Season 4: Episode 4; Harlow Laurier Interview!

Kathy is seen getting her final touches of makeup done in her dressing room
Kathy: Well todays show should be interesting. This is TT’s first appearance since she announced her blog was ending… *gets up and walks out on set*
Producers are seen counting the ladies down as they are all getting final touches done
Kathy: This is Reality of Role Play and we are back after a break for the holidays! I am Kathy Irvine the former powerhouse in pigtails now talk show host and I’m here with the fabulous Tyler, TT and Christina this morning. Now ladies we got lots to dive into today but I wanted to hear something you all were thankful for this holiday season!
Tyler: *waves at the audience* Me and my sister Taylor as so happy to be back. I got all your letters about how you missed us, don’t worry, we’re here! *turns and smiles at Kathy* That’s a great question.
Taylor: *screams* HEY BABIES!! *twirls in a circle in front of the table* I AM BACK! These girls can’t keep a bad bitch down! *blows kisses and sits by Tyler*
Christina: I’m thankful for Grandmothers for cooking all day
Tyler: I’d say I’m thankful for good friends especially this year. Some around these couches, some at home on their couch. Good friends can really get you through the hard times.
Taylor: I am thankful for you ladies for talking me out of a dark place after the harassment I ensued from the rabid beasts on social media. *tears up* it was tough but you ladies really uplifted me like true sisters *audience claps*

Kathy: I love this, and TT we are so glad you’re back with us! Like Tyler said friends get each other through the hard times! Are we going to see your blogs back up and going again?
Taylor: *nods* possibly! Hopefully the girls who are upset with me will get over it and start sending tea in again. My biggest haters use to be my biggest spillers I must say!
Tyler: *laughs* Oh TT, I missed your shady ass.
Kathy: *shakes head* oh TT, I always know you to tell the truth. You’re so shady, this is why you can’t ever leave us!
Christina: So, is Alexis usually in your messages?
Audience audibly gasps
Taylor: Not Alexis, we have gotten to be cordial. I’m referring to Grace Whistleworth, Anal Hadid, and Jacqueline Carter. *smiles*
Kathy: *looks at TT* Well speaking of former Ladies of Twitter ladies. We have a special guest that is back for her sophomore season. It’s Harlow Laurier from Ladies of Twitter! Let’s make some noise ladies and gentlemen!
Taylor: *whistles* LOVE HARLOW! Hello baby gorgeous, welcome!
Tyler: *smiles and claps* Yes for Miss Harlow!
Harlow: *walks out from the back and waves* Hello ladies! *struts and walks towards the ladies* You guys all look STUNNING!
Christina: I love that walk, very corpse bride!
Harlow: *sits down by Christina* Thank you TT! *looks over* Thank you Christina!
Kathy: Harlow you are fabulous! Welcome to Reality of Roleplay. We are glad you are here with you today! This is your first time in studio right?
Harlow: Yes it is! I’m so happy to be surrounded by such influential women today!
Tyler: Awww, flatter will get you everywhere Harlow! *giggles*
Taylor: I’m so excited to see my friend here!
Kathy: Well we have lots to get into! I know we all have some things we are dying to get your opinions on regarding the supersized premiere!
Harlow: Let’s talk about it! *laughs*
Tyler: Yes! So much to get into with this new season and its premiere episode, but I want to start off and see what Harlow and the rest of you ladies think of newcomer Kaylani?
Christina: She’s a firecracker! I don’t know how well she fits in but she’s definitely not silent, you need that in a new add!
Harlow: She came in hot! I was a bit scared when she walked in though because I did think that her and Billie were about to have sexual intercourse with each other.. but overall she is a nice lady!
Kathy: I think Kaylani is spunky but is she really the right fit for this group of girls? She came in kissing a woman? They all seemed tight lipped and a little cold to her in my opinion.
Taylor: I personally thought Kaylani was a spark and brought some energy. She was definitely needed to shake up the vibe though. We’ve had multiple seasons of the same women, so I was happy to see Kaylani back, and no ladies — just because someone changes their face and body doesn’t make them any fresher! *TT is seen laughing at her own commentary*
Kathy: Now TT, what are you talking about changing faces? *flashback of Season 14 Kathy and Kathy now*
Tyler: *flashback of Season 3 Tyler and Season 4 Tyler* Yeah go easy on the new face jokes TT! *laughs* I agree that she brought a spark in, and I think we’ll certainly see that develop further. *laughs*
Taylor: I love that!
Harlow: Definitely… *laughs*
Christina: Do you like Kaylani, Harlow?
Harlow: I like her but we’re not close! I’d like to get close with her! She’s a very nice person!
Tyler: Speaking of the new faces, let’s talk about that. What did we think of the group’s icy reception of Amal, Devyn aside?
Taylor: Well I’m referring to how Anal now suddenly looks like Calista Big Bank who was on our show two weeks ago. She deserved the icy reception she went to the doctor and had them recreate her to look like Calista Big Bank. I’m like bitch is this build a bear?
Kathy: I haven’t always had the best relationships with Amal because of how she comes across and I think the ladies saw that side of her last season and now they are on guard. Which is rightfully understandable but I can tell Amal took no time to get on the apology tour and start making allies.
Harlow: I don’t understand why Amal had just moved back from Dubai to here. Nothing really is making sense and I think she’s running out of money!
Christina: Funny you mention that…the Ladies love to make a move.
Taylor: *gasps* not she’s broke! Spent all that money to look like big bank and got a little bank. Ya heard it hear first girls!
Tyler: What makes you think she’s broke, Harlow? *laughs*
Harlow: I think she ran out of money because of all that facial reconstruction that made her even more worse, and she had to run back to her only source of income here in Twitter, this show!
Kathy: So Harlow we seen in the premiere you and Teairra pretty close. How are you two today? I enjoy the friendship between you two!
Harlow: I mean if you saw from the trailer, we did get into a bit of rocky road, but we love each other now! We are closer than ever!! Me and Teairra are like that duo nobody expects! *laughs*
Christina: I’m happy you two are in a good place since you joined on the same season
Taylor: I love Teairra so I’m excited to hear that!!
Christina: Who do you go at it the hardest with this season?
Harlow: We took a trip to the Poconos and that’s when everything really took a turn! I’m not going to reveal much and save it for the season, but trust me, it was a trip from hell!
Kathy: *looks* So who do you go at it with the most?

