Season 4: Episode 2; Calista Banks Interview!!

*The ladies walk out taking their seats as the audience cheers*
Elle: And we’re back with a brand new episode of Reality of Roleplay! How is everyone feeling this morning?
Taylor: Great.
Tyler: I’m doing well! Happy to be here with my girls once more.
Kathy: I’m feeling great after hearing we were the number two highest rated episode this week! Thank you all to the audience members and viewers who watch!
Taylor: Yes hunni we were HOT!!! *claps*
Tyler: You know the world was dying for more TT!
Kathy: That’s power of this panel! You girls are rockstars!!
Elle: Seriously though a big thank you to all our fans for watching and showing us love!
Taylor: *laughs* I heard this was the highest rated of all time! I think the ratings went up since Jac was fired and Trecina left. Everyone was happy to welcome Petra and Christina back!
Kathy: Yes they have been great additions, but I don’t think this is the last we will see of Jac and Tre! *winks*
Tyler: Awww. *chuckles* I do miss my girls, but I’m happy Petra has joined us!
Taylor: What about Christina, Tyler? *laughs*
Tyler: What about Christina, TT? *smiles*
Taylor: I’m happy she’s back in the panel although I wish she’d show up consistently!
Kathy: Tyler the people keep asking me about Ladies if Twitter. Anything you can tease before we bring out today’s guest?! I’ve heard from Grace this is a highly anticipated sweet 16 season!!
Taylor: Grace Whistleworth? She still working on the cast photo?!
Tyler: *laughs* Ohhh Kath, let’s just say I’m really excited for everyone to see the trailer and I’d say by this time next week, there’s gonna be something else to discuss. *sips tea* This season has lots of twists and turns, this first half is really going to keep people on the edge of their seat wondering who is friends with who. *laughs*
Kathy: Oh I love a shakeup with the friends. It was time, it seemed like the girls were clique’d up!
Tyler: The last few seasons have been very clique-y, but I think the viewers will be happy to see that isn’t the case in season 16…mostly.
Elle: Is Amal still having problems with Grace? *sips tea* Sorry I’m nosy!
Tyler: *laughs and turns to Elle* Let’s just say Amal and Grace probably aren’t going to be tuning into RoR together.
Taylor: I hope we don’t have to see Devyn back. She phones it in every season, and I’m not excited for Amal, she looks exactly like tonight’s guest, Calista Big Bank!
Elle: Well.. with that being said, I think we should introduce our guest!
Tyler: Let’s bring out Amal! *laughs*
Elle: Please welcome Baller, businesswoman, and a person I only like to see twice a year, Calista Banks!
*The audience erupts as Calista walks out and takes her seat*
Taylor: Is this Amal or Calista Big Bank?
Tyler: *laughs* I kid, hi Calista! *smiles* Happy to see you!
Calista: Oh we’re starting off very shady. Well Elle, we actually don’t see each other anymore thank goodness but it’s lovely to see you! Hi Tyler! Lovely to meet you hun! And no TT, it’s Big Bank. All of this is real!
Elle: Lovely to see you as well gorgeous!
Tyler: All of it is real? *looks at the camera*
Taylor: Big Bank take little bank! *shakes titties* love that song
Calista: Yes and most of the girls have very little in the bank hun.
Taylor: Are you talking about Amal Hadid? *smirks*
Calista: Well, no. I would like to think she has enough in the bank considering she wanted to look just like me. That was a good investment.
Taylor: Calista, I have a question about your show Baller Wives if I can shift gears a bit!
Kathy: Let’s shift gears, yes TT! We got lots to dive in on Baller Wives!
Calista: Can I say one thing really quickly?
Elle: Of course.
Calista: I know we didn’t get along on our show Elle but since you’re off the show now, I do think that maybe we can form some type of friendship! Well on my show excuse me. Not ours.
Taylor: OH!
*Elle stares at Calista blankly for 5 whole minutes, the audience stares at Elle*
Elle: I’m absolutely open to that! *smiles* Let’s do lunch and really talk away from all of this though. *gestures to cameras*
Calista: Gladly. *smirks and nods*
Taylor: Okay anyways enough of that!! Recently, Draya MF’in Parks posted on her blog a story about Brittany Slay All Day Reese making out with some man that wasn’t her husband. Who is that man? Has it been talked about in season 4?
