Season 4: Episode 1; Same Reality, New Season, and some New Faces.

*The lights turn on as you see the camera crew and director getting the set ready.*
*Producers count down* we are rolling in 5..4..3..2..1! * Showtime ladies!
Kathy: We are back for our fabulous fourth season of Reality of Roleplay! I’m joined by Taylor Thompson, Tyler Newman and Elle Stonewood! *looks around at the ladies* Ladies, how does it feel to be back in the studio? I have missed you girls so much! It’s been a while since we’ve all been together *smiles*
Tyler: My girls! *laughs and smiles* It’s so good to be back with you three. I’ve missed our little hangouts
Elle: It’s been so long but we’re all back together at last and it feels amazing *glances at Taylor* mostly!

Taylor: *walks out waving and looking 15 pounds lighter* Hello hello!!! She’s here, she’s refreshed, and \she’s lighter!!!
*All the ladies stand up and are in shock of TT’s transformation*
Kathy: Wow TT, they said my makeover was a bombshell but I think you take the cake! You look phenomenal! I have to say it does feel a little weird not having Jac or Tre here anymore! Backstage was quiet today… *laughs*
Tyler: I definitely miss my girl Tre…who else did you say? *laughs* I’m teasing, I miss Mama too. *sees TT and stands to applaud her as the audience chants TT*
Elle: I miss Jac I miss Tre they’re slaying the game right now though!
Taylor: I don’t miss them ladies! One and done squad is one and done!
*Petra McClaire and Christina Phillips are back stage watching the ladies before their grand entrance*
Petra: *squeezes Christina’s hand and whispers* Some of the women on this panel… *looks at Taylor Thompson*
Christina: Oh you have no idea. *laughs*
*Camera pans back to the ladies wrapping up their chat on the couches*
Elle: Ladies should we introduce our first new panelists! She is familar to this scene! Let’s welcome to the stage Christina J Phillips, Executive Producer and CEO of C! Networks!

Christina: She’s back!!
*All the ladies stand and applaud Chrsitina*
Elle: Christina it is good to have you back!
Taylor: Finally someone on the panel who is not afraid to hold back.
Christina: It is so good to be back!
Kathy: *smiles* Christina I am glad you are back! Now I want to introduce the other panelist, it is with great pleasure I welcome our second new panelists this season, Petra McClaire the Executive Producer of Real Housewives of Beverly Beach! She is a force to be reckon with to say the least!

*Petra does a little dance as she comes onto stage*
Petra: I am excited to be on the other side of it, thank you guys for having me!
Tyler: It is so nice to meet you Petra!
Taylor Are we behaving today, Petra? *winks*
Elle: Well this is certainly the most exciting part of the day! I’m so glad you’re here to join us Petra and welcome back beautiful Chrissy! Should we dive into some of these shows?
Petra: I am ready to talk some shit!
Christina: I have something I need to say before we get started… *turns and looks to Tyler on the other couch* And it has to do with this lovely lady Tyler Newman over there!
*All the ladies look in confusion*
Elle: *chokes on champagne* OH?!
Kathy: Wait Tyler actually upset someone? *laughs* this is news worthy! She would not even hurt a fly!
Tyler: Well do tell, Christina.
Petra: Whew! As a wise woman once said, “Is this a Housewives reunion or Reality of Roleplay?” *laughs*
Christina: Well Tyler, I have to be honest. You recently did an interview with Page Six and I heard from a friend that you were upset that I was returning to the show saying that I bring negative energy and combative nature to the show. Why would you say that?

Tyler: *eyes widen* Well I certainly don’t remember saying that, to be honest I’ve always thought you are a fun, shady girl. But after today, maybe I’ll tell your friend that. *laughs* Tell her to give me a ring.
Taylor: *nods* Tyler would never, it was probably Jacqueline Carter!
Christina: *rolls eyes* Okay whatever you say Tyler!
Kathy: Seriously Christina, Tyler would not hurt a fly. Are you sure what you heard was correct?
