Season 4; Episode 6: Cassie Carlisle!

Reality Of Roleplay
13 min readJan 8, 2024
L-R: Taylor Thompson, Christina J. Phillips, Petra McCaire, Tyler Newman, Kathy Irvine, and Elle Stonewood

The ladies are seen backstage getting glammed then the scene slowly transitions to the ladies walking out one by one

Elle: Hello hello hello and we are BACK for our first episode of 2024! I have some of my GORGEOUS panelists alongside me today and we’ve got special guest joining us to discuss the latest in their life along with all the hottest RP topics of the week, but first ; resolutions! Who’s got some? Mine was to stop eating Taco Bell! *laughs*

Kathy: Elle, I’m so glad you’re back in the studio with us! I have missed you so much, but I’m glad I got to spend the holidays with you and the family! My New Year’s resolution is I think putting myself out there more in the dating world!

Elle: I loved spending time with you and the kids love their auntie Kathy!

Tyler: Yes of course, Tyler *looks* how about you what did you?

Tyler: Awww, I’m so glad to be back with you girls. I had a great holiday with my family. I’m looking forward to the New Year, and I’m hoping to get in better shape. All those girls out in Malibu have been using the Ozempic, but Tyler would like to just hit the gym more.

Elle: Yas girlie work that booty out!

Kathy: Aww, Tyler I am in ozempic and haven’t seen much of a result on me. But maybe I just need to hit the gym like you!

Christina: It’s good to see you Elle after a long break. I’m happy to be back on the couch really. I’ve had a very fun holiday with no children!

Tyler: But Christina, you have to tell us your resolution too. Do you have one?

Christina: One of my employees told me to make a resolution to not be messy, so I’ll go with that!

Elle: On that note we have a very special guest today!

Kathy: I think it’s only right Christina introduce today’s guest!

Chrisitna: Yes, today’s guest is not the employee who told me not to be messy. She’s actually an employee who’s known for causing mess! Please welcome Baller Wives OG Cassie P. Carlisle!

Tyler: *claps* We love an OG, honey!

Cassie Carlisle — Baller Wives

Cassie: *walks out and poses before waving at the fans and clapping for herself* Hello hello!!!

Kathy: Oh she is pregnant… *laughs*

The ladies congratulate Cassie on her pregnancy

Cassie: Due any day now! Mama barely made it. *laughs* thank you all!

Kathy: I’m glad you made it just for us! Did you have to drive here with the flight restrictions! *laughs*

Cassie: I flew in on our PJ *smiles*

Christina: Did the ladies not see the beautiful pictures of Cassie at her baby shower last month?

Elle: I don’t think I did I might’ve been working!

Cassie: Right Christina? Are the girls not staying up to date on the happenings? *laughs*

Tyler: I do remember now seeing that photo you uploaded Cassie from the shower. Definitely shocking to see you and Brittany Slay in a photo together after last season — where are you two at this year? Besties once more?

Cassie: Well, wasn’t that surprising. *laughs* Juniper and I had a discussion, one that you will see play out on camera.

Tyler: Oooo, I know I can’t wait for that. You Baller Wives always deliver the drama.

Elle: Glad to see you’re on better terms! Were any of your other co-stars not pictured there?

Cassie: There were a couple of other Baller Wives there. I posted the photo with some of my closest friends. Unfortunately one of my dearest friends, Luna, did not come out to Chicago for the baby shower. She declined the invitation and also hasn’t been responding to my texts. Not sure what’s going on there.

Christina: I think that will be covered in the upcoming season of Baller Wives Twitter! You’re not the only one, Cassie.

Tyler: Oh, Chicago? Has Cassie Carlisle made a move to the Windy City?

Christina: Ah Tyler! You caught that, with that I do want to make a special announcement.

