Season 4: Episode 7: Monse DeRosier & Valentina Armani!

Reality Of Roleplay
12 min readJan 15, 2024
Taylor Thompson, Christina J. Phillips, Petra McClaire, Tyler Newman, Kathy Irvine, & Elle Stonewood

*Elle, Taylor, and Petra are shown taking their seats and finalizing their glam*

Taylor: Just us three? *chuckles*

Elle: Welcome back to another episode of Reality of Roleplay! I’m joined by two of my fabulous panelists Petra and Tay Tay and we’ve got a special episode for you! It’s a Beverly Beach take over! *music plays*

Taylor: *claps* Oh we love to get down and dirty with Beverly Beach Bitches!!

Petra: Hi Elle! *waves* So good to be back. How are we doing today ladies?

Elle: We’re oh so happy to have you back Petra!

Taylor: Oh absolutely? Petra where has your skinny ass been? I never see you on this panel. I search high and low! I know you got Jac’s old small dressing room but damn come to work bitch!

Petra: I’m doing amazing, Elle! *turns to TT* I know it may be hard to spot me because Im about as skinny as a grain of rice! *giggles* You know, I heard Shien has XXXL, TT! The rolls are popping out, hunni. Maybe I’ll take you shopping once you get your check for this season of RoR! *crosses legs*

Taylor: *scrunches nose* I’ll have you know I’m down to a double X BITCH!

Petra: Doesnt look like it.

Elle: *gasps* Well! On that note, shall we introduce out guests?!

Petra: Please welcome our guests tonight, some of our fave BB girls! Monsè DeRosier — The Child Bride — who started as a “Friend of” in Season 6 and then got promoted! And our newest addition, the beautiful resident blow up Barbie of Beverly Beach…Valentina Armani! *snaps* Welcome ladies!

Monse: *comes out waving* Hi ladies! Thank you for having me.

Elle: MonSLAYYYY! *they hug*

Taylor: Hello Monse! Welcome.

Valentina: *struts out* Did someone say blow up Barbie. *laughs* She’s here!!

Taylor: *stands up clapping for Val* Oh the icon!

Petra: Hi girls! Welcome, welcome!

Elle: *cheers and hugs Valentina* Now it’s a full house! Let’s get started!

Valentina: *sits by TT* I knew I liked you! I’m so happy to be here. I got lots to discuss!

Petra: So I do want to start with you, Val. You are new to this crazy group of girls. I want your opinion on this tough group that you’ve joined. Minus Monsè, who do you feel like was the most welcoming to you? Who was the least?

Valentina: This has been quite the crazy journey! *laughs* I’m glad Monse talked me into coming out of my shell and doing this. I would have to say the most welcoming has been Jac and then Sheridan aside from Monse. Who I feel like has been the least welcome would be the obvious resident granny, Yvonne.

Elle: Valentina given it’s your first season, did you have any nervous feelings going into the season? Were you worried, forgive me, there was anything in your life these girls could bring up about you?

Valentina: I think I’m a pretty open book, I mean I’ve lived my life in the public eye since the beginning of my marriage and then before as a cheerleader. So even if I had sh*t to hide it would find it’s way to the surface. Let’s be real. *smirks*

Elle: Fair enough!

Petra: Alright and Monsè I have a question for you before we really get into it…

Monse: Hit me with it Petra!

Petra: Who has ultimately been a better friend — Mona or Valentina?

Monse: Shady, shady *laughs and looks to Valentina* Mona was a great friend for so many years. I leaned on her for everything. But having someone disrespect you the way that Mona did shows she wasn’t really ever a true friend to me so… Valentina for sure.

Petra: Oh wow!

Valentina: *high fives* We don’t need that scary bitch anyways. Monse has my back like I got hers!

Taylor: *nods* I expected that answer since Val is on the show and Mona is missing. *flips hair* Monse, why do you have such a hot and cold relationship with Yvonne and Sheridan? Each season we see you make up with those girls and fall right back out just to make up. *laughs*

Petra: *nods at TT* You and Yvonne definitely have a…complicated…relationship.

Monse: The living do make better company than the dead, TT. *smirks* I don’t know, we should ask them! Every season I try to make it work and when they pull some bullsh*ton me, it’s somehow my fault! At the end of the day, I have a lot of love for those ladies, we’ve been through a lot together. I just need them to have my back as much as they want me to have theirs.

Taylor: I heard that babe I saw they had some commentary for you after tonight’s episode. *laughs* the timeline was jumping!

