina is a queen, and I can’t wait for her to return from Idaho where she’s currently vacationing... Plus who amongst us hasn’t threatened to beat up their sister? I threaten to put Tyler in a nursing home on the daily!

Elle: I haven’t heard any of the team say she’s said anything to you out of code of conduct rules so we’ll take that claim slimly.
Taylor: She and that musty rat Courtknees have both threatened me the last couple of days!
Elle: Moving on! *smiles* How has everyone else’s week been? Jac we saw you getting lunch with Mona Quinn and Monsé, did you hear from Sheridan about that?
Jac: I didn’t! I know that TT made it a much bigger deal than it actually was. It was just a lunch between 3 girlfriends. I haven’t survived this long in society but picking sides and being petty. I can be friends with all the girls, I am I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T.
Tyler: The question is will all the girls be friends with you. *sips*
Taylor: I’m sure Sheridan felt some type of way…the things she tells me in the DM’s…no way she wasn’t annoyed by you prancing around with her enemies.
Kathy: Jac are you guys starting back filming? Is that why you guys met for lunch?
Jac: I can say that filming is starting sooner than you think. You always know we’re about to start filming when the girls get a little tune up *pulls side of face*
*Kathy, Tyler and Taylor all look at each other and laugh*
Tyler: Oh, that’s why her face hasn’t moved today!
Kathy: I did think she looked a little different today!
Elle: Well on that note I think it’s time we introduce our guest! Jacqueline, take us away and introduce your friend!
Jac: I think it’s time to introduce our guest for today’s episode. What do you think? *turns to the audience who cheers then looks back at the camera* Today, we’re joined by one of my former costars who starred in the inaugural season of Legends of Twitter, a current cast member and employee of our dear cohost Tyler Newman, the co-founder of a champagne business with the currently incarcerated Luciana Donatella and the host the critically acclaimed podcast Goodness Gracious which has released a whole one episode, GRACE WHITWORTH!!! Come on out Gracie!!

Grace: *walks out dancing and waving* hello hi hi hi!! Hello ladies! Wow, you all look so gorgeous! And what an introduction, thank you Jac dear.
Elle: You look gorgeous Grace!! Thank you for joining us I love this orange!
Taylor: Looking the same age as Jac! Flawless girl!
Tyler: Dare I say you look younger, Grace…
Kathy: You look stunning, Grace. We are glad you could make it with your busy schedule!
Grace: Well, thank you so much for taking the time girls so I could be here. Really pleased to be here!
Elle: Really happy to have you how have you been as of late Grace?!
Grace: I’m doing really well, thank you. It’s been a nice time in between seasons for Ladies and I’m glad to be back for a fourth season. My podcast has had its launch with some more guests coming soon too!
Kathy: Well, I want to jump right in! Last we saw you; our friend Luci was going to jail. Have you spoken to her?
Grace: And we’ll yes, my best friend is going to prison so there’s that too. I haven’t spoken to her no, not since a few days after the reunion. I will not be seeing Luci anytime soon, for what she’s done to me, and our business. It’s unforgivable.
Elle: So sad to hear about Luci, hope she had a grand going away party.
Taylor: Grace, can you tease some of your upcoming guests for us?!
Grace: Well of course! I’ve had Jac as my first guest, and I’ve got Alexis Benton as my next guest! More will be coming soon!
Taylor: *looks into the camera* Alexis Benton…exciting…yeah.
Grace: So, goodness gracious is really the sequel to my New York Times bestseller Give Me Grace! I wanted to talk to people about their roleplay experiences, in a new and different way. I’m a busy person, so it suits me best! I'm having fun with it! The guests are GUESTING!!! I’ll say that. It’s a podcast to have fun, talk about what you’re up to and tell the world what makes you clutch your pearls and say goodness gracious!
Tyler: Glad to hear Alexis took the time to do an interview for your podcast. *smiles* Will any of your LoT costars be stopping by for an interview? We’ve seen you have tense relationships with many people on Ladies, but your podcast seems to be all about everyone’s experiences.
Grace: Yes Tyler, thank you for your question! I’ve got some of the girls coming on, from before my time and then also whilst I’ve been there! Harlow is my next interview! She’s great.
Taylor: Alexis No showed our interview with her! Love that Harlow!
Tyler: I love Harlow, she has such a fun spirit about her. *smiles*
Kathy: Something I like about Harlow. I can’t put my finger on it though.
Grace: And she’s back next season for ladies, which I’m so happy about she’s great! A diamond in the rough!
Jac: I love that! Well speaking of the podcast, you recently caused quite a stir online during your interview with me where you made comments about the lack of diversity amongst the panel here at RoR. If it were up to you, who of the panel would you replace and who would you add to *uses quotation marks* diversify the cast?
Grace: Oh well I know the podcast upset a few of you girls! Which wasn’t the intention, at all. My main question to you Jac was focused on bringing all voices in from all aspects of life. I never said it doesn’t have it now, and I wouldn’t remove anyone from this show, it’s brilliant! I just was concerned that all voices may not be heard!