Kathy: Wait is there a season four? Are you back big banks?
Calista: Oh wow! *laughs* Of course I’m back! Why wouldn’t I be, and I mean we’re in the very early stages of filming Season 4 but you can believe it will get addressed. I personally don’t know the man but I think it’s fair to say Brittany Slay loves to dibble and dabble….
Elle: I saw that and asked her she said it was a friend of hers nothing more!
Taylor: We kissing our friends on moths while married? Well alright, Ellen!
Elle: No but I just don’t think she’d be that openly cheating, that’s out of character for her you know?
Taylor: Is it out of character? *laughs*
Calista: Well I mean what is Wyatt doing in Australia?
Tyler: It does seem… foolish to take a picture with your paramour for the internet. But that’s just me..
Elle: Thank you, Ty.
Calista: We know Elle is playing devil’s advocate in hopes for a guest appearance. *laughs*
Elle: No I just happen to get lunch with her often and don’t want to get in trouble with my friend.
Taylor: *rolls eyes* Sure.
Elle: We also do double dates with her and Wyatt so I just think it’s all weird but I don’t know.
Taylor: Ellen you were fired, stop pretending you know those women.
*Audience gasps, Elle shuffles her cards ignoring Taylor*
Kathy: Well damn TT. *turns and looks to her*
Calista: Can a girl get some tea please? *laughs*
Tyler: Where are you at with all the girls? Anyone that is on Calista’s hit list? *laughs*
Calista: I would say I’m in an okay place with the ladies. There’s no one on my hit list but there’s definitely someone I’m cautious of as their behavior has been a bit erratic coming into this season. And Elle is a good friend of Brittany’s. That I can say.
Taylor: Wait are you saying Ellen has returned to the show after being fired?!
Elle: Nope. No interest.
Tyler: Care to name any names? *looks awkwardly at Elle as I continue* This is Reality of Roleplay! Spill girl!
Calista: I mean Luna has come back and she has a chip on her shoulder. *laughs*
Tyler: Ooooo Luna! I know I’m excited to see that.
Taylor: I hope at least Cassie is riding for Luna they had a cute friendship!
Calista: When I say the girls came to play, they were going at it in the first five minutes!
Taylor: Oh I hope it was organic!
Kathy: Calista I want to know your rose and throne from this last season?
Calista: I would say my rose would definitely be Jamal Jr. going off and signing with the Chicago Bulls! My thorn would be my issues with Terrell. A special shoutout to Thomas & Cassie for having faith in my baby! *blows kiss* I’m a proud momma!
Elle: *smiles* That’s absolutely amazing Calista congratulations.
Tyler: There’s nothing like watching your kids succeed. *smiles*
Taylor: Are there any newbies in the mix this season or is everyone back from season 3?
Calista: Not everyone is back from Season 3. There’s some that have gone but there’s a newbie. We’ll see how she does but she has an old name. I had to question if we had a grandma on this cast this year! This season is going to be great and I’m sure you all will love it.
Kathy: Well Calista on Reality of Roleplay we cover other shows as well! So I want to get your opinions on the reboot of Connecticut Wives!
*The audience cheers*
Calista: The reboot was interesting. I think they took a risk by bringing in 5 new women. I feel it’s doing okay for them so far but are some of the women from the countryside? Belen and Reese sounds so country like I’m sorry. *laughs*
Taylor: Belen is the only person I like but I’m not allowed to talk about that show per RuLexis Paul so let me be quiet for this segment. *smiles*
Calista: I know sometimes they were referred to as Kentucky Wives and it kinda makes sense now a bit with names like that!
Tyler: I agree that the reboot is interesting. I’ve connected with Belen and Natasha more, but I feel like some of the new girls aren’t showing much of their personal lives.
Elle: So we’ve discussed the Belen rumor but what does everyone make of Giovanna’s rather.. excessive drinking.
