Season 4; Episode 5: Teairra K-Blanco & Imani Grimaldi!

Reality Of Roleplay
13 min readDec 18, 2023
L-R: Taylor Thompson, Christina J. Phillips, Petra McCaire, Tyler Newman, Kathy Irvine, and Elle Stonewood

*The women of the show are seen gathered and getting ready to walk out*

Producer: In 5, 4, 3, 2, *mouths* 1.

Kathy: *walks out and has a seat on the couch* Well there’s four of us tonight! *looks around* This is an interesting dynamic. *laughs* How are you two, since the audience hasn’t seen you two in a few weeks!?

Christina: I’ve been busy, Miss Kathy. Running a network is a lot of work but I’m excited about what’s coming soon, so stay tuned. But I’m happy to be back where I belong!

Tyler: I am tired. *laughs* But I’m doing well, ready to make that final push through to the holidays and dodging the chaos. That could be a full-time job.

Kathy: Well what are the holiday plans for you all? Christmas is going to be here soon and this is our last episode left of 2023!

Petra: Oh Gunter and I are taking the kids to Australia! I can’t wait!

Tyler: What a year it’s been on RoR! *laughs* I’m planning to spend time with the family, hoping Santa got me something real big this year. I’m sure you girls will tell him I’ve been good.

Christina: I’m going to spend Christmas Eve with my mother, Christmas with my father, and the rest of the days in Spain.

Kathy: Aww I love all of the Christmas plans!

Tyler: What are you up to Christmas Miss Irvine?

Kathy: Mom and I are going to St Tropez and Monaco for Christmas and new years so that is going to be interesting to say the least.

Christina: I hope Miss Elle and Taylor have happy holidays as well

Kathy: Me too, they have been missed these last few weeks! I hope all is well with Taylor and I know Elle said she would be back after the new year!

Tyler: Yes! We love and miss our girls when they take their time away.

Christina: Without further ado, it’s my pleasure to announce one of the most outspoken women I’ve seen on TV. Petra’s own employee, Imani Grimaldi!

*the audience and cast erupt with applause upon Imani’s entrance*

Petra: *smiles and waves as Imani walks out* It’s great to have you back, Imani!

Imani: Yassss! *blows kisses to the audience as they cheer for her* Hello ladies!

Kathy: *hugs Imani* We are so glad you’re here! And our other guest today is no stranger to the studio or a shade fest! It’s Tyler’s own Whitney Houston, welcome to the stage Teairra K-Blanco!

*the audience erupts with applause as Teairra struts out*

Teairra: *walks out smiling and waving* Hey girls!

Petra: Yessss *snaps* welcome to RoR, Miss Teairra!

Tyler: *claps for Teairra* Yes!! Gorgeous girls from Beverly Beach and Twitter, we’re so lucky today!

Teairra: Thank you for having me!

Kathy: You both are giving us looks this morning! So I wanna dive right into the episodes on both of your shows today! We’ve got a fun game planned so are you girls ready to dive into things today?

Imani: Yes Kathy! I’m excited to be here today with all of you, let’s get it poppin!

Teairra: Oh im more than ready! *sits up in chair*

Tyler: Yes, so let’s dive right in! *laughs* A lot of action on Ladies of Twitter since we last met up, and since Teairra’s here, I figure we start with her. Teairra, we’ve seen glimpses of struggles in your relationships with Devyn and Harlow teased this season. What can you tell us about that?

Christina: *looks to Teairra* And don’t give us a rehearsed answer!

Kathy: I want to know because the feuds look juicy. It seems like someone finally got Devyn activated.

Teairra: Well! *laughs* What i will say is me and Harlow’s issue was a little uncalled for and we sorted it out! Devyn on the other hand? I’ll just say you can’t trust or be around every bitch because there’s always a snake in the grass ready to bite! *shrugs*

Petra: Oop! Well that says alot. A snake.

Christina: I’m just happy to know Devyn was around enough for you to stay mad!

Tyler: Now the snake bit is very shady, but I do have to ask a shady follow up of my own, we’ve seen a fair bit of tension with you and Harlow, and it centered around Erica. Do you think you were/are jealous of Harlow’s budding friendship with Erica?

