Season 4: Episode 3; Belen Russo Interview!!

A FEW DAYS BEFORE the episode of Reality of Roleplay aired….

*Kathy is seen walking into Elle’s dressing room*
Kathy: I wonder what led her to stop her blog, she called and just told me what happened and that she was not going to show up today to film…
Elle: What is going on? We have a show to do so we have to continue on. I do not want her to be off the show, but how are we going to move forward with this?
Kathy: I do not know but we can not worry about it right now. We go live any minute now. *shakes head*
*Christina Phillips, Petra McClaire, Elle Stonewood and Kathy Irvine walk out onto the stage*
Kathy: Damn I am by myself over here today, since TT decided to call in today and Tyler is sick.
*The other ladies shake their head and take a seat*
Christina: Hello and welcome to the newest episode of Reality of Roleplay. I’m your girl, they call me messy- Christina Phillips here with the other esteemed panelists. We’ve got a good one for you today. Ladies, how are you feeling? New week, new mess- am I right?

Petra: Cant wait to get into it!
Kathy: It’s always a mess on this app I swear! Every time I log on I realize why we have this show. *laughs* but we have tons of mess to get into!
Elle: Always Chrissy always! It’s always a mess but we’re going to dive in and decipher all of it, or as much as we can get through!
Kathy: How do we all feel about our fellow Panelist TT, saying she is not going to continue her blog anymore and do we think she maybe had a bad day or is this really the end?
Elle: I was sad to see that. I understand we’ve had our differences but seeing her go completely wouldn’t make me happy at all. I do get a laugh from her time and time again.
Christina: It’s sad and a hit to the community. Who else can expose Dallas Neal and exclusively cover Andy Network’s bankruptcy? And, if she doesn’t have a blog, do you two plan to fire her *looks at Elle and Kathy*
*Petra just sits there with no answer*
Elle: It’s not planned she does have a contract, and the legality of breaking that is far too much!
Kathy: I do not plan on firing her or reliving her of her duties. Her unfiltered opinions have been a hit on this show as well as her tea segment. I would hate to see her go over one mishap. I ultimately want her to do what she find happiness in doing and I have to believe that ultimately she will do what is the best for her. As a costar and friend I support her in whatever she chooses to do though. *smiles*
Christina: Well, I can say that if you do decide to fire Tyler- I won’t miss her. Good riddance bitch!
Elle: Moving along. We have a guest today ladiesss
Christina: I did not look at the call sheet this morning when I got here. Who is it?
Petra: Oooh!! *looks around*
Christina: I hope it is not one of my employees.
Elle: It is not! *looks at Kathy*
Kathy:Well today’s guest is one for the books and someone that has been a hot topic over in Greenwich. She originally did an exclusive interview on the Spill but she’s here today to spill it all to us! Welcome Belen Russo from Connecticut Wives!

Christina: Oh my god, what a legendary introduction.
*Belen walks out smiling and waving to the audience*
Belen: Hello hello ladies!
*All the ladies stand up and clap for Belen*
Petra: Yess Belen, hunni !! I’ve liked you ever since you jogged onto the scene *gets up to give hug*
Elle: Yassss! *snaps fingers*
Kathy: *hugs Belen* you’re by me today! Legends are on this couch *laughs*
Belen: Oh my god thank you so much for this walk welcome ladies, I’m excited to be here!
Elle: *sits* Welcome Belen to your first, aired, interview!
Kathy: Belen how are you feeling after your first debut season on air? Fans have really fallen in love with you? What’s your reaction to that
Belen: I was so surprised to be honest! I didn’t expect to get so much love from the viewers, I definitely felt like the underdog being the new girl in town, so it’s been a total shock to me! *laughs* But it’s been amazing, I love all the fans of the show and our reboot has received great reviews *smiles*