Cassie: *smirks and looks to Christina* speaking of Chicago…

Kathy: *makes a face* I hope this is what I think it is…

Christina: Cassie Carlisle is the anchor of C! Network’s newest show, Baller Wives Chicago! You will get to see Cassie’s conversation with Brittany Slay as well as her winter wonderland baby shower on the debut season!

Kathy: Wait that’s huge, Cassie! How exciting that you are the anchor for a new installment on the C! Network!

Tyler: Oop! *claps* We love a second franchise, looks like Miss Cassie is a double OG now. *laughs*

Cassie: *smiles* Chicago has always been home to us with Thomas owning the Chicago Bulls NBA franchise. If you kept up with Baller Wives: Twitter, you’d know I always was flying into Twitter to film. Well now, you’ll meet my friends in Chicago!

Elle: Wowwww! A new show in the Baller Wives world!

Tyler: Oooo, what can you tell us about the differences between this friend group and your Twitter friends?

Cassie: *laughs* Well, the Chicago girls have a classier edge to them. They are more accustomed to a finer lifestyle; very urban and city girls. The Twitter divas are very suburban. While the Chicago girls are a little on the classier side, provoke them and they fight like Chicago girls. *laughs* Don’t let the smooth taste fool ya!

Christina: I think the Chicago ladies have more professional careers which will be interesting! We have a doctor, lawyer, and journalist on the cast.

Elle: Do you have anyone we as an audience should be keeping our eyes on? Anything you can spill!

Cassie: I think the entire group of women should catch your eye — don’t sleep on any of them. They are all a handful and I have my go at pretty much all of them. *laughs*

Kathy: I am excited to see more of your lifestyle in Chicago, Cassie. I’ve always found you super compelling on Baller Wives so if this means we get a deeper dive into it then I’m all in there! What can you tease us about the upcoming season!

Cassie: I don’t want to give away too much, but just know that just because I have this baby in my belly, doesn’t mean I won’t get these women together. *laughs* I am still very much THE CASSIE CARLISLE.

Christina: There’s definitely a big turn in the middle of the season and Cassie is involved in it *laughs*

Kathy: I can’t wait, because I love who Cassie Carlisle is!! Christina what the hell made you choose Chicago as your next city for Baller Wives?

Cassie: *laughs* me duh! I pitched it to Andy after season 1 and continued to pitch it to Christina until she pulled the trigger. *winks*

Tyler: Persistence is often key! *laughs*

Christina: I think the success from the Baller Wives: Twitter is what pushed for the expansion, plus it was an added bonus that an OG is originally from there!

Elle: What about drama c’mon you know the fans wanna know what we can expect in Chicago!

Christina: Elle, you’re trying to get all of the information and we have to leave something to the imagination!

Elle: Sorry! I have a job to do! *laughs*

Cassie: *laughs* lots of drama! Lots of fraud! *giggles as Christina cuts her eyes at Cassie*

Tyler: Well, then how about this Christina, what are three words you’d use to describe Baller Wives Chicago?

Christina: Real. Explosive. And…Folders?

Elle: Folders? Well alright then. The fans do need to know when to expect a cast photo…

Christina: I would say… look for it within the next two weeks. We are making a few final tweaks but it is really stunning.

Elle: Oh? Trailer too!?

Tyler: Oop! I can’t wait for that and to meet these new girls.

Kathy: I am definitely am excited to add that to my watchlist. I have been bored lately since we have been on a break!

Cassie: I am ready for my girls to be announced! The season is one for the books…I ended it not knowing who my friends are in the circle anymore. *shrugs* that’s all I’ll tease!

Elle: Have you spoken to any of them since?

Cassie: I have spent some time with one of my cast mates. Oh and you’ll also get to meet my cousin this season as well, and she is a doozy…

Christina: The ladies are great! I wouldn’t be surprised if they were instantly renewed. They really are something special!

Tyler: Ah, it’s always nice to see more of the family. You girls are getting me excited for this already!

Christina: Hopefully if there is a season two then you get more of her. She definitely came into this circle and made her mark.

