Season 3: Episode 6; Exclusive Interview With Courtney Porter!

*Cameras and audio are shown recording by the dressing rooms*
Tre: Don’t be trying to butter me up hunni cause Courtknee here!
*Jac is seen closing the door dramatically to her dressing room after hearing Tre screaming down the halls*
Jac: I can’t. This is a big day for me. *she gets final touch ups*
*Courtney is shown in her dressing room dancing to Party by Beyoncé*
*We then see Tre walking happily down the halls*
Tre: Hello! Hello! I’m ready for my touch-up! Today shall be very pleasant.
*The lights fade as the camera picks up and we see the girls entering the stage the audience roars for each of them*
Kathy: Audience this is going to be a great episode. I hope y’all are ready for this!
Tre: Aww you guys are very sweet. Love you all! *blows kisses*
*Tyler’s shown waving taking her seat*
Jac: I know! I know! You’re all starstruck but it’s just me! The girl next door, Jacqueline. *laughs and waves*
Tre: Hello ladies! Jac, they aren’t clapping for you love. They’re clapping for me, the moment! *smiles*
Kathy: After the craziness on the timeline this last week, we are in for another episode of Reality of Roleplay… ladies I can’t wait to dive right in as we are missing a panelist but first we have to give a belated birthday celebration to Tyler! *stands up and watches cameraman bring out a cake* Let’s all sing, Happy Birthday to youuu!
*The cast sing in unison but Jac’s pitch overpowers the panelists..*
Tre: Happy belated Birthday Tyler Newman former Scott!! Aside from myself, you are the youngest and best looking woman on this panel!!
Tyler: Awww thank you girls! *blows out the candles* I see you counted correctly, twenty-one! *laughs* I’m so happy to be here with you all, I wish our sister TT was here to celebrate. But I’m so glad to be here with most of you all. *looks at Jac*
Jac: Twenty-one?! *to the audience* She means one hundred and twenty one!
Kathy: Tyler what did you do for your birthday? It looked like Twitter showed you some love!
Tyler: I certainly got lots of love from the Tweeters, which was amazing! Haggard Jac included. *giggles* My lovely husband cooked me dinner and we celebrated with my youngest! The glamorous life. *laughs* But it was amazing!
Jac: I’m so glad you received love this year. *smiles at Tyler*
Tyler: I know, maybe you’ll get it next year! *smiles* Certainly don’t need another Botox birthday miss.
Tre: I’m glad you had a lovely birthday Tyler. *blows air kiss*
Kathy: Oh, I love that for you Tyler! Now moving onto Twitters talk of the town… and no it’s not you Jac! *looks to Tre* You’ve been in the blogs lately Miss Tre.
Tre: Yes. Fortunately, unfortunately, but that’s life right? I definitely did not expect my absence to cause such a stir but if I may have the floor for a second please.
Kathy: The floor is yours!
*Audience looks puzzled and oooosss*
Tre: *turns to Jac* Firstly, I was very disappointed that you would participate in spreading negative information by saying I was in Idaho. I’ve never been to Idaho in a day in my life nor have I ever been “Da ho.” So this is your warning Mrs. Carter-Van de Walde.
Tyler: *cackles* That’s not what I expected.
Kathy: I’m next, oh god!
Tre: In regards to the main issue, if individuals feel the need to use my likeness and name to give themselves some views, let them. I know my truth and for viewers who have followed my journey know I’m one-hundred percent transparent and that’s producers seek me out. I offer what others lack and that’s why I’m such a hot topic.That’s all. *smiles*
*The audience looks shocked*
Kathy: Well alrighty then Miss Spice.
Jac: *to Kathy* Do we get the opportunity to resp-
Tre: *to Kathy before Jac finishes* No they do not. This isn’t about Jacqueline.
Kathy: Jac yes respond.
Tre: She was out for a week and no one talked about her. Let’s move on. This isn’t Jacqueline’s segment.
Jac: *looks shocked* I genuinely thought you were in Idaho on vacation. Idaho is an absolutely beautiful place. I’ve vacationed there before *turns to the camera* shout out to my Idaho watchers. Jacqueline loves you! Tre, I want to know if there was any truth to the Wall Street Journal article that said you were furious at all of us because of what TT was alleging about your illegitimate child. Is there an illegitimate child out there? Are you furious at us? Did you speak with the Wall Street Journal?
Tre: *turns to Jac* You might need to address nonsense to put food on your table but I do not. I will not be addressing false truths and horrible fan-fiction. And when did you become a journalist? Do you have the credentials to be asking me questions? This case is now closed. Kathy, take it away hunni!
Jac: None of us here are journalists yet we interview guests weekly…I’ll match my credentials to yours any day of the week ma dahling.
Kathy: Okay, okay, ladies!! I think our guest is eager to come out here and be with us! Everyone welcome my sister, Courtney Porter, the Family Hustler, and OG Doll! Everyone welcome HER!
*The audience applauds as Courtney walks out dancing*

