Season 3: Episode 7; Bye for Now!

Reality Of Roleplay
16 min readJul 21, 2023


L-R: Tre Spice, Jac Carter, Elle Stonewood, Tyler Newman, Taylor Thompson, Kathy Irvine

*Kathy is seen getting her hair and make-up touched up in her dressing room*

Kathy: Wow I can’t believe this is the last show! It feels so bittersweet.

*Taylor is seen at catering backstage eating a sausage link*

Taylor: Last episode of the season, and I’m back babe! Trecina can’t keep me off the show for too long. *winks*

*Tre is shown speaking backstage with a producer*

Tre: Of course, I can always be professional. If she gets out of line, please find an alternative. Thank you. *walks out on set and waves*

Jac: *walks out onto the set waving at the screaming audience* Hello Hello Hello!!

*Tyler is seen walking out on-stage waving to the audience, and taking her seat while winking at Jac*

Taylor: *walks in waving to howls and applause* Hey babies I’m back!

Kathy: *walks out and takes a seat* Hey ladies! Wow, we’ve got a full audience tonight! Is that Mona Quinn, Grace Whitworth, and Alexis Benton back there in the nosebleeds? *squints and looks* IM KIDDING!

Jac: Hi Tre. *smiles at Tre*

Tre: *flips her hair* Hello.

Jac: *speaking to Kathy* Are we still waiting for Elle?

Kathy: Yes, she’s had a wardrobe malfunction!

Jac: That girl and her fashions. *laughs*

Tyler: *mouths to a PA* Order me Dominos while we wait.

*Taylor waves to Tre*

Tre: *smiles at Taylor* Hey Triple D boo!

*Elle is shown running out on stage to raging applause*

Elle: So sorry! I’m here! *takes her seat*

Jac: Hello and welcome to the Season 3 Finale of Reality of Roleplay! *Audience applauds furiously* I’m one of your panelists, Jacqueline Carter and today it’s just family! We have Tyler Newman, Taylor Thompson, Trecina Spice, Elle Stonewood and the incomparable Kathy Irvine ready to close out what has been an epic season. Am I right ladies?

Tyler: It’s been an amazing season with all of you girls, I’m excited we’re all together again!

Taylor: It has been a great season with most of you ladies!

Tre: Epic is one way to describe it...

Kathy: This season has been a STELLAR season. I mean never in my wildest dreams did I ever expect this season to blow up the way it did!

Elle: And we’re incredibly grateful for all of you!

Jac: Well girlies, before we get into all the tea and unpack some of the highs and lows of the season, there is one thing I want to address with you all and the viewing audience at home. *Audience oohs* So *Jac takes a deep breath* a lot of people would’ve seen a very cryptic message I posted on my social media last night about knowing when to say goodbye and as much as I’ve loved this experience, it’s with a heavy heart that I announce my departure from Reality of Roleplay. I’ve absolutely loved this experience and really valued the relationships and bonds I’ve formed with my co-hosts and all of you who watch at home but it’s time for me to step aside. I know there has been a lot of speculation about why I’m choosing to leave, and the recent Twitter fight I got into with Tre but my relationship with Tre has nothing to do with my exit. I want to make it clear that I love and adore my sister despite our ups and downs.

Tre sips from her mug

Elle: *begins to tear up* Never thought I’d get so emotional.

Taylor: *looks* Oh well good luck in your future endeavors Jacqueline.

Tyler: You will certainly be missed…by someone. I kid, I kid. Jac knows I love her.

Kathy: Oh Jac, we really gave appreciated everything you have brought to the show this season! You were a comedic relief for all of us at times!

Taylor: See ya later baby love. *waves bye towards Jac*

Jac: Thank you my friends. TT, I know you’ve been posting a whole bunch of stuff about me seeking attention but that definitely isn’t the case. Some of the antics that have been going on behind the scenes really contributed to me wanting to be in a more peaceful place. I found myself losing my temper when at home with my children and it was becoming a little too overwhelming for me, but I want us to go out with a bang and enjoy this final episode.