Elle: I mean you are the talk of the town so I’m going to ask… Are you having an affair with Liam? *looks*
*Audience Gasps*
Petra: Oh Elle, don’t act like the CT Wives.
Elle: No no. For final clarification is all *looks at Petra*
Belen: *laughs* I knew this was coming! And no, I am not, he’s my husband’s close friend and business partner!
Elle: Amazing alright let’s talk the fun stuff now.
Kathy: Well glad we closed that case for the 100th time *laughs*
Christina: Speaking of the reboot, what made you sign on to the show since you’re new to Greenwich?
Belen: Well to be completely honest I wasn’t really excited about moving, and I needed a hobby so this show seemed like a great idea *shrugs*
Elle: Hey I mean, great way to meet people! *laughs*
Kathy: Was the experience everything you thought it was going to be?
Belen: Well… not really. I thought I had signed up to showcase my life and my friendships but it’s been much more… challenging. I also never would’ve imagined some of the women would’ve been so awful and evil *shakes her head*
Elle: You’d be surprised what people will do to you on these shows.
Christina: Especially the nobodies who were around to get guest checks. Do you feel the ladies premeditated this attack against you? Since you just moved there…how would they know oh so much about you
Belen: *nods as she listens to Christina* Absolutely, of course! I mean what are the odds that someone who knows about me “randomly” meets my cast mate at a coffee shop? Please *rolls her eyes and shakes her head* Giovanna is a liar and she’s full of shit, she did all of this on purpose and used her escort friend Jalene to try and run me off.
Elle: Why might she want to run you off do you think?
Belen: Well here’s the truth *she clears her throat* Giovanna’s dork of a husband was running for governor and she thought that was going to be her storyline this season, so when he lost she found herself with nothing to talk about and with the reboot she was afraid she would get demoted or fired. So when she realized I was kind of the odd one in the group she decided to go after me for camera time and a storyline. And this is the truth, not what I think *smiles*
Petra: I’m going to have to agree. I always love the under dogs, If im being honest. I think you and Reese both are doing great.
Kathy: So ladies I want to bring up an observation I’ve noticed. Am I the only one that has noticed that there’s been almost no solo scenes this season? I think Piper, Belen and Giovanna are the only ones I’ve seen anything on their back story for this season. How do you ladies feel about that? Are we getting to the time in Roleplay where solo scenes are a thing of the past or do they build the character and are needed?
Elle: I have noticed that Kathy I don’t think it’s a very good idea not to include them. It negates to show what these people might have going on within their personal lives. To see the full rounded versions of them.
Petra: From a Producers stand points, I think there is no “rule”. See I don’t mind shows with not alot of Personals because sometimes the drama is just giving. But if somebody comes in with a compelling, non generic personal storyline I think it should absolutely be featured bc those can be just as entertaining group scene drama. For me, its a case by case basis in general but — i do think this season of CTWives would benefit from a few more personals because we got so many new faces *smiles*

Belen: I agree with Petra, so many of us are new and solo scenes would help the viewers get to know us better. I also know some women have very interesting family dynamics so hopefully you’ll get to see more of them as the season progresses!
Christina: There’s a few women on the season that I couldn’t give a fuck about. Like Reese and Piper with her knock off Air Tags! My shows have tons of personal stories because I only hire women who are interesting enough to carry in both settings. Connecticut Wives, if you need help- I know a great production company for you. *winks*
Petra: I do have to give you that, Christina. You know how to produce a compelling family storylines
Kathy: Well that was well said ladies! Thanks for sharing your thoughts especially you Christina *laughs*. Belen we are going to play a game with you! Are ready? It’s called Do you Regret It? we will give you instances where you have done some thing and you will tell us if you regret it or not.
Belen: I am ready!
Elle: Do you regret asking Liam to pick you up from that first party!?
Belen: Well no! There was nothing wrong and my husband knew! I might regret having stupid Madison with me cause she obviously twisted it into some weird story.
Petra: Belen — Do you regret asking Natasha is she did meth? *raises eyebrow*
*The ladies all look in shock as Belen is seen thinking of her answer*
Belen: You know what? No! She started it *shrugs* and all she had to say was no! *cackles*
Petra: Well… at least you’re honest! *shrugs and sips cocktail*
Belen: Always! *grins*
Christina: Do you regret telling some of the ladies that you’ll slap the living shit out of them?
Belen: Oh I told them that? I don’t remember *laughs a bit* but it depends, I’m sure it was warranted! So I’m going to say no
Kathy: Lastly do you regret getting so wasted at Reese’s party to the point where you don’t remember anything?
Belen: That I do regret, I didn’t mean to upset sweet Reese so yes. But hey, that was an accident!
Elle: Speaking of Reese.. where are you guys now? Are you guys Friends?
Belen: Well we are next door neighbors so we are somewhat friendly, however we aren’t as close as I am with some other women.
Petra: Damn.
Kathy: Who would you say you’re the closest to right now out of the ladies?
Belen: Definitely Natasha and Piper. And I’ve also grown a lot closer to Julianna ever since filming wrapped!
Kathy: I’m glad you finally have some allies in your corner!