Valentina: I do believe that there’s double standards with some of our ladies. Some have unrealistic expectations if im being honest.

Monse: They always do, I’ll have to check it out when we’re done here.

Valentina: I read it before I came out Monse and it’s not nice, *laughs* but we are all going to come together so. *smiles*

Elle: I think you all need to start having fun together again first of all! *laughs*

Monse: I agree Elle! What happened to the pajama parties and sexy bartenders? *laughs*

Petra: So this season was split into 8A and 8B. 8A mostly focused on the fall out of Mona and the group, most notably with Monsè. Season 8B focuses on Sheridan vs Jac. Which half do you feel like has been the most entertaining? Monsè and Val — feel free to answer from your experience of actually filming.

Elle: 8A it’s honestly just gotten toxic now sadly.

Taylor: I think 8B has been more entertaining from an entertainment standpoint.

Monse: As dark as 8A turned out, I think it was a lot more entertaining because we had real relationships playing out. 8B has been a lot more fake and phony storylines around the newbies and their soiled dresses. Beverly Beach has seen better ladies in my opinion.

Petra: Oop!

Elle: I agree Monse.

Valentina: I think from an entertainment standpoint 8A has been pretty well received across the board but it’s also been the hardest part because of all the turmoil that came with it and all the rumors and nastiness about the husband. 8B has been hard to not only experience but also watch back because we go low before we go back high.

Taylor: I just was turned off of 8A because Heidi seemed to be more at the forefront. I like how she’s been featured less in 8B. I think she’s a newbie who just didn’t work.

Elle: I also agree that Heidi is a.. bigger waste of hot air.

Valentina: Heidi definitely is not Beverly beach. *laughs* She’s from Idaho or something and I think that’s more her speed.

Monse: Okay, TT making some points!

Petra: But she’d definitely got people talking. Do y’all think Heidi belongs in the group ? I mean, I think I can guess your answers…

Taylor: I think we all agree minus Petra that Heidi is…no.

Monse: Well, no… I’m not even sure who she knew on the show but she doesn’t exist in the BB social scene. She claims she’s old money, she claims she’s a lawyer, but I haven’t seen the receipts on any of this, sorry!

Valentina: Here is my thing with Heidi. She HAD potential to make it in this group but her constant flip flopping and going from one team to the other made it hard for any of us to be able to actually trust her and build a relationship so it’s like what do you do when the person is incapable of building a genuine friendship with?

Elle: If she came back less annoying sure I’d like her.

Monse: And if water turned to champagne I’d drink more of it. Wishful thinking, babe. *laughs*

Taylor: People don’t want her back. I saw polls and no. People hate her. I think she’s less popular than Gemma, Jenisa, Patricia, and Jacqueline. *giggles* I threw the last name in there.

Petra: I do agree with that. I think Heidi is an intresting character, but everytime she tends to have a potential connection…she burns it down.

Valentina: She did it to herself. She can’t say we all didn’t try at one point this season to have a genuine connection with her.

Elle: The London bridge might have fallen.. but Heidi burns hers.

Taylor: Monse, I have one last question for you — I’m sure you’ve seen my favorite coworker Tyler throw some shade at you. You all know I live for mess so do you have anything you’d like to say in response to some of her past commentary?

Monse: First, thank you for being one of my biggest fans! If you ever come to film a scene with us on the show, I’d be happy to start a fake friendship with you too. *blows kiss at camera*

Petra: Now I do want to discuss one more BB related thing…

Valentina: Spring it on us Petra!

Petra: The arguments between Jac and Sheridan have gotten brutal on social media. Jac has already announced her departure. Who’s “side” are you on. Sheridan or Jac? Also, do you think Jac is valid in stepping away from the show?

Monse: Let me say this, and I don’t care if it gets me in trouble. Jac has been put through the ringer, and to have a best friend like Sheridan who takes you to your lowest when you should be at your highest during a pregnancy… Nothing justifies that and I’m glad Jac is doing what’s best for her family. *tears up* That’s my sister, for real.

Elle: I don’t want to get on either of their bad side but I want them to hear this. You two loved one another at one point so deeply that Sher almost bcame the godmother of one of her kids. It’s embarrassing to see you two throw so much mud on one another given the bond you had. Is it all worth it? Just think about if it was all worth it girls. I know you’re both watching.