Christina: Yes Kathy, I know what I heard. Now onto the topics of today you ladies are getting me side-tracked.
Elle: Well on that note… The Baller Wives certainly made a.. lot of fouls on the court this season but they had so much drama going on we didn’t see a lot of courts now did we?
Taylor: A lot of the damn scenes were cut on Baller Wives hell every time I saw a cast member talking on twitter they were saying a scene was cut.
Tyler: Baller Wives certainly did have a big season.
Kathy: I saw that on Twitter that too, TT, I was going to ask Christina about that! Why were the girls saying scenes were cut?
Christina: Like I said when it aired, there was a lot cut. The ladies gave me too much of a good season! There were a lot of moving parts with the network change and shortening the season from 10 to 8 episodes.
Elle: I feel like there were many blowouts that did not make it..
Christina: I wouldn’t say we cut any blowouts but I know Cassie wished to get to know Gwen and that scene was cut…along with half the Tokyo trip.
Petra: I would have loved to see that different side of Cassie.
Christina: You didn’t see her more vulnerable side? We definitely didn’t want to cut that part, she was very open about her struggles which was admirable.
Taylor: It sounds like there was enough good content that would have kept us eating if it stayed 10 episodes
Petra: Hey, its hard being a producer so we just gace to assume that Christina made the choice for a reason, and it was the best choice.
Tyler: It’s definitely hard fitting everything into a season so I understand that as well. The season turned out fabulously I think so.
Christina: Thanks ladies! But, the bitch is not dead! She’ll be back and I won’t cut anything next season *winks*
Taylor: Is Cassie as difficult to work with as she looks? Did you really fire Elle because Cassie made that demand?
Elle: We have never talked about this, so today is the day… *looks at Christina* What did happen?
Christina: Cassie was not happy with Elle being on the cast but ultimately Elle was axed with the network change because we wanted to freshen things up. It’s no fun if multiple people don’t really want to be bothered with one specific castmate.
Tyler: Oh, so Elle must have been on everyone’s shit list?
Kathy: Damn, I find it hard to believe that no one except Brittany wanted anything to do with her… *looks at confused* Elle is this true?
Christina: Look Calista was also not interested in being around her either. She felt Elle was too much and brought her out of her usual personality.
Elle: Yeah they iced me Kath, I still think it was calculated but I’m not holding that. Still the richest bitch to grace that cast however, moving along. *smiles*
Christina: If we are being honest here Elle, the only one really fighting for you to stay on was Brittany so- we just made the difficult choice to let you go. You still had this show to fall back on!
Elle: Which was ultimately fine, I’m happier, they’re happier, it’s nice mutually ignoring one another! Next topic!
Kathy: How would you all rate this season of Baller Wives compared to previous seasons?
Christina: I think this is the best season yet! I’d rate Season 3 an 8.5/10. There were a couple cast members holding it back from the full potential
Elle: Overrall I’d rate the new season as an 8, I’ll give it a 10 when I see some dead weight gone!
Taylor: I loved this season, I think it was a solid 8. I think Joi phoned it in. Luna was the best newbie.
Petra: I definitely agree with the 8 consensus. I love getting to know new cast members, but i do agree some where underwhelming.
Kathy: I would say this season for me was a solid 7.5. Like you said Christina I wanted to see more from some of the other ladies!
Tyler: I would give season 3 a solid 8 as well. I think there’s a strong group in there, but a couple of the girls were bland
Christina: Luna had the strongest connection to the group. I love Gwen for this show too, she brings it in her solo scenes and the group events!
Petra: Gwen was great.
Elle: Gwen was really great she’s one to remember!
Tyler: I’d have to say I enjoyed Gwen the most followed by Luna. Gwen was a powerhouse.
Christina: I can say that we are looking very hard at this cast and don’t be surprised if a couple of faces are missing when the new season begins
Taylor: *laughs* Ladies who do we want fired ahead of Season 4?