Courtney: Hello! Hello! *she sits*
Tre: Yes baby she is indeed a hustler! *claps for Courtney*
Tyler: *claps* Welcome Courtney!
Tre: I think Tyler wants you to sit on Kathy’s lap… I think the audience does too? You want to see the sugar baby sit on her sugar momma’s lap? *laughs as the audience claps*
Tyler: *squints* I want what? *laughs* This is a daytime talk show Tre Tre.
Courtney: I will! *playfully sits in Kathy’s lap* I’m just joking. *sits in correct seat* you all look lovely.
Jac: As do you Courtney!! How does it feel seeing your costar Tre in this setting?
Courtney: Well.. she’s very beautiful. Eccentric.
Tre: *to Jac* She’s seething but she’s going to pretend like she’s okay.
Courtney: We’re not doing that today baby.
Kathy: Courtney glad you’re here with us!
Courtney: I’m glad to be here. I hate TT couldn’t be here. I had a lot to discuss with her.
Tyler: Yes, yes, we all miss TT.
Tre: *mumbles* You probably wouldn’t have the room to discuss…
Kathy: Yes, TT was devastated she couldn’t make it!
Courtney: I wouldn’t say miss. Maybe like a missed opportunity.
Jac: Well Courtney, Family Hustle just aired its 3rd season finale *audience claps* but the drama appears to have heated up online with accusations from your former producer that the cast were unwilling to discuss Frankie’s absence this season. Can you shed some light on what’s been going BTS and do you think you’ll all be back for another season?
Courtney: Well,If you watch the show, I actually did address Frankie about her absence. I was called over dramatic though. By Trè and my cousin, Chrissy. I’ll just say this, sometimes Courtney says the truth, they just don’t like it because it’s me.
Tyler: Lots to talk about with this season of Family Hustle and the finale, but I want to start off with a hot topic of the season, Frankie’s arrest. She discussed it last week…sorta, on the show. What did we all think of that?
Courtney: And to your point, Tyler, I think that my sister is hurting. And she’s going through a tough time. She’s closing a office, dealing with leeches and everything else. It’s a lot. Her arrest was icing on the cake.
Tre: *to Tyler* You know, I think we were all shocked when she admitted that she was in jail. I was a bit confused because I didn’t know you could get arrested on your own property? Then she had mentioned she was seeing someone so it was a lot of holes there. I wonder if it was with a man or a woman. She attracts both sexes…
Tyler: I can creating appreciate going through a hard time, I just found her story more confusing than anything. I get that life has lows, I just still felt like there were more questions.
Kathy: For me, it’s all blurry… I think like what Tyler said there’s too many holes in her story for me to add it up.
Jac: *to Courtney* Do you have any insight on the status of Frankie’s pending legal cases?
Courtney: Well thank God we have a season four coming! *laughs and drinks martini* Maybe she’ll talk about it there.
Tyler: So, do you think Frankie will return? We saw yourself and Tre carry much of the story this season.
Tre: Thank you so much for giving me my flowers Tyler. *laughs*
Courtney: I will say this, you guys have supported Trè and I so much!! I truly appreciate that. Frankie is absolutely engraved into this show. So it’s totally up to her if she comes back or leave. I know my girl won’t leave me though. Even though she says she has power to control if Trè comes back. *laughs*
Kathy: How do you feel about Christina stepping down from her role as producer, Courtney? After all that is your cousin!
Tre: They’re only cousins for the show let’s be honest. They don’t interact like that outside of filming unless Christina calls to check on the girls.
Courtney: We are actual cousins. Don’t listen to Casanova. I was heartbroken. Christina was the one who kept us together and in order *laughs* so it’s definitely a change.
Tre: Yes they are actual blood cousins but that doesn’t change the fact that they have a non-existent relationship!
Courtney: Whatever girl. You’ll keep up a lie to sell anything. Anytime you’re interacting with your siblings, they’re digging into your ass.
Tre: *laughs* You see how she gets when I tell the truth. And she slept with one of them…