Petra: Okay ladies. As we wrap up, shall we talk some BB real fast?
Elle: Yesss they had a wild trip to Hawaii.
Kathy: Yes let’s hear some of the pressing things from this weeks episode of Beverly Beach!
Petra: Belen, I’d love to head some of your opinions too!
Belen: Of course I have some opinions! I love Beverly Beach, I’m a huge fan!
Petra: The trip is really wild. This is where the season really picks up… Valentina versus Mona will take us through the rest of Season 8A! I think its no shock to anyone that Mona is only main for Season 8A and she ends up leaving, you’ll have to tune in because even though she left the trip — shes still in a few more episodes!
Christina: I thought she vanished after the trip with the way the women are talking!
Elle: Not from what I heard! She had more fights to fight!
Kathy: I’m curious if the legal action taken against her pushed her to run off into the sunset.
Christina: I didn’t think she’d last this long so she’s defying gravity as they say on Broadway
Belen: I am personally liking the trip! And I think the friends not being there is alright. There’s so many full time women anyways
Petra: I do have one little question game for you but first — How are you all liking the Hawaii trip so far and how do you feel about ‘Friends’ Victoria and Heidi not being included?
Christina: I don’t think Heidi should be on the trip, that was the right call. She’s not a main cast member and we had enough to follow without random outbursts. I like Victoria but she probably would’ve just made faces the entire time *shrugs*
*Petra laughs*
Kathy: For me I am liking this group of ladies without the friends of the seasons. I wanted to see how these ladies meshed without all the side noise. I am however invested in Victoria and her feud with my friend Yvonne. Yvonne is a tough cookie to go up against.
Elle: Like Marcie is? Well actually, she’s finally doing something. *looks in the camera* Congrats you showed up bitch.
Kathy: I am curious about how the ladies reacted to Valentina pursuing legal action. Petra was that the first time someone’s pursued legal action against a cast member before?
Elle: I thought it was crazy. I mean she’s rich but I didn’t know she was that rich!
Petra: Yes, it is. We usually dont condone it but with Brandon having a career where a good public image is your job…you’ll see the fall out and how Mona feels about everything post Hawaii in the coming episodes.
Belen: I thought cast members couldn’t sue each other, at least I know we can’t on Connecticut Wives *shrugs*
Christina: I think if Valentina so swiftly runs to use the law against someone she knows is vulnerable, she’s a big swollen faced loser, And the other ladies should be scared to be around her.
*The ladies and audience gasps*
Kathy: Well damn Chrissy! I’m eager to see it play out because it seems the group is divided on their stances on the situation.
Elle: Do you think it’ll stay that way though?
Petra: It does not stay divided like this for too much longer, but this kinda leads into my little game.
Christina: Let’s play!
Kathy: A game? Let’s play! This should be fun
Petra: I want to hear your thoughts if you watch the show. put on your Producer Petra hat and be brutally honest…: Which one of the newbies do you feel like should sign on for another season? Who out of the current cast, minus Mona, do you think needs to be fired after this season? It can be anyone! And why?
Christina: Valentina should be on another season. She’s brittle brained and mute in her marriage so she needs an outlet. We don’t need more women deemed criminally insane. I think from what I’ve seen so far, Heidi should be fired. And the woman defending her, Jacqueline, should be out too. Go back to Twitter bi-yatch!
Elle: We need to.. explain why Heidi should leave? Marcie needs to really get to work though if she wants to come back too. Bring back Valentina she seems fiesty! Jac can stay too!
Belen: I would like all the newbies to come back, I don’t like one and dones. I do think Heidi should go, her feud with Marcie is so odd
Kathy: For me the newbie that should come back is Valentina. I feel like she has more to offer or more to discover about her. I think for me the one person who needs to go this season is Heidi. I mean come on her antics on twitter have been a bit much and is it really true she shit herself Petra?
Petra: All I will say is that is a narrative that has been perpetuated by a certain blogger…