Taylor: Oh okay, I thought you were leaving now. *laughs* We couldn’t save this for the end of the show?

Tre: Tuhhhh. *chuckles*

Jac: Well thankfully for us, you aren’t the producer of this show, and I cleared the timing of my announcement with the producers *smiles at TT*

Taylor: *claps* Okay what else is going on ladies? Back to the Reality of Roleplay!

Kathy: Yes, moving forward ladies! I want us all in a good place!

Tyler: Then I guess I should’ve ordered more pizza, Kath. *laughs*

Kathy: *laughs* you got enough for me you and TT right, Tyler?

Elle: *mumbles* TT would need her own pizzeria.

Jac: Speaking of getting to a good place, TT and Tre *pauses* have you guys spoken since you were last on the panel together?

Taylor: I think Trecina and I are very hot and cold — when we are good, we are good and when we are not good well, I want to kill the bitch. *smiles*

Tre: Um, we are where we are. I supported Cockies with Barbie. Very cute show. Barbie might be a good replacement for Jac. We need more brunettes on the show.

Taylor: No, Barbie is locked into a multi-year contract with my network *smiles*

Elle: Before we move on, I have a question for Jac!

Jac: Of course, doll! Ask away!

Sesame Street

Elle: Before you go! A friend of Mona Quinn’s on Beverly Beach reached out to me! Her name is Sesame! She said she caught Beau bottoming for another man! What can you say about this?

Jac: *turns to look at the screen and looks shocked* What in the…

Taylor: Was the man Mona’s baby daddy?

The other ladies look in shock at the accusation.

Elle: I have no idea TT! Just what Sesame said!

Jac: Oh really? Well, I don’t know Sesame, but she looks like a very reliable source of information, doesn’t she? *said sarcastically* I’m more curious to find out who did her eyebrows because they’re something. *laughs* But to answer your question, no my husband is not gay. He actually f***** me really well last night!

Elle: I’m so glad! I was so confused when this woman messaged me! I just had to clear it up!

Taylor: Very classy response Jacqueline.

Jac: Well TT, I’m talking about my love life with my husband so I can say what I want.

Tre: Such a shame we never got to see your vows on TV. But you can always reflect on the 3 episodes that did air.

Jac: You know it’s funny you say that. I was thinking the same about your talk show. Didn’t it get canceled because you told a woman who had a miscarriage that she was lying about her pregnancy?

*The audience gasps and the panelists look shocked at the news*

Tre: Oh no it didn’t get canceled for that. That was actually a ratings goldmine.

Jac: A ratings goldmine that the network chose to abandon? That makes sense *looks at the audience with eyes widen*

Tre: Yours got canceled because the content wasn’t engaging enough for human consumption. Sorry hun. People think you’re a little boring despite the narrative you put in your head.

Jac: *scoffs at Tre* You’re hysterical. A hysterical aging talk show host you are.

Elle: Ok girlies let’s move along! I want to go around and.. just reflect on our favorite highs of the season and maybe one low we regret or would like to apologize for! Could be anything about anyone or anything! Whoever would like to start can! *smiles*

Tre: I can start! I think a high for me would actually be interviewing the guests we had on the panel. It’s different when you grill them for a change and you see them in a different element…sometimes. *laughs* I don’t believe I’ve had a low but if I’ve hurt or offended anyone on the panel, I do apologize.

Elle: *smiles* Thank you for that! I love having new guests on it always gives us a chance to see different perspectives!

Kathy: *leans over to Tyler* is she actually apologizing right now?

Tyler: I think so, Kathy. I’ll go next! I would say my high this season would honestly be getting to hang out with you girls once a week, I think you’re all just such fun. We’ve had great guests, but you all have been my favorite part. I haven’t done shit to you bitches. *laughs* So my low will be the interview that never was Alexis Benton. Maybe we’ll interview her one day, after Whitworth is done with her.

Elle: We can hope! She’ll be invited again... eventually!