Harlow: *looks at Kathy* There’s no answer. Should I say everyone but Grace? This season was all about Harlow Harlow Harlow!
Kathy: Okay, I’ll ask in a different way Harlow. Is there anyone you wouldn’t film with again if you could choose?
Harlow: Devyn King! That bitch!
Christina: Based on her record, you may get your wish
Harlow: I hope it comes true.
Taylor: *laughs* she’s way past her prime she did the whole new face who this thing to. Expired!
Harlow: She has so much entitlement.. but this season she’s sitting there like furniture! Surprised that she didn’t get a friend role! Kaylani should’ve been fulltime lady if you ask me!
Kathy: I have always thought that Devyn does just enough to coast by to say she was there.
Tyler: We will see some action from Devyn this season for sure. I really think all of these Ladies brought something unique to season 16.
Taylor: Harlow’s takes are real! I need to see more of Kaylani to see if I agree, but I thought Devyn had a lot going on in the trailer — now if I find out the bitch only scenes was featured in the trailer it’ll be a problem!
Kathy: Harlow I have to know what do you make of all these accusations about your friend Grace that’s been in the blogs these last few months?
Harlow: I mean, Grace is a wonderful woman and if these rumors of her are true, I am going to be upset. But these ladies trampled her this season but the truth of some of the other ladies will be revealed later this season! They act like they are the most perfect women ever. It irks me!
Christina: What I’m hearing is the fans will win either way!
Taylor: Well sometimes evil women deserve to be trampled!
Harlow: Hard question
Kathy: *laughs* I think everyone is an answer, if she’s anything like she was when I was on.
Harlow: *thinks very hard* She fights with everyone.
Kathy: I don’t see her truce between Billie and Erica lasting long….
Harlow: Definitely do not expect it too… that was a joke! This season is expect the expected so just keep watching… so much random stuff happens because these ladies keep pulling random stuff out of their asses!
Christina: Let’s move to the Beach! There’s a lot going on, so ladies, we’re at the end of Season 8A!