Teairra: I wouldn’t say I was jealous of her and Erica’s friendship. I just felt like it was fake because she used to talk a LOT about Erica, so seeing her being so friendly rubbed me the wrong way because I felt like if she could switch up so quickly she could be doing it to me as well.

Kathy: Do you think Harlow has it in her to be a sniper from the side one might say?

Teairra: The sniper may not be aimed at me this time around, but absolutely. *laughs*

Petra: *nods along to Teairra* I do get that, I feel like thats valid.

Kathy: Now shifting gears a little bit… As for your relationship with Grace because it’s teased that all the ladies have a go at her, where are you with her today? And do you believe any of the rumors out there about her?

Petra: Grace is always in hot water, chile. *eyes widen*

Christina: She’s polarizing, I definitely don’t like her. *rolls eyes*

Teairra: Me and grace are good! She actually still keeps in contact with me but as for the rumors, I feel like there can be some truth to it but there’s so many different stories I don’t know what to believe.

Kathy: She’s very controversial! *laughs*

Tyler: Grace can definitely find herself in the mess…coast to coast. *laughs*

Kathy: Do we get a clear answer on any of the lawsuits and rumors this season!?

Teairra: Well! there’s some closure to it a little bit and some admittance *laughs* but i think its still .. ongoing? *looks around* Don’t fact check me! I’m not sure!

Tyler: No fact checks here, we just live for the tea! Another big topic so far this season has been Erica’s relationships with the group. We have seen her fight with Kaylani, Amal, and you Teairra. Do you think it’s Erica or do you think everyone just likes to go for her?

Teairra: I think it’s Erica to be real, she is the root of most of the problems. She’s just good at gaslighting and making everyone look like the agressor. *pauses* Well not everyone! I would say in MY case the other girls I can’t save them.

Kathy: *looks in shock* Things must have changed with Erica….

Tyler: Oop, not gaslighting! So I guess that means your truce in one of the new episodes doesn’t last. Can’t wait to watch that. *laughs*

Teairra: *laughs* Does it ever really last?

Christina: Things are always changing with you Ladies, I’ll give you that..

Kathy: Well Teairra, we are excited to see you flourish this season on Ladies and see your music career take off! RoR will have to come see you when you do live performances!

*the cast and audience applause as Kathy pulls up tonight’s game*

Kathy: So let’s move on to tonight’s game! It’s called Versace or Hibachi! The panelists will show everyone a look and we will say if it’s a Versace runway or a Hibachi and needs to be burned!

Christina: Let’s get this show on the road!

Petra: Here, we have a look from LoT! It’s Kaylani!

Christina: Kaylani looks cute! I’d say it’s jogger Versace!

Imani: Are you kidding? That’s straight to the hibachi and get sushi at that — tacky!

Petra: I say, Hibachi miss Kaylani! Sorry, hun! What the hell is jogger Versace, Christina?

Christina: What Kaylani is wearing, clearly!

Tyler: Kaylani is a spunky gal, but the sweatsuit isn’t doing it for me. I’m going to Hibachi as well!

Kathy: It’s a hibachi for me! That is a no!

Teairra: Yikes, hibachi do i even have to explain why?

Tyler: Next up, from Beverly Beach, we have Valentina!

Imani: She has great style! Versace!

Tyler: I agree, I love this look, it’s definitely a Versace!

Kathy: She’s giving sexy slut, I say Versace!

Petra: I’d say Versace. I mean she could put on a rag — and she does! — and still look great.

Teairra: Versace, the dress alone sealed the deal for me!

Christina: Hibachi, who still wears wedge heels?

Kathy: I guess Valentina does. *laughs*

Petra: Says the woman who wears kitten heels so.. *shrugs*

Christina: The next look is from our guest Teairra!

Kathy: *looks at Teairra* Were you going to teach a class or sell me some Mary Kay makeup?

Teairra: *blinks real fast* Well definitely not my best!

Imani: Oh lordy *laughs* Tierra you better slay me to hibachi with these boots girl!