Jac: *nods* okay, I can accept that backpedal
Grace: You agreed with me Jac so, there we have it. It wasn’t about firing anyone haha!! Go and check the pod out again people *winks*
Jac: I think I understood what you were saying but I also want to preface by letting the viewing audience know that I was under the impression I was sitting down with a friend for a fun girl chat not a 20/20 interview with Barbara Walters *laughs*
Grace: Goodness Gracious is all about biting the bullet, getting right to it, telling the truth!
Tyler: Well, TT and I fill up this couch along with Ozempic Kath. *laughs* I guess if we aren’t firing, the new hires can sit on that couch.
Kathy: So my question to you is Grace, is how is Goodness Gracious different from Reality of Roleplay. We also talk to people about their experiences, expose the reality of situations and so on.
Grace: It’s very different! The format, the medium, the content. You’ve got this big beautiful studio, I tape my podcast in my office! My podcast is more direct I would say!
Elle: Moving along, leaving season 15 we saw you on the outs with Amal Hadid, your once close friend. What can you say about the status of that relationship?
Grace: Yeah, that’s a tricky one! I have to say I was very upset with Amal. She tried to manipulate things behind the scenes to kind of get back onto the show last season, after deciding not to return. So I was confused and sort of used as a mouthpiece for her and then I realised what I had done, and you’ll have to see what happens on the next season I guess! My relationships with a few of the cast members has changed.
Taylor: I saw Amal looks like Calista “Big Bank” Banks now!
Grace: She looks better than Calista I have to say.
Kathy: Who are you looking forward to seeing again next season, and who are you dreading seeing again Grace?
Grace: I’m excited to hopefully see Billie again, we’ve spent a lot of time together. I’m not sure where I am with Devyn, but I think a lot of us feel that way.
Kathy: I cant wait to see you all back in action! I might need to come back on there and play!
Taylor: *jots down note and whispers to Tyler* I see Grace, Harlow, and Billie are confirmed. Saving this for my blog.
Tyler: *whispers to TT* You’ll have to put your ear up to the door when she goes to her dressing room girl!
Grace: We start on Sunday! Im excited I’ve got a lot to show this season!
Taylor: So Grace, my next question for you goes back to Legends of Twitter… Tre, Devyn, Brian, Erica, Billie, Luci…rank your legends castmates from most legendary to least legendary! *laughs*
Jac: Umm hello! I as there too bitch!
Grace: Oh yes, my controversial casting! Jac, Tre, Brian, Billie, Devyn, Erica, Luci! I’m most legendary though of course! *laughs*
Tyler: Oooo, not Erica at the bottom! What can you tell us about that relationship? We saw you fight with her in her dressing room.
Grace: She’s like my daughter. Erica was a bit confused and in her head a lot I think. Yes I made mistakes but she wasn’t too kind to me. I’m just looking forward to a new start with her, I hope.
Elle: Grace I have a question, and forgive me.
Taylor: Elle please do not ask why you weren’t casted! *giggles*
Elle: Do you potentially see that you have.. let’s call it a slight issue. With taking accountability towards the way that how you handle situations affects your personal relationships with your friends.
Jac: Great question Elle.
Grace: I’ve certainly had my fair share of this conversation on the show.
Tyler: Well then the answer should be easy so do tell!
Jac: Even your boss wants to know!
Grace: I think yes I do, but i also won’t beg for a friendship. I don’t take any shit in business and I don’t do it with my friends. Like you and Kathy know, filming is intense and fast, and it’s genuine. I’m in therapy more though and trying to listen more. I think last season was hard for me because I think a lot of us found it hard to just own it.
Elle: Thank you for that. *smiles*
Kathy: Tyler working with Grace all these seasons. Do you think Grace has improved over the years?
Tyler: *looks at Kathy and chuckles* What is that game Andy Cohen plays? *laughs*
Kathy: Plead the fifth? *laughs*
Grace: Oh come on these two were worse than me. *nudges Kathy and Elle*
Tyler: BINGO! *laughs* In all seriousness though, Grace is a fascinating Lady and she always brings something interesting to the table. *smiles*
Jac: Well Gracie, I want to take a little pivot and talk about your love life!!
*The audience oohhs*
Jac: So recently you were seen out with a mystery man locking lips and my dear friends at the Daily Mail shared the images with us!