Tyler: I’d drink too if my mother moved in with me. *laughs*
Calista: *laughs* I don’t blame Giovanna for drinking, especially when she’s married to the former mayor who has as many mistresses as I have fingers!
Kathy: I think she just needs to stay off twitter for a little bit. I think she does like I use to. I would pick up a bottle and get on Twitter and Twitter. *laughs*
Elle: I just think she’s being really verbally abusive on Twitter.. it’s just mean.
Calista: She couldn’t hang with us Baller Wives because we would gather her with ease!
Tyler: I think she’s being very messy on the show…I’m not sure if I follow her. Sometimes when I don’t have my contacts in and I see her photos I think it’s some AI portrait of me. *laughs* I can’t do that.
Calista: TT you stay in Greenwich right? Can you give her Cassie’s business card? I have a few in my purse backstage.
Taylor: *laughs* Giovanna has cussed me out in DM’s since I reported about the petition to remove her husband from office. I’m scared to give her anything!
Elle: Give Alexis it make her work a little bit, because let’s really talk about her lack of involvement so far.
Calista: I was expecting more with Alexis if I’m honest but I also can’t blame her. There’s a bunch of new girls trying to make their mark.
Kathy: As the matriarch might I go out on a limb and say I definitely expected more from her. I felt she just took a back seat and hasn’t gave us much…
Tyler: So far, Giovanna and Belen are putting in the most work. With Natasha pulling into third and the rest of the girls pulling into the parking lot to start the day.
*The audience laughs*
Calista: Natasha if you’re watching this hun, I will get in-touch soon. I’m not sure the demographic in Connecticut but I know the sports fans would love you!
Kathy: I think that Natasha is spunky but I don’t think Connecticut is her crowd!
Calista: I agree. She needs a more lively crowd.
Taylor: I saw a rumored reunion seating chart that had Alexis in the Andy seat. She’s been nonexistent this season. Belen and Gio deserve those Andy seats.
Calista: Would Andy host?
Elle: Andy? Where? *looks around*
Tyler: So, this week a lot happened in Beverly Beach, I’m sure we all tuned into all three action packed episodes. Now I have to ask, we discussed it last week, but are the newbies resonating with us after 4 episodes?
*The audience is seen unresponsive*
Taylor: *sighs* Beverly Beach always pushes newbies hard to try and establish them, but im just not invested as much in the new girls. I need a reason to care and I am still not sure why Heidi and Marcie are beefing.
Elle: I actually like Valentina! Marcie’s growing on me in her personals but her meltdown at the other newbie Heidi’s party was too much.
Calista: I think Valentina is beautiful.
Kathy: I think that Valentina needs to stop with the fillers she’s starting to look like Giovanna for me! *chuckles* I do love her glitz and glamour though it reminds me of like a utopia I want to live in!
Tyler: I loved Marcie’s scene in her home, I felt like it helped me connect with her. I’m warming to Valentina, but I’m not fully there. And then Heidi just seems like she lives for the mess. *laughs*
Taylor: I agree Tyler! I liked seeing Marcie at home and her scene with Yvonne that showed genuine friendship, grounded her for me. But the pie stuff and her behavior at the event was too campy for me. It’s like she was looking for a moment and it was cringe.
Calista: I think newbies should have an organic entrance and actual ties to the group.
Tyler: I got a laugh out of the pie to be honest, but it was definitely randomness. Do we believe Marcie’s tea about Heidi gossiping about the cast prior to joining?
Taylor: I don’t really care. Is that bad? *laughs*
Elle: I’m sure they BOTH gossiped and Marcie’s airing out Heidi’s stuff honestly.
Calista: Yes. Heidi seems happy to be in-front of a camera. *laughs*
Tyler: Some girls never meet a camera they don’t like! *laughs*
Kathy: Lots of throwing each other the bus going on! People that act like that make me look at them with a side eye.
Taylor: I just wish they had on camera what these two bitches are going on about!!
Kathy: Maybe we will get a better explanation of that at the reunion!
Taylor: We’ve spent many episodes and a lot of screen time hearing two bitches go back and forth about something that happened off camera?