Christina: Yeah, I’ll have to skewer you Teairra.

Tyler: I’m going Versace for this look. It’s a very simple, fun fall look. I could see Teairra picking pumpkins in this, going to a corn maze, drinking apple cider. *leans to Kathy* What else does one do in the fall?

Kathy: *laughs at Tyler* You’re so graceful! She looks like she was ready to teach a lesson in the classroom!

Christina: It’s comfortable at least.

Teairra: I would say Versace for the top half, but the boots would be hibachi! It was definitely fall inspired.

Petra: Versace!

Kathy: Next up is the then pregnant Jac Carter giving us a glimpse of her Baby Bump.

Christina: Hibachi. Congratulations on the baby.

Imani: Congrats to the baby! Hope he grows up in a stable household.

Petra: Hibachi tbh, the shade of dress doesnt go great with Jac’s skin tone.

Tyler: Oh, I’m going to Versace. My pregnant sister was looking very angelic here.

Kathy: Oh, I’m going to Versace. My pregnant sister was looking very angelic here.

Teairra: Aw, congratulations to her but the um, dress? I would say versace! The shoes are throwing me off though..

Petra: Okay this next one…

*Petra slowly reveals the photo on the big screen*

*Christina shrieks*

Petra: It’s Amal!

Imani: *laughs* Oh my god what is Calista doing naked?!

*Kathy looks at Petra and blinks*

Imani: Sorry Calista! Hibachi!

Kathy: Maybe for her husband that’s Versace but it’s hibachi for me and my eyes!

Teairra: Onlyfans promo? *laughs* Kidding! I give her a Versace! The body is bomb!

Tyler: Showing off what the doctor gave her! *laughs* I am a sucker for the color purple so I’ll give her a Versace.

Petra: Versace!

Kathy: Well that was definitely an interesting game of Hibachi and Versace. Definitely didn’t think we did lingerie photos! *laughs* I wanna dive into Real Housewives of Beverly Beach. It’s been a big week for you and the girls Petra. How do you feel about 8B?

Petra: Whew! It’ll most certainly has been. I think 8B is definitely an improvement from 8A. I think its fun having Imani be in the mix again and you also get to meet Yvonne’s friend. Jac and Sheridan is just…*shakes head* This Reunion is going to be tough but my end goal is some sort of resolve.

Christina: I love Imani and Serena on the show. They give you no time to miss Mona.

Tyler: I think it’s very sad to see a strain like this in a friendship like Jac and Sheridan’s on one of these shows. *turns to Christina* Mona who?

Kathy: Imani do you think there’s a chance for resolve for Sheridan and Jac?

Imani: No. Honestly I’m not just saying this because Sheridan is my friend but Jac has turned this very dark and I feel like she’s going to find a way to deflect from every single situation and blame everyone around her. She’s a mean spirited individual with a dark soul.

Tyler: Well, I hope for both of them that with some time and space that they’ll be able to find their way back to a friendship.

Kathy: I guess we can all hope for miracles to happen. I hate that there’s a possibility they will no longer be friends. That’s one feud I was not expecting.

Christina: I have a question for both of you, Petra and Imani.

Imani: What is it?

Jacqueline Carter-Van de Walde’s Tweet

Christina: Can you clear this up for me?

Imani: What’s there to clear up? Later on in the season I sit down with Phoebe where she acknowledges her seeing me with that man.

Christina: With the Phoebe situation, Jac has said that the confrontation between Imani and Phoebe was planned.

Jacqueline Carter-Van de Walde’s Tweet

Petra: In what way? *raises eyebrow*

Christina: Insinuating that the ladies were aiming to defile Phoebe’s reputation and supported Imani’s stories changing.

Petra: Stay tuned for that!

Imani: Jac is trying to nitpick at everything I say in order to get more attention. Hell, she called me transphobic last week… it’s just Jac, reaching for the stars and miserably failing.

Christina: Was Phoebe supposed to be a cast member? She’s heavily featured with confessionals and all?