Taylor: *gasps* GRACE!!
Grace: Oh that’s just my brother!
Jac: Say what now?
Elle: I’m sorry, you’re WHO?
Kathy: We aren’t in Arkansas.
Grace: *smirks* I mean I don’t have a brother haha, he’s just a guy I’ve been dating recently, nothing major ladies! I’ve got a few bachelors on the go at the moment!
Taylor: Oh my goodness! Grace Whitworth is active in the sheets and the streets ladies and gentlemen!
*audience ooos*
Jac: Oh phew! *takes a big sigh* I thought there was incest going on in the Whitworth household.
Kathy: You’ve always had a roster Grace! I just thought when I got this image from Daily Mail this was the one!
Grace: After my divorce I took time off from dating so now I’m just have fun! It’s a great time to be single in Twitter!
Taylor: Grace, I did get a DM that you were also spotted with this man! *she points to the screen*

Jac: Oh my restauranteur friend LuPeter!
Taylor: Are you playing the field girlie?
Grace: I don’t know that man. *looks confused*
Taylor: *laughs* Sure Grace! Remember I have sources everywhere mama!
Grace: Umm okay.
Elle: Moving along!
Kathy: Last question for you Grace! If you could build your dream ladies of twitter cast with old and new ladies who would it be?
Grace: Oh what a great question!!
Jac: And you can’t cast 6 Jacqueline’s! I know that’s what the people want but we can’t do that!
Tyler: Nobody asked for that.
Grace: I would do… me of course, Jac, Tre, Erica, Harlow, Joshuaa, Billie and Brian! A nice mix of old and new.
Jac: I love that cast. No Tyler anywhere to found! Sounds like a dream.
Tyler: Please, I wish somebody would pay you and get you off this show and back on that one. *laughs*
Taylor: Who’s new? *laughs*
Grace: Ask your sources hun! *winks*
Kathy: Erica and Harlow are the newer girls.
Taylor: Erica has had multiple seasons under her belt at this point…more than some on that list.
Taylor: Tyler do you not think Jac makes good money over at Beverly Beach? Is that why she’s here? *laughs*
Tyler: I think Jac just needs money, TT. *laughs*
Kathy: Well Grace thanks for answering all of our burning questions! I think Elle has a fun game for us!
Elle: Tonight we’ll be playing..
*A drumroll plays*
Elle: WHOO SAID IT!? I’ll repeat Ladies quotes and everyone has to guess WHO SAID IT!
Grace: I’ve got to call Spain in 20! Cute!

Elle: Starting off! Who said this?!
Tyler: Erica!
Grace: Erica!
Kathy: Erica!
Taylor: Her!

Elle: Next we have.. WHO SAID THIS?
Grace: Ummmmm me? *laughs*
Taylor: Sounds like something you’d say Grace.
Tyler: Grace.
Grace: It does sound like old me.

Elle: Next we have.. WHO SAID THIS?!
Grace: Billie?
Taylor: It sounds like 1 of my faves! Billie or Teairra my faves!
Tyler: Billie!?
Kathy: That was that wack job Billie!

Elle: Next up.. WHO SAID THAT?!
Taylor: Teairra! Love her!
Tyler: Wow TT, I agree! *laughs*
Kathy: Teairra is cute and fresh!

Elle: Last up, WHOOO SAID IT!?
Taylor: Someone smart!
Tyler: Hmm, this one is hard. Luciana?
Taylor: *throws a paper ball at Jac* Hello! Pay attention and play the game and stop being a cry baby mute bitch!
Kathy: I’m clueless on who said that!
Elle: It wasss Luci! Thanks so much for playing with me guys, but now Taylor it’s time to…. SPILL THAT TEA!
Taylor: Tonight’s tea spill is covering our absent co-host Trecina Spice-Slovain…
Kathy: Now you know Tre is going to come for you, so be careful. *laughs*

Taylor: Last night I revealed on my blog that her illegitimate son has reached out to me for an exclusive interview. He has dropped some bombshells on Tre and it’s hard for me to look at her the same…I want you girls to keep an eye on my blog as I will release the interview soon!
Elle: *to the camera crew* DOWN! NOOWWWW!
*The cameras go dark and you can only hear the women speaking, this is the audio recorded*
Elle: TAYLOR! We can’t put this in the episode it’s slandering a co-host.
Taylor: It’s tea! It’s tea! It’s part of my segment ELLEN!!!! Do not police my segment!!! We are going to have a problem ELLEN!!
*Sources said Taylor looked quote “Unhinged, ready to dive across the table” Elle ran into her dressing room screaming*
Taylor: I stay ready so I don’t have to get ready. Until next time ladies!
An hour after taping the episode of Reality of Roleplay on Thursday evening. It was reported that Tre Spice-Slovain had missed filming due to falling out with co-panelist Taylor Thompson.

Tre responds with the following

*The cameras transition to Kathy and Elle in their dressing rooms*
Kathy: Did you see the tweets between Draya, TT, and Tre? Tre was riled up on Twitter last night.
Elle: I know I was shocked at what the blogs were saying about Tre! She handled herself really well!
Kathy: Well, you and I know the truth… She had this vacation planned way prior to us starting this season.