Tyler: Yeah, it’s hard to connect with a feud as a viewer when the beginning began before we met them. *laughs*
Taylor: *nods* How are we feeling about the returning divas?
Elle: Why is Mona back? Sorry.. but like.
Tyler: I’d like to start off with Victoria. *laughs* What happened? I loved her last season but this season it’s like she’s barely there. *looks at Elle* I agree with Elle, Mona isn’t doing much for me either.
Taylor: I am enjoying Mona this season! With Victoria, I heard rumors that she was going through something in her personal life which is why she was off this season.
Elle: Didn’t she disappear again? Let’s be real. I just am like.. confused. I would’ve rather Lorelei came back.
Kathy: Mona’s return has been so underwhelming and unnecessary for me….
Tyler: Yeah, the internet has teased that Mona vanishes again so I’m not buying what she’s selling, I’m enjoying Sheridan and Jac. I think their feud will be an interesting one to watch.
Calista: They have a good core with the returning ladies.
Elle: I love Sheridan, Yvonne, and Monse. Jac getting upgraded was definitely deserved but surprising!
Tyler: Oh yes, I love Yvonne too! I forgot about her. No shade.
Taylor: What do we think about Jac stirring the pot between Mona and Monse?
Kathy: Jac said she was coming back and getting a full time spot!
Calista: I don’t believe she knew what she was doing…
Taylor: She cried a lot so maybe she didn’t know she was being a messy girl.
Tyler: Jac has definitely been working already this season! And we have only just gotten to the pregnancy.
Kathy: Oh Jac is smart girls. I think she knew exactly what she was doing. She’s been in this game too long!
Taylor: Ladies it’s time to transition to TT’s Tea Spill and I have two spills for you all tonight!!
*The audience cheers as the ladies look to Taylor*
Tyler: Ooooo do tell my bestie!
Taylor: Firstly, this will be quick…RuLexis Paul will not be airing the Spill starring Draya after all. It appears we will never see the first episode that covered the Connecticut Wives episode from 4 episodes ago!
*The audience and some ladies gasp*
Tyler: *chuckles* I can picture TT’s DMs at 12:15 on Monday now.
Calista: Awww that sucks.
Kathy: Oh the shit you’re fixing to stir up TT, God this is why you’re here! The people and the fans eat this up!
Taylor: Draya is not happy with RuLexis because she wasted her time. I don’t blame her!
Tyler: Yes, it would be frustrating to work on a project and then poof, nothing.
Kathy: How many episodes do you know they filmed?
Taylor: I think they filmed one.
Elle: I’m surprised to hear that they seemed so invested!
Kathy: That’s devastating to hear! I’m telling you these girls they will do anything now days a podcast or a tv show it doesn’t matter!
Taylor: *nods* And our last little spill…

*The monitor displays this picture as the audience gasps*
Taylor: Did we see Draya MF’in Parks blog regarding the 6,000 #RHOBB fans who have signed a petition for fire Heidi Weltroth?
Calista: Oh my!
Tyler: Oh wow. *shakes head* That is certainly a lot of people…I don’t know Heidi and haven’t met her, but I surely hope that isn’t the case. If so, I’m definitely no fan.
Taylor: I need to see some receipts!
Kathy: Oh that Heidi she struck me as something… interesting.
Calista: Is she the one who shat herself?!
Taylor: *nods* Yes she allegedly shit on her dress which is pictured on the petition!
Tyler: I’m not a fan of the inclusion of the fat part, let’s leave that alone. But otherwise I agree that those are big allegations without receipts.
Elle: I’m screaming!!! Not she shat herself! How gosh awful!
Taylor: Okay girls, I want to say thank you to our girlie pop *yells* BIG BANK!!! For joining us! It’s been quite lovely girls spilling the tea today and breaking down Baller Wives, Beverly Beach, and the Kentucky gals! Until next time!!
Calista: Thank you all for having me!
Kathy: Yes thank you so much for coming! Everyone give it up for Big Banks *waves at audience*
Thank you all so much for tuning in this week and every other week! We appreciate all the love and support you guys have given us this far!
Tune in next week as we're joined by Connecticut Wives STAR Belen Russo!