Petra: I would say Teagan. I liked Tegan at first, but sometimes she a bit meek mannered.
Christina: I will be pleading the fifth on this one, TT!
Taylor: For me I would like to see Femy Ma and Joi fired.
Tyler: *laughs at TT* I think I’d have to say Joi…I agree with you that she phoned it in. This is her third season, now’s not the time to just sit back and watch the show.
Kathy: I would defintiely have to go with Teagan and Joi… *shrugs*
Taylor: Wait y’all liked Femi? *laughs* maybe I’m wrong!
Christina: I liked Femi. She kind of jump started the drama this season and wasn’t afraid to go against someone who consistently ate her up
Kathy: I like Femi, she brought more than most of her costars. She may have gotten ripped a new one but she never backed down from a fight.
Tyler: I think Femi was entertaining. *laughs* Didn’t she swim in a shallow Onsen?
Elle: Femi swimming in that 2 inch water I died. *laughs*
Christina: I think she will be more solid in her sophomore season.
Taylor: *laughs* that was funny. I just am not the biggest fan of newbies jumping in and fighting before I even know who they are. I blamed Femi and not Gwen.
Tyler: I agree Femi came on strong, but I think her entertainment value earned her another season for me. *laughs* When you have other girls who are just quiet, she was not that.
Christina: I think you all will like the group we’re planning to bring back, there’s a lot of story and dynamics with them especially after the explosive finale.
Kathy: What’s one thing you ladies want to see differently next season with the cast? For me, I want to see more one on ones.
Elle: Brittany and Cassie as friends..
Taylor: I hope that Brittany can be a bit more accountable for her past. I don’t believe Cassie is a pathological liar.
Tyler: I want to see more of Femi’s life and I’d like to see if the group has run out of nude scandals. *laughs*
Christina: I want to see more of the balling in their life! That’s what sets this show apart. We missed the sports and the strong business acumen of the ladies
Petra: I think the show needs a light hearted force thats neutral, but not boring!
Christina: You may be on to something Petra…
Petra: Okay now ladies. If you had time to tune in, what were your thoughts on the RHOBB S8 premiere? How do you feel about Mona coming back.
Taylor: I actually enjoyed Mona’s scene the most in the premiere. Not sure why I was cut out of the scene with Jacqueline Carter at Reality of Roleplay, but I digress. *Looks at Petra*
Christina: I feel that it was needed! I think it got the ball rolling for the show after so many exits.
Tyler: *sighs* I’m conflicted on it truly. I have her a lot of shit for running last season, so there’s something to be said for coming back to answer things. But I want to reserve final judgment for when gets questions by the Wives, because I still feel iffy on her at the moment
Elle: I actually enjoyed Mona’s return! I didn’t expect to see her be so open given she’s usually super reserved so it was refreshing!
Kathy: I think it was interesting seeing Mona back considering I thought she ran for the hills and was never going to be seen again. What ultimately made you bring her back Petra?
Petra: Right! We did lose some people so we wanted to have a semi-familiar cast. So thats why when Mona apologized and approached us we felt we might as well give her a shot to tell her side of the story. And all of the cast is free to have their own opinions, and you’ll see that play out!
Taylor: Was she being honest, I don’t know! But that scene was great!!
Petra: TT you will see her get questioned on that in the coming episodes.
Elle: Can we all agree our favorite newbie of the season is, Valentina Armani? She has the mega yacht, an A-List actor of a husband, she is a rich BISH! *snaps*
Christina: Yes, I hope she recuperates the fee from renting it with her season check!
Taylor: *laughs* Valentina was my favorite too. Heidi and Marcie did that thing I gave Femi and Gwen flack for — fighting before I know who the hell ya are!