Petra: No, she was a part of Monsè family dynamic this season and her personal storyline. It just happened that we caught wind of her involvement through town gossip, making it kind of the perfect choice to have Imani come back into the show.

Kathy: Well I have to say A+ on casting this season Petra! These ladies have all made a mark in their own ways and bringing in some new girls to switch the game up is refreshing!

Tyler: Yes, I’m definitely tuning into season 8B with my eyes glued to the screen!

Christina: Well, let’s wrap this thing up with a little tea. There’s two cups to pour into.

Kathy: I’ll hold out my tea cup first! Pour away!

Christina: First up, we have the return of Dr. Tanya Love. She’s returned out of thin air to revive the Married to Medicine Twitter series…or so we thought. Rumor has it that she is aiming to get as much camera time as possible by filming two shows- one of which is a sports themed franchise. What do we think ladies? Is there room for Dr. Tanya anymore?

Tyler: Not two shows! *laughs* I hadn’t heard about alllllll that. Now I do think there’s room for Doctor Tanya, but is her life so interesting we need to watch it twice?

Kathy: I do think we should see the Married to Medicine Twitter franchise make a grand return to Roleplay.. but I have to agree is Tanya’s life that interesting to see it twice in two different shows? Is she trying to be a trailblazer or looking for a quick come up?

Imani: I find it tacky but I don’t know her story, maybe she’s interesting enough to get casted on a basketball show after being part of a medicine show. Some people love to be on TV!

Christina: Probably the latter. As I understand it, she’s left her husband and finding her way to any athlete’s lap that’s empty. What a whore…allegedly.

Teairra: Well I’m not too familiar with the Tanya lady so I’m not sure what she’ll bring, but I think it may be space for her somewhere! It seems that she’s hopping everywhere!

Tyler: I’ve got my cup ready for the next spill…what other tea have you got for us tonight Christina?

Christina: The second cup pour comes from the Baller Wives franchise. Recently, original cast member Cassie Carlisle announced her pregnancy with photographs from her baby shower. My sources say that there were four unknown ladies filming with Cassie, Brittany, Calista, and Blair. Is the show headed for a huge revamp?

Tyler: Ooooo wow, that seems like quite the shake up! There were definitely a few girls that needed to get the chop, so hopefully these new girls are hard at work!

Kathy: *looks confused* I thought we got new ladies last season! I was looking forward to getting to know them but I have to trust that Christina did the right thing if you actually brought in four new girls.

Christina: Well Kathy you know I can’t confirm or deny, despite being close to the show. I don’t handle casting but I do have a say in who stays or goes. Stay tuned!

Tyler: The C! Network would come after her ass! *laughs*

Kathy: You give them pink slips out I see!

Christina: All I can say is that fan feedback played a big role in the move we took this season!

Kathy: Well that’s a good thing, well I’m definitely looking forward to the new season of Baller Wives!

Tyler: Me too!

Christina: It definitely is not to be missed!

Kathy: Christina do you think the C! Networks will add anymore shows to their network next year?

Christina: We’ve been approached.. All I’ll say is keep your eyes on us in 2024! *winks*

Kathy: Thanks for that nugget of information Christina! It’s always nice to hear from the Original tea spiller. This is another episode of Reality of Roleplay! Thank you to Teairra Blanco and Imani Grimaldi for coming on today and breaking down the latest on your shows! We will see you all in 2024 when the rest of Reality of Roleplay returns with our special Guest from Baller Wives; Cassie Carlisle!

Imani: Thank you ladies!

Teairra: *stands and gives hugs to everyone* Thank you for having me ladies!

Tyler: *claps and waves* See you in 2024!

Thank you so much for all the support all year long! We’re so grateful to all of you! Join us Jan. 8th, 2024 for our New Year episode with Cassie Carlisle of Baller Wives! Until then, Happy Holidays from all of us here at Reality of Roleplay! :))

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Reality Of Roleplay
Reality Of Roleplay

Written by Reality Of Roleplay

Daytime Roleplay Show, covering all Roleplay’s trending topics. Panelists: @kathyirvine_ @ElleStonewood @TylerRHofT @TheTeaCupofRP

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