Taylor: *rolls her eyes* WHO Anyways?! I will go next! For me, I would say just being able to interact with you all ladies, and the love I received from fans and viewers. Before I did Reality of Roleplay people were very rude to me and it’s gotten better since I’ve been on here and I think I add a lot to the panel. My low is the fact that that weird producer who No showed consistently ask me to not bring up their show, effectively meaning we can’t promote them. It’s disappointing, all press is good press dumb bitch. *smiles*

Kathy: I am glad this has been a positive experience for you, you definitely bring a lot to the table, and we are glad to have you!

Elle: *looks at Jac* What might you have to say our gorgeous girl!

Jac: For me, my high would be getting the opportunity to recap shows that I’ve never watched before. Like Family Hustle. I’d only ever watched the first episode of the show that Tre has been a guest on for 3 seasons but since being a part of this panel, I was able to watch it a bit more. Not religiously but you know…more. My low would definitely be where my relationship with Tre has come to. I’ve known Tre for many many many years and for our relationship to be where it is, really saddens me. I hope one day she can take a look in the mirror and take accountability for what she’s done to me as I have but *shrugs* we’ll see *smiles*

Taylor: *laughs* not the guest appearances!

Elle: Well... on that note I’d like to go! My high really has been all of you. You all collectively added something so necessary and spectacular to this show. Each one of you has gifted us with moments, laughs, and memories that I’m never going to forget. I’m so grateful each of you chose to spend even a season just sharing your unfiltered opinions, asking your burning questions, and just revitalizing this show to what Kathy had initially thought of and verbalized. *tears up* My low was missing filming. Knowing I’ll never get all of you together like this again makes me so sad, but I just thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Tre: *walks off stage and grabs Elle a box of tissues* It’s okay hun. Don’t cry.

Kathy: I Guess I’ll end us with mine! My high for this season was probably getting to know you, ladies, more! I mean I’ve learned so much about each one of you that I might’ve never learned about, with the exception of Elle! *laughs* Like Tre is a wordsmith, TT is really a girl's girl not just someone who wants to hang with you for tea, Tyler is really so unserious sometimes, and can let their hair down and have some fun, and lastly Jac you are a hustler. I mean you are always on the go from one job to the next. I hope your shopping addiction can be ok with this pay cut *winks* My low for the season would probably be that fact we didn’t have a longer season. I wish we could’ve covered more shows together but don’t worry because Reality of Roleplay will be back for a fourth season in the fall to cover more of your favorite Roleplay shows and have so many more guests!

Jac: So well said. Both of you *smiles*

Tre: Aww. Kathy said something nice about me. You know I always loved you a little bit, Miss Kathy!

Elle: *smiles* Awh this was so nice this needs to be a new tradition!

Tyler: It only took seven episodes to get us all here! *laughs*

Kathy: Thank you, ladies! This really has been such a special experience for me *wipes tears* Let’s end this season with a game, what do you ladies say? The game we are playing is “Put a Name on it” It is a game where Tyler and I will say a role-player’s name and we all have to say the first word that comes to our mind when we think of them.

Tre: Oh, my Goodness Gracious!

Jac: I love this game!!! Let’s do it.

Tyler: This is going to be fun girls! Are we ready? I’m going to spit out the first name, like Jacqueline in the bedroom.

Taylor: Messy, just like I like it!

Kathy: It’s a good game. Tyler and I were in the dressing room cracking up at the names!

Tyler: First up, we’ve got the one and only, Grace Whitworth!

Grace Whitworth

Taylor: Older

Tre and Elle: Goodness Gracious *both laugh*

Tyler: I’m gonna say… eccentric.

Kathy: Seasoned

Jac: Oh I’d say looks phenomenal for 75.

Taylor: Jac, I think it’s ONE word, you are already flopping!

Kathy: Next up Giovanna from CT Wives

Giovanna Laferriere

Jac: Facelift

Elle: Annoying

Kathy: Spokesperson for Face tune

Tyler: Giovanna? Ladies, you mean me.

Tre: Lips!

Kathy: I didn’t know you had a twin sister Tyler.

Tre: Well, you know this is Tyler’s new face. She was seasoned back then as you would say, Kathy. *laughs*

Jac: A twin? That lady is a good century younger than Ty.