Kathy: I am excited to see a new city come to the series! You guys got my attention!

Christina: Should we start today’s game?

Tyler: Let’s play

Kathy: So Cassie we have a fun game today we want to play! It’s called swish swish or forget that bish! If you think they are a hit you say swish swish if they are forgettable say forget that bish, got it!?

Cassie: Got it! I am, ready!

Kathy: Swish swish or forget that bish, Courtney Porter Harris!

Cassie: Swish swish, I like Courtney now that we resolved our issues from when I called her a crack head. I was ill informed!

Christina: Swish swish or forget that bitch, Tre Spice?

Cassie: Swish swish, she’s an old icon. Love her!

Elle: Swish swish or forget that bish, Kasey Mitchell.

Cassie: Forget! She’s always shady towards me so I’ll throw the shade back.

Tyler: Swish swish or forget that bish, Blair Hamilton!

Cassie: Swish swish! Love her!

Not Amal Hadid

Kathy: Swish swish or forget that bish Calista Banks?

Cassie: Swish swish that’s my sis!

Tyler: Swish swish or forget that bish, Riley Stevenson.

Cassie: Swish swish, she came to my baby shower.

Elle: Swish swish or forget that bish Charlotte Robinson?

Cassie: Forget that bitch! What a psychopath!

Christina: Ok last one, swish swish or forget that bish, Elle Stonewood.

Cassie: Swish swish, I think Ellen and I have came far. *smiles and rubs belly*

Elle: We have, motherhood has made you so graceful!

Kathy: Thank you Cassie for playing our game this morning! Now I want to cover the latest Beverly Beach episode with you all. Cassie do you watch?

Cassie: Yes!

Elle: What a dinner party hosted by our former panelist Jac!

Tyler: Jac has certainly always known how to throw a party. *laughs*

Kathy: Well I want to hear your opinions on it all! First let’s talk about Serena dropping the story about Heidi using the restroom on herself at a charity event!

Cassie: Serena is definitely making a mark on that show. I suspect her to get a full time contract next season! Mark my words!!

Tyler: I’m enjoying getting to know Serena on the show, I’d definitely like to see more.

Kathy: She is a breakout star on this second half of the season! I can’t wait to see more from her!

Cassie: Christina what do you think? Do you watch?

Christina: I’m happy she’s shining because Imani stormed onto the scene with the two-timer boyfriend story! I was nervous that some of the other ladies would fade to the back…like Monse.

Cassie: I hated that Imani and Monse’s sister Phoebe got played by that man!

Tyler: Was there a time when we said Monse was the front and center it girl? *makes a face*

Christina: Never, but maybe next season is her time!

Kathy: Do you all believe that Serena leaked the story to Taylor Thompson Online?

Elle: Yes.. but I kinda loves it?

Christina: Serena admitted to leaking the story, right? Is there anything to speculate about?

Cassie: She did Christina, at least in the episode I watched. Maybe the girls are behind. *smiles and serves cunt*

Tyler: If only my sister Taylor were here, we could ask her. *laughs*

Kathy: Oh did she, I thought she just laughed it off! Maybe I need to get my stronger prescription readers out! Now onto Jac, and her dinner party. That was quite the event. First it was Beau shaming Sheridan and her relationship status. Should men get involved in women’s business?

Elle: Absolutely not! I didn’t think that was the way to handle how your wife is having issues with her friends.

Cassie: That was disappointing since it was established that Beau, Marcus, Sheridan, and Jac had a close relationship as two couples having vacationed together and such. Usually men don’t get in women’s business when they are that close. Had she just been some random girl picking at Jac, absolutely but not a close friend to the family.

Christina: Beau seems to be very emotional this season. From picking fights with Jac about being an independent working woman to him now taking issue with Sheridan…it’s all strange. He needs therapy and to relax.

Tyler: I don’t think men should get in women’s business, no.