Tyler: I hope that means the end of Mona Quinn, once and for all. *laughs*
Harlow: Oh god! *laughs*
Taylor: Thank God! Too much Heidi. Hope she’s demoted to a guest in 8B. Exhausting to me as a viewer.
Kathy: Petra if you’re watching this week, let’s Keep Mona where she is at in TX somewhere and let these girls thrive without Mona. I have a feeling 8B will be much better than 8A
Christina: Ladies, how do we feel about Marcie? She’s been quite active. Do we think her friendship with Heidi is real?
Kathy: Their friendship is as real as my new face *laughs*
Taylor: *nods* I like Marcie when she’s vocal like when she was fighting with Valentina! The friendship with Heidi is fake and no one wants to see that. Based on viewer feedback, I think they had the least popular and most confusing feud ever in the shows history.
Harlow: I’m surprised a hairstylist was able to be rich enough to be on the Real Housewives but I mean I guess always believe in yourself!
Tyler: I actually really enjoy Marcie! I find her funny and light, but also shady. As for her friendship with Heidi, it’s a prime example of not everyone you meet is your friend. *laughs* They’re just girls who met each other.
Taylor: *nods* I hate seeing Sheri Campbell being a bitch to Marcie in her confessionals and in her scenes though.
Kathy: I think we need to give Marcie a chance. Maybe she needed a season to warm up like our guest and dear friend Harlow had to do!
Tyler: There’s always gotta be someone that hazes the newbie, no?
Christina: Speaking of girls who just met each other, the Monse and Valentina relationship. Valentina’s encouraged Monse to make amends with Mona but the two haven’t gotten much better. Is it worth fixing or not?
Taylor: Well no — I don’t think we will get resolution since everybody and their mother knows that Mona ran for the Texas heat once the feds realized she was back on Beverly Beach. You know the IRS is not playing with her ass.
Kathy: I think any relationship with Mona is a lost cause at this point. Yvonne was so charitable and philanthropic to give that woman the benefit of the doubt time and time again.
Tyler: New friends, did you say Monse and Valentina or Monse and Jac? *laughs* Mona is just going to run off again, I don’t see what’s worth fixing.
Harlow: I don’t think it’s worth it. If it’s not working leave it alone. Just saying!
Taylor: Don’t get me started again on Jac’s fake friendship with Monsway
Tyler: Jac is real…I think it’s Monse looking to for built in best friends. First Jacqueline, then Valentina.
Christina: Are we watching the same show, Tyler?
Tyler: Pregnancy makes people act crazy.
Taylor: *laughs* that’s what I heard the girls excuse was throughout the season for whacko Jacko. Jac has made some not so real moves this season…she was called out early on by Sheri and Yvonne for moving funny.
Kathy: I am more curious between the dynamics between Monse and Phoebe. If I am being honest. Is it usual for your sister to spend $20,000 of your husbands money?
Christina: It is not usual, especially when the husband has no work.
Tyler: Not unless she does half the work in the bedroom. *laughs*
Taylor: Wait who is Phoebe? Ohhhhh she is the random sister who’s a friend of — she’s no Imani and Monsway is no Lorelei
Tyler: Phoebe is Monse’s sister. *laughs* I agree with that, TT.
Taylor: Did you ladies enjoy the Beyonce concert during Beverly beach?!
Tyler: It was a fun event to watch on one of these shows! Who doesn’t love Beyoncé?
Harlow: It was amazing! Beyoncé is amazing! I wish I had gotten to see her concert!
Christina: I love Beyonce!

Kathy: So Harlow today we are going to play a fun game called Name ‘Em! Each of the panelist will go around and will say a quote from the Ladies premiere and you’re going to try and NAME EM’
Taylor: Okay girlies I’m going first!
Harlow: Oooh! I’m excited! I’ll try to remember but these will be guesses! The only scenes that I found relevant were mine so I’ll be logically guessing!
Taylor: Get ready Harlow! Here we go

Harlow: I think that was Erica! She had a lot of shit after the reunion!
Taylor: ANKK… WRONG!
Christina: I think it was Devyn
Harlow: See if that was Devyn I wouldn’t even have noticed!
Taylor: It was Mrs. Whistleworth, Grace hunni! *laughs* She needs to put in a lot more work!!
Harlow: Oh well damnit! *laughs*
Christina: I am next!

Taylor: Oof somebody gaged Billie Reed
Harlow: Oh god I’m trying to think who talked to Billie?! Was that Amal?
Kathy: That definitely was about Billie *laughs* she needs a new hairdo. Who said that Christina?
Christina: Ashley, Billie’s assistant
Harlow: WHO?
Tyler: Okay, we’ve got another ready to go Harlow. Tell us who said this!

Harlow: None of that is true and I don’t understand why she said that but Amal!
Christina: Is that Amal?
Tyler: *claps* There we go Harlow!
Kathy: That sounds like Amal *laughs*
Taylor: I was listening and heard her say that and looked up and was like why is Calista Big Bank on here talking about being a pot stirrer!
Kathy: Harlow here is another one for you!