Tyler: They always come out of the woodwork! *laughs* Let’s not talk about OUR old faces Tre doll. Next up from LoT, we have Harlow.

Harlow Laurier

Tre: Chic

Jac: Jeweler

Tyler: I am going to say hilarious.

Kathy: Quirky

Taylor: ICON

Elle: Quiet

Kathy: What about Joi from Baller Wives

Joi Prescott

Elle: Fun! I love me some Joi.

Tre: Bootylicious

Taylor: BIG

Tyler: Beautiful

Kathy: She looks like FUN to me!

Jac: Oh Joi *pauses* umm I’d say lesbian. Because I hear she’s a lesbian now

Tre: Well, she is a lesbian now!

Jac: I am all for GAY RIGHTS!!

Kathy: We are for Gay Rights! Kissing women is fun. Mom please don’t watch this *laughs*

Tre: I wonder if this will play out on Baller Wives Twitter season three coming soon!

Tyler: *laughs* We love the lesbians here! Next up, it’s another Lady lover, KP Spice

KP Spice

Taylor: Slut

Elle: Great tattoos

Tre: Lovable. KP my brother is Lovable *stares at TT*

Kathy: Womanizer

Tyler: Hmmmm I’ll have to say hoe. Sorry, Tre. And I have had my hoe moments too *laughs*

Jac: Oh KP. He’s a sweetheart. I hear all the men in the family have the sweetheart gene! Beau and I have definitely brought other men and women into our bedroom in the past. I wouldn’t be opposed to bringing KP in and being a hoe for the night! *laughs*

Kathy: Next, we have Jac’s BFF Monse from Beverly Beach!

Monse DeRosier

Taylor: Supporting Act

Tyler: Monse? Hmmm…well I’m drawing a blank so maybe we say forgettable?

Tre: Cute! Monse is a very cute girl.

Elle: Every time I look at her, I think to myself I need to work out.

Kathy: Gorgeous

Jac: *claps* Oh Monsy!!! I’m going to say Star. She’s the future of Beverly Beach. I’m telling you guys, she is.

Taylor: Well, we know who Jac is sucking up to this upcoming season girls! Spoiler alert!

Jac: Sucking up to? I think all of my friends are stars and they think the same of me. That’s called support and sisterhood.

Tyler: Next up, we’ve got one I know will have some answers… LoT’s Doctor Devyn King!

Devyn King

Taylor: Umm... Weird

Elle: Devyn? Boring!

Tre: Hmmm… Devyn is actually fun. She knows how to have a good time.

Tyler: I would say talented!

Jac: Oh, the doctor? She’s a diva honey! An absolute gem and a beauty!

Kathy: Charitable

Kathy: Next is my girl from the Family Hustle and last week’s guest, Courtney Porter!

Courtney Porter

Tre: Something

Taylor: Thirsty

Tyler: Fun

Kathy: Fabulous

Jac: I’d say the anchor. She’s the anchor of the hustle show!

Elle: Brunches!

Tre: You girls and your organized brunches hunni!

Kathy: Maybe you’ll get an invite now Tre!

Tre: Hopefully but without Courtney! Just us gals

Jac: Oh, I’m invited to brunch? How fabulous

Tyler: We’ve got just a few more name girls, and don’t hold back. From Beverly Beach and beyond, Mona Quinn!

Mona Quinn

Kathy: Quiet

Taylor: Fraud

Tre: Confused

Elle: Ghosting

Tyler: I’d have to say, Houdini.

Jac: Oh wow. This is going to be tough *tears up and nods* she truly is *pauses and dabs a tear in the corner of my eye* courageous.

*Kathy, Tyler, and TT all look at each other in confusion of Jac’s dramatics*

Tre: *hands Jac a tissue* So many tears today…

Tyler: And yet so many dry tissues…

Kathy: Before for last is the girl who can get twitter in an uproar faster than I can put on my panties and this is Draya Parks!

Draya MFN Parks

Tre: Miss Parks is a go-getter that one!

Tyler: Feisty, but I love you, Draya! No hate do not write an article about me. *laughs*

Jac: Draya is a queen. Queen of the blogs

Kathy: She’s comedy gold!