Kathy: Is Mama Graham still being a Royal pain in your ass?
Courtney: Mama Graham is a pain in everyone’s ass. I just ignore her old ass.
Tyler: Speaking of Tre’s siblings, another hot topic in Family Hustle’s finale was discussion of Ryan and his role as Diggy’s father. Do we think that Ryan could and should do more?
Tre: Most definitely Ryan can do better than what he’s doing. I honestly feel he’s been going through an early mid-life crisis since he’s moved to Twitter. I don’t understand how a father, let alone a parent, unless your Miss Kathy, would be absentee.
Courtney: Ryan need to sit in someone’s counseling session. Lay his head on a pillow and let it all out. I can’t stand seeing him in this place in life. It’s overwhelming.
Jac: *raises eyebrows* These questions are Courtney, right? Not Tre?
Tre: Tyler said “we” Jaqueline, meaning everyone can contribute to the conversation.
Jac: Oh I just assumed that the question was for Courtney given that she’s the guest but go off girl. Answer away.
Tre: Now Courtney, tell us about your engagement to Mr. Calvin Harris. Were you shocked that he proposed to you?
Courtney: Shocked as hell! Calvin is a real laid back guy. So him doing that on camera is shocking in itself. But to see all of the forethought… it’s just amazing. I’m not going to cry.
Jac: *mouths to Tyler* Calvin Harris the DJ?
Kathy: I’m excited for you Courtney. You got that glow to you!
Courtney: Leaving a marriage that didn’t end well and seeing true and real love- everyday… it’s so amazing. *wipes tears* I’m sorry y’all.
Tre: You know I’m very happy for you Courtney as I feel Calvin is a good guy but this is my job and I must ask this follow question. Was there ever any overlap between all three men, Elijah, KP, and Calvin? We know there was some with Elijah and KP but was Dr. Calvin on the side side? You know you weren’t even divorced from Elijah for 6 months yet before you got engaged and I think the people want to know.
Courtney: Yes we have. Last year I was fighting for my children. I met Calvin around that time.
Tre: So a non-answer answer. Got it. *laughs*
Courtney: KP happened 2 years ago. Let’s let that sneaky link go! *to audience* Do y’all agree?
Jac: Is KP the brother who purchased you the “Love, Stonewood” shoes Tre or was that Ryan?
Tre: No that was Ryan!
Courtney: Ryan oftentimes purchase things for them I hear.
Tre: Ryan was helping her move because she didn’t have the funds to hire movers…
Courtney: You right. A bitch was going through a divorce, custody battle and moving. If you’re not frugal in tough times, you’re stupid.
Tre: Some of us here has gone through a divorce. You weren’t the first and won’t be the last.
Kathy: So before we go into our game! I want to know when is Season 4 going to start filming?
Courtney: Yes! So we are literally just starting back. So there’s really not much.
Tre: So ladies, today’s game will be Friend or Foe where I’ll give Courtknee a name and we’ll see if she would add them to the family or if they would be a foe. Is that easy to follow Courtknee or do I need to dumb it down?
Tyler: Oooo, this is fun!
Courtney: Well depending on how well you control that thick tongue, we might be okay.
Jac: *claps* Yay a game!
Tre: And Imma be quick with it. Courtney need to catch it like she was catching my brother KP in Miami down in the 305! You ready? Let’s start with the devil we heard over the intercom. Taylor “Double D” Thompson. Family or Foe?

Tyler: For Miss Courtney, I think that’s an easy foe. *laughs*
Courtney: Well one thing about family, we don’t air lies and dirty secrets about each other- foe.
Jac: *covers mouth with card* Oh shit.
Tre: Alright. What about Mrs. Laklyn Moore from The Real Housewives of Houston?

Courtney: I don’t really know her,but she seems so fashionable and fun. We need more of that in the family. Since Trè comes to the airport with a party city wig and a roses dress. So family.
Tre: Oh girl…
Jac: No Tre’s hair isn’t from party city. It’s from a horse.
Courtney: Well wherever it’s from, it was synthetic as hell.
Tyler: Just burn it whatever it is. *laughs*
Tre: Let’s see about Ms. Mona Quinn who seemingly posted to Twitter today after 6 months of inactivity…

Courtney: Ehhh she’s cute. But I don’t think she’d fit in our family. So I’d say family foe. *laughs* Kinda like a family friend but she’ll be the foe.
Jac: Not my sissy Mona Quinn.
Tyler: Poof, she’s back and confirmed it seems. *sips from my cup* Interested to see how things are addressed.
Tre: Alright who else do I have. *shuffles* What about Riley from Baller Wives Twitter?

Courtney: Riley is welcome. I think she’d do good in Ryan’s shop.
Tre: Good doing what cause you know I’m the COO…
Jac: FAMILY! I love Riley! She has the IT factor or as they call it in the biz The Jac Factor.
Tyler: She certainly has a mouth like yours from what I’ve seen, Jac. *laughs*
Tre: Yes Jac has a big mouth but it’s not intended for the purposes it should serve…
Tre: And finally, what about the infamous Mama Graham? Family or Foe. Remember, she could be watching… She loves her daytime.
Courtney: FOE!! She needs to exiled. Put into an insane asylum and locked away.
Kathy: Courtney, thanks for coming on and joining us for this episode!! I always love seeing you beautiful! Are we going to brunch after this? *laughs* I kid Tre!
Tyler: *laughs and turns to the camera* That’s all for this episode of Reality of Roleplay! You’ll have to tune in next week if you want to see more of Kathy’s drinking, Tre’s shade, Elle’s humor, Jac’s big mouth, TT’s tea, and my star power. We’ll see you then!
Tune in next week for Reality of Roleplay’s season finale! It’s a full panel, and even more full of the latest drama!