Harlow: Oh my so much pressure on me after answering one question correctly… Who was this?! Oh my god!
Taylor: *laughs* not brought on! We love when the girls acknowledge they are in television
Harlow: Was that like Devyn? I don’t know! Maybe she’s around here somewhere!

Kathy: That was you Harlow! You were a Kaylani fan from the beginning!
Taylor: What about this one Harlow?! You got this!

Harlow: *looks to the audience* UM?!
Kathy: *looks annoyed* Audience do you know the answer? Help our guest out!!
Tyler: *whispers* Billieeeeeee
*Audience starts chanting Billie*
Harlow: It was Billie! *laughs*
Taylor: Correct!
Christina: The next one is…*reads*

Harlow: Is that Billie? Was she a big supporter of the Marriott?
Christina: No… Look at the langauge, come on Harlow!
Kathy: Tyler help her out again…
Tyler: That was Erica, Harlow…
Harlow: Well damn! I thought my parts were the only important but oh well! *laughs*
Tyler: Let’s try this one Harlow.

Harlow: All of the other ladies. They all probably said that about me!
Tyler: Starts with D-
Christina: Devyn has a voice! *mockingly*
Kathy: Damn Devyn was cut throat there! *laughs*
Harlow: OH? I didn’t realize she was in this premiere! I thought she got cut out!
Taylor: They probably edited a scene in of her so she wouldn’t be upset hun.
Tyler: Yes! It was Devyn.
Kathy: Here’s the last one for you Harlow. Let’s get it right now! *laughs*

Harlow: See now who’s that?! Who said that about me!
Tyler: That was once again… *looks at Kathy*
Harlow: I need to make a quick call to that person because how dare they!
Kathy: Well you’re supposed to guess that’s the point of the game!
Taylor: Okay girls wrap it up it’s time for the tea spill!
Harlow: Umm… Who hates me? DEVYN?!
Kathy: Yes it was Devyn.
Harlow: Oh thank god!
Kathy: Thank you for playing that game Harlow!
Taylor: Okay anywho the tea spill I got 3 minutes because Harlow was so damn awful at that game!!
Kathy: What do you got for us this week TT? You gotta make up for what you missed! The people have been waiting for some tea!!
Taylor: Firstly let’s get into Dallas alleged sexual relationship with Xander from Beverly Beach — apparently it’s being addressed on Family Hustle. What is everyone’s thoughts on this? I personally think it’s so messy how it all came out!
Christina: I think it’s rude for Family Hustle to throw me under the bus to have honest conversations about sexuality. I honestly don’t know why Dallas would hide this. I don’t know what industry he’s in, but I’m sure they don’t care
Kathy: Didn’t it come out on Draya’s blog? *looks around* it’s messy anyway you look at it! I could’ve swore that Tre swore to us that Dallas was straight.
Christina: Well Tre probably would’ve sworn her husbands were monogamous.
Kathy: Husbands? She has multiple, let me find out! *laughs*
Harlow: If it’s true and he’s happy good for him! If it’s not than that’s just weird whoever made it up!
Christina: She’s been married twice, silly Kathy
Kathy: Well we aren’t each others favorite people *laughs* I don’t keep up with her. However I do like that Courtney and her new husband Calvin Klein!
Tyler: Oh, I don’t think that’s the case, Christina. Good for Dallas and Xander though. *laughs*
Taylor: Okay moving onto some pretty big tea here ladies — are you all ready because you’ll need to buckle up for this one!
Kathy: Let’s hear the last bit of tea you got!
Tyler: Buckle me in baby!

Taylor: I have it on good authority that a group of women from various shows that we have covered on Reality of Roleplay will be headed on a trip next week — with cameras rolling!!
Tyler: Oop! Thats so exciting!
Christina: Oh that is fun!
Kathy: We are finally getting another girls trip!? I’m glad it’s inclusive to other shows too and not just ladies!
Harlow: That is going to be fun!
Kathy: Harlow are you going?
Harlow: Unfortunately no! Whoever is thought I’ll be excited to watch! I should get a call the next time though! *laughs*
Taylor: I’m hearing the cast is a good one so we will have to be on watch for the girls social media next week to see what’s going on! And with that, thank you Harlow for being with us today and failing miserably at the game and as always, thank you friends for watching Reality of Roleplay!!
Harlow: Thanks for calling me out TT, and thank you other ladies for a fabulous morning on Reality of Roleplay! *smiles*

Tune in next week as we interview Courtney Porter-Harris and Tre Spice-Slovain from Family Hustle on Reality of Roleplay! Tre and Courtney will be breaking down the latest Family Hustle drama and discussing the season so far and what is still to come the rest of this season!