Valentina: *looks to Monse and then looks back at the audience* this is tough, and I should’ve known this was going to be asked. I think if Jac wants to step away from what she has deemed as a toxic environment as she put it to me, than that’s fine and I support her. I do think she needs to cool down on the social media antics, because it’s starting to validate what Sheridan has said about her uncontrollable behavior. Can they both be wrong and we move on from this? They both went to hell and back, so who’s really to blame here? I am just use to an environment where we fight like cats and dogs and then we make up. So this has been adjustment to me to hold grudges.

Elle: Agreed. On a lighter note shall we play a game girls!?

Petra: Yesss a game!!

Valentina: Let’s play a game!

Taylor: Oh you know I love a good game!

Elle: This is called Bitchy or Beachy and it’s for our Beverly Beach girls but panelists can chime in too! I’ll list off some famous Beverly Beach faces and you gurls have to say if they were a Beachy gurl or a bitchy individual! You ready!?

Monse: Oooo, I love a shady game. Let’s do it, Elle!

Petra: Chile lemme just be politically correct and watch and sip my lil drank..

Valentina: Okay cute, I love being a bitch sometimes! Give us some names! *laughs*

Elle: Starting off with Mona Quinn!

Monse: Chile…

Valentina: Cunt!

Monse: Bitchy, next..

Valentina: Oops I mean bitch!

Elle: Culinary icon Sheridan Campbell!

Valentina: She’s a beachy girl when you are on her good side!

Petra: Exactly. When you’re on her good side.

Monse: I’d say beachy since she’s a BB staple but she’d probably accuse me of flip flopping. Bitchy!

Elle: Gallery girl Yvonne Langely!

Monse: Hmmm Beachy, I can’t ever stay mad at that shady lady too long

Valentina: She’s bitchy to me, but she’s a staple in Beverly Beach so pride aside I’d say beachy.

Elle: Mrs. Pie, it’s Marcie Maples!

Monse: I’ll say beachy, she’s growing on me. *shrugs*

Valentina: She has what it takes to be a beachy girl if she actually opened herself up to the group more.

Elle: It’s everybody’s sweetheart, Olivia J. Blake!

Valentina: Oh Olivia, she is a fun girl I’ve gotten to know in the social circles of Beverly Beach since I’ve moved there. I’d say she’s beachy and beautiful!

Monse: Class left Beverly Beach with her ! Beachy beachy beachy!

Elle: She’s not Lorelei, it’s Imani Grimaldi!!

Monse: Beachy, just bring some sunscreen. That mouth of hers can burn baby. *laughs*

Valentina: Imani, is beachy! She’s fun and feisty! Mess arrived on time when it comes to her.

Elle: Been around the world but I still have my baby, it’s Jacqueline Carter!

Monse: You already know my answer, beachy girl!

Valentina: She’s a beachy girl as long as you don’t piss her off! *laughs*

Elle: It’s time for a fashion spin off, Grace Faroe!

Taylor: Didn’t she have one that got cancelled?

((Editor’s note: Yes Taylor that was the reference.))

Monse: That’s my girl! 100% beachy!

Valentina: I don’t really know Grace, all I know is she was on the show and was kinda forgotten about. So bitchy!

Elle: Last one! Is she on the booze again? It’s Bree Bailey!

Monse: Uh uh ! Don’t do my Bree like that *laughs* I love that woman to death, beachy!

Valentina: That Bree Bailey, Monse introduced me to her, a while back and she made me laugh all night long but I can see how she’s a lot. She’s a beachy girl though!

Elle: Thank y’all for playing Beachy or Bitchy! We’ll definitely do that again! *chuckles*

Taylor: Well ladies in honor of the Beverly Beach bitches here…I do have some Beverly Beach tea for my tea spill! I have it on good authority that contracts have been sent out for the next season of Real Housewives of Beverly Beach. Those who will be asked back have been asked back already. I have been told that Jacqueline Carter who has announced her departure is not the only woman who is leaving the show — whether willingly or by productions choice. No word on if any former wives have been contacted for return or if any newbies are being considered!

Elle: Ooooooop! That’s piping hot!

Valentina: Well that’s interesting. I think a shakeup is needed for this cast so losing a few girls won’t be a total loss, depending on who it is I guess.

Monse: I’m with her! *laughs*

Taylor: Val mama I know you girls talk — you know who’s coming back and who isn’t! Don’t act brand new!! Give us the tea!

Valentina: Here is what I’ll say I don’t think either of us have anything to worry about! *smiles*

Elle: Well that was certainly a good episode ladies!

Valentina: Thank you guys for having us! This was fun