Elle: OOOOOOO girl.
Christina: Can we get a name?
Petra: Yes our costar, Taylor Thompson.
Belen: Oh, I like Taylor, she’s been so supportive of me, I’m bummed she wasn’t here today!
Kathy: Speaking of bloggers with TT out this week. Christina you told me backstage you had some tea to spill for our tea segment… care to tell us? *looks awkwardly*
Christina: I have a lot of tea *smirks*
Kathy: Where is Petra’s tea cup? *laughs*
*flashback to Episode 2 where Petra pulls out a teacup out of nowhere*
Christina: First tea of the morning, I hear that Ladies of Twitter is planning to relieve Grace Whitworth of her duties at the end of the sweet 16. Thoughts?
Petra: Girl, really? *rolls eyes*
Kathy: Well I’ll believe that when pigs fly, Christina. Production over there likes them some Grace Whitworth.
Elle: She hasn’t said anything to me about that so I would be surprised because I consider her close but..
Belen: I agree with Kathy, Grace is obviously loved by production I don’t see her leaving
Christina: Second tea of the morning. Cassie Carlisle has sent a cease and desist to a cast mate and their spouse for defamatory rumors they are spreading.
Elle: That Cassie probably deserved whatever that lady and their spouse said about her!
Belen: Whew another Cease and desist? Is there something in the air with the Baller Wives and Beverly Beach ladies. They are passing out cease and desist like they are candy *laughs*
Christina: Lastly, Mona Quinn’s suitor Maverick Austin has allegedly been seen in Austin on a date with a mystery woman who’s hair is similar to Mona’s. Did Mona make a secret move to Texas or is Austin on the prowl for a new Southern gal?
Belen: Good riddance to Mona, she is such a dork. Why would she leave Beverly Beach to go to Texas? What is even in Texas, is it not just a bunch of dirt and cattle?
Kathy: I am not surprised that Mona is in a new state. I am surprised she even kept the same hair color. Maybe she will get all the peace love and sweet tea that she needs in Texas. *shakes head*
Petra: I hope Mona is doing well wherever she is at. I have not heard from her since she disappeared again.
Kathy: Well Christina spilled all the tea tonight *laughs*. She must have been sitting on this tea for a few days maybe even weeks. Thank you Belen for your time today. Let’s give Belen Russo from Connecticut Wives a round of applause ladies and gentlemen.
Belen: Thank you so much for having me! *smiles and waves at the camera* Loved being here!
Elle: Thank you for coming on gorgeous!
*The ladies stand up and all walk off stage as the scene ends we hear Belen yelling backstage*
Belen: Who is ready to go get day DRUNK? AND WHERE THE HELL IS TT?

Tune in TWO weeks as we interview THEE Harlow Laurier on Reality of Roleplay! Harlow is one of the newest girls on the Ladies of Twitter block, and is a full time mother and jewelry designer. We’re getting the FULL rundown from Harlow in two weeks as she dishes on the Sweet 16 season premiere of Ladies of Twitter, and where she is at in her friendships with the ladies!