Kathy: I don’t think men should get involved in women’s business. Just like the women shouldn’t get involved in the men’s business either. I was disappointed to see Jac let beau just go in on Sheridan like that in front of the other guys. It was clearly awkward.

Christina: I think Beau is speaking Jac’s true feelings about Sheridan.

Tyler: This Jac and Sheridan feud has frankly just been a-lot I think, it’s hard to watch friends fall out this way on these shows.

Christina: When Yvonne caused a stir at the last couples dinner, Beau was gracious. Now he’s messy and rude? Somethings up!

Kathy: But why can’t Jac say that. She came on this show and freely spoke her mind why is she letting her husband do that?

Cassie: *nods* I see hurt from both ladies but also revenge at play. I hated seeing Sheridan breakdown to Yvonne and Imani about her relationship issue due to the blog posts.

Elle: What I wanna know is when do they all start having fun it’s felt like a whole season of chaos I don’t understand with all the characters! *laughs*

Christina: I don’t think we’ll see any fun. I can’t imagine it’ll get any better considering the tweets. I think there needs to be some cuts. The situation is too toxic to continue on the show.

Tyler: Yeah, they can’t continue this way for sure.

Cassie: Jac already quit according to her social media.

Kathy: I think this was a chaotic season on Beverly Beach. I think Petra needs to make some cuts and some calls and I think we could have a fun season. There’s the formula there.

Christina: I don’t think Jac was supposed to be a long term cast member.

Cassie: I wouldn’t be surprised if Jac and Sheridan both go. Sheridan mentioned her man wanting her to move to Green Bay this episode. Isn’t she from Canada? Maybe that’s a good move for her.

Kathy: I just don’t think there’s any hope for a resolution between them two at this time!

Christina: Fire them both and move forward with the rest of the group. I don’t think anyone wants Heidi back though.

Kathy: I don’t think Heidi will be back. Let’s be honest.

Elle: I hope Heidi’s not back honestly.

Cassie: That Penny lady attacks Heidi everyday on Twitter idk who Penny is but she hates Heidi!

Tyler: Hopefully time and space can heal their friendship, and some of these girls can find some resolution for a fun, light beginning to next year.

Kathy: I think Christina is right. Fire them two and let’s get the show on the road with the new blood and the matriarch, Yvonne! There’s a lot to explore with the new girls and some interesting feuds that could blossom.

Cassie: I kind of hope one of them don’t show up to the reunion so the other girls can talk without them screaming.

Tyler: I agree, I’m excited to see what Petra does with the group next.

Cassie: It’ll be interesting to see Beverly Beach without Sheridan Campbell. I believe her era of the show is over, or at least it should be. Walk away girl. You’re a hall of famer and you contributed a lot to the show but people are exhausted. No disrespect at all!

Elle: I think it’s going to be an interesting dynamic when she leaves but I don’t disagee!

Kathy: I think Sheridan will absolutely always be the face of Beverly Beach. She has brought so much to Roleplay and especially Beverly Beach but I think it’s time we see what the vibes can be like without people having to go for her to make a show!

Cassie: *nods* I agree. I think she’ll like the time away. She can let her guard down and be free because the woman fought everybody on her cast for the last couple years. *laughs* Do Legends or girls trip hun and keep it moving!

Tyler: Well, this has been a great conversation girls. I’d like to thank our lovely guest Cassie Carlise, you can catch her new show Baller Wives Chicago soon along with her new bundle of joy. We’re excited for both! We’ll be back next time with more hot topics and roleplay gossip, but until then, everyone be kind! *winks*

Join us next week for a Beverly Beach take over! We’ve got Monse Derosier and Valentina Armani and they’re going to answer all our questions! Tune in January 15th to see it all go down!

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Reality Of Roleplay
Reality Of Roleplay

Written by Reality Of Roleplay

Daytime Roleplay Show, covering all Roleplay’s trending topics. Panelists: @kathyirvine_ @ElleStonewood @TylerRHofT @TheTeaCupofRP

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