Petra: She’s the fabulous glam that the show needed. Bree Bailey had a lot of money, but Valentina just has this rich and fun air about her. She doesn’t take herself too seriously but just dont talk about her family… *makes a face*
Tyler: I did love seeing Valentina, she seems fabulous to say the least! *hears Petra* Oop that must get touched on. I wasn’t sure about Marcie and Heidi yet, that scene was pure shade so I don’t know them yet. *laughs*
Taylor: *nods with Tyler* I hear on the street that’s all we get from Heidi is shade and shit!
Kathy: I am excited to get to see more about Valentina. She seems like a dark horse! There’s probably some Hollywood skeletons in her closet!
Elle: I think the other two need to work on.. whatever the hell their relationship is. *laughs*
Christina: I think I’m interested in Marcie because she’s older and only Yvonne is holding down that age segment so it’s nice.
Petra: I have watched the first few episodes. I think people will definitely enjoy Marcie’s personal scenes, we have one coning up in Episode 2. We have one in the next few episodes with Valentina as well. As the season progresses, you’ll get to know all the newbies and their personalities and what they’re going through. They definitely make their splash in Beverly Beach!
Tyler: Going back to that yacht scene though, I do have to ask, what do you girls think of the BFFs of episode 1, Jac and Monse? Is this friendship the real deal or TV made?
Christina: Jac would be friends with wood if it meant more camera time
Taylor: Monse is a chameleon. She’s been able to adapt every season to the changes and that friendship is fake as hell. *laughs*
Tyler: They were almost attached at the hip in this premiere, I’ve got to say it was a bit too much for me
Christina: I think Jac wants to be an anchor in Beverly Beach and she’s not, befriending Monse definitely isn’t a good move in that direction.
Kathy: So do you ladies think Jac has what it takes to be an anchor on Beverly Beach?
Christina: Hell no! She’s not even really from there, she moved there for a show
Taylor: *laughs* No. Yvonne and Sheridan are the anchors of the show.
Petra: I plead the fifth!
Tyler: Jac is a star and a dear friend of mine. But…I don’t know that she has the history in Beverly Beach for all that
Christina: She should go back to lead the next season of Legends. The Beach is not her groove.
Kathy: I would have to agree TT, when I think of Beverly Beach I think of Sheridan and my friend Yvonne! She’s the OG of the BB.
Taylor: Although no shade to Sheridan Campbell or her fan club so don’t @ me but was that bitch even in the premiere? *laughs*
Elle: I didn’t see my dear friend Cherry at all! I did see her face interviews but…
Tyler: Sheridan took a backseat in this premiere, I agree! But can we blame her? Two seasons of constant something…she deserves an episode or two off. *laughs*
Petra: But Like you said earlier TT, Sheirdan is someone you think about when you hear BB. So…this season we thought it might be good for Sheridan to take a little step back from everything. She has plenty of drama in her personal life! The last two season have been very Sheridan-centric so new Wives will be focused on this season. Especially the newbies!
Taylor: *nods* I agree, we have Sheri fatigue. No shade, Sheri.
Kathy: Sheridan is great TV, I have no doubt her solo scenes are fantastic!
Christina: Petra, That’s a welcome change. I think from the Trailer 8A is heavily focused on Mona. And I’m sure Sheridan will have opinions about that
Elle: Exactly, I doubt she’ll be that quiet knowing her loud self. *laughs*
Taylor: *nods* I am interested in the Mona story. I hate she’s not around on social media anymore to promote. Would have loved to have her as a guest here.
Kathy: Oh she disappeared again? I did not notice…
Petra: Stay tuned on that, it becomes this whole ordeal. So TT I heard you backstage talking about some tea you wanted to spill today. I want to know what it is!
Taylor: Well girls, a couple of pours from my tea cup. Do you all want the Connecticut Wives tea or the Beverly Beach tea?
*All the ladies say Beverly Beach as Petra holds up a Teacup*
Taylor: Okay okay, well have we seen the bitter feud between Jacqueline Carter and Draya Carter on the timeline? Are they related? What’s going on ladies? I’m gagged.