Taylor: She is very relentless when it comes to what she wants!

*Elle is seen touching up her makeup while the ladies discuss Draya MFN Parks*

Kathy: So, TT what Tea do you got for us, to close out the season?

Taylor: It’s time for our final teatime with TT of the season! *Audience claps* Well today we have 1 cup of tea for the girlies! Rumors are swirling that the upcoming seasons of Ladies of Twitter, Baller Wives, and Real Housewives of Beverly Beach have already surpassed Connecticut Wives in episodes filmed! *Audience gasps* as you all know, Connecticut Wives has been in production hell with an inexperienced and deranged producer running amuck. It last aired in December, marking nearly 8 months since the show aired! What do we think is going on girls?!

Jac: TT, Perfection takes time. That’s what I think. I think my dear friend Alexis is going to bring us one hell of a show!

Taylor: *yawns* is your dear friend having her former boss edit the episodes since she was incapable? That’s what the streets are saying!

Jac: Well, I'm not an editor. I’m usually in front of the camera, so I don’t know about the BTS editing process of these shows.

Kathy: I have high hopes it will air! If it doesn’t air by December, I’ll be worried! But with time we will know that’s what I’ll say!

Tyler: *laughs and shakes my head* I think sometimes productions can be difficult for sure. They have seemed to film for a while so hearing that they are being passed by other shows in a count is…surprising to say the least. But I know I’m hoping they are back on by fall along with all the other shows!

Tre: Yes, we need some content!

Taylor: I hope so too! I hear that the diva cast member turned producer is bullying the newbie, Belen! Hopes and prayers for kindness! *smiles*

Jac: Plus, I believe Ladies of Twitter experienced a 10-month hiatus between seasons after the departure of Amal Hadid. Isn’t that right, Ty? You guys were scrambling BTS to get some good casting in place, right?

Kathy: Well Elle and I also left that season too Jac *laughs*

Jac: Oh yes that’s right. I forgot about that Kath *laughs*

Tre: Yes, the girls needed a break after Season 14!

Tyler: Editing can definitely take some time, but from my experience, that happens once the cameras are down…doesn’t seem like they’re there yet. *laughs at Jac* Not quite. Sometimes you just need a break, both Ladies and the production team. *smiles*

Kathy: Tyler before we close out the season. Anything you can tease about Ladies Sweet SIXTEEN Season?

Tre: And why Amal decided to look like Calista Banks…

Taylor: That still confuses me! I adore Calista even knowing she let one of the karma men hit, I still adore her!

Tyler: *laughs* Oh Kath…I’ll give you girls a little sip. As has been teased, filming for season 16 has kicked off, and let’s just say that some of the friends and enemies you saw during season 15. That might not be the case anymore… things are changing quickly in Twitter girls!

Elle: Oh, okay werk! *snaps*

Kathy: Changing like the tides! That always makes for a great show, can’t wait!

Taylor: That’s awesome Tyler! Can’t wait to meet the girl who bought all those Instagram followers to get cast!! Embarrassing but hilarious!! Reality gold!!

Tre: Maybe she’s a sugar momma to one of the girls?

Kathy: That concludes TT’s Tea segment for this season. Tre you can close us out on this fabulous season!

Tre: And that’s a wrap on Reality of Roleplay Season 3! Until next time ladies and gentlemen! SOME of us will see you this fall! *blows kiss and waves*

*All the ladies stand together as a group posing for Photos and waving at the audience*

WE want to thank all the viewers who tuned in every week for the new episodes of Reality of Roleplay. You all are what makes this show great, and we could not be more grateful for the outpouring of love and support each panelist has received from this Roleplay community. WE can’t wait to get back to work in the FALL to cover all the latest on the shows airing their new seasons. This is a goodbye for now, not forever.

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Reality Of Roleplay
Reality Of Roleplay

Written by Reality Of Roleplay

Daytime Roleplay Show, covering all Roleplay’s trending topics. Panelists: @kathyirvine_ @ElleStonewood @TylerRHofT @TheTeaCupofRP

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