Tyler: *busts out laughing* I can’t breathe
Christina: I thought it was Draya Parks, not Draya Carter *laughs*
Kathy: That feud has taken me all the way for a loop! I have been shocked at some of the things they both have said on
Taylor: Oh yes my goodness, my eyes! *laughs*
Elle: Draya and Jac have certainly been holding down the fort this week for Twitter feuds!
Tyler: Oh my god, yes, I’ve seen that feud but I don’t get why they hate each other
Elle: There has to be something deeper going on.
Petra: Whew it has been a hard couple of weeks for Miss Jacqueline Carter.
Taylor: Jacqueline has really hit below the belt in regards to Draya not having any shows that have aired although Alexis Denton claims to air a show with her soon called The Spill.
Christina: I think Jac is sensitive and responds to everything. Maybe it’s the pregnancy, did she have the baby?
Elle: I think she’s been taking a lot of heat lately and it’s all starting to stress her out!
Taylor: On the flip side, Draya doesn’t like the Hall of Fame and Jac loves listing her resume on the timeline!
Petra: I am honestly exhausted with seeing it on my timeline, it’s exhausting!
Kathy: To answer your question Christina, she is still pregnant.
Taylor: Alright girls, last but not least I need to give my second tea spill before we go!
Kathy: What is this CT Wives tea you have for us, they are having a stellar season!
Taylor: Okay so RuLexis Paul has asked me to stop calling her RuLexis Paul on my blog and has previously asked me to not discuss Connecticut Wives but here we are girls. Ru and Alexis please don’t call me babe, it’s okay I just want to promote the show! I love Belen!
Tyler: When has that ever stopped you before? *winks* and Belen is phenemonal
Christina: Clearly did not stop you just now. Belen, has single-handedly revived my interest in the show. Great casting!
Kathy: Well TT we know nothing will stop you not even an executive order from the president! *laughs* that Belen is the new breakout star! She came out the gate with an affair with her husbands business partner!? I mean damn.
Taylor: Oh my goodness do we think Belen is a cheater?
Elle: Yes! I still love her though she’s getting all these girls upset!
Kathy: Look I’ve heard some swingers are people you least expect it to be, and they seem like those kind of people.
Taylor: Look I do not know what is the truth with her cheating but I agree, Belen is the best addition to the show since Adele in season 2.
Tyler: Belen is a hit! She’s been so much fun to watch, I love how fired up she gets…as for her marriage and cheating. Where is the girl that started all this? She dined and dashed with the rumor? Come on!
Elle: Madison? Heard she’s gone, but now there’s a new girl, Giovanna’s friend Jalene, talking about Belen.
Christina: Hopefully they dine and dash with this storyline. Does anybody else have anything? Will we talk about plots to take the Mayor down? Too many extraneous guests with rumors, send it back in the mail!
Taylor: Who is Madison and Jalene? Oh my I must have blinked and missed them. Maybe they’ll talk about those girls on the Spill, debuting soon on the Ru network
Christina: I don’t know how they know so much since Belen just moved across the COUNTRY. But I guess when you don’t want to put your shit out, you poop on someone else
Elle: Maybe she’s gotta reputation, regardless we’re here talking about her she’s obviously making great TV. It’s respectable!
Tyler: A random housewife has a reputation as a coast to coast cheater? Man, Belen if that’s you girl, you must have banged one in every state. Way to go mama!
Elle: Well ladies any further things to discuss?
Christina: One more thing… I want the Family of Hustlers to stop flooding my timeline with random arguments and subliminals. Okay I’m done. Tune in every Friday to catch a new episode!
Kathy: Well *blinks* on that note make sure to tune into the Family Hustle that airs every Friday!
Elle: On that note! This has been another episode of Reality of Roleplay, thank you all so much for tuning in and we’ll see you again next week with special guest Calista Banks from Baller Wives: Twitt!!
*Panelists waves to the crowd and stands up and walks off stage*

Join us next week for an exclusive interview with special guest #BallerWivesTwitt cast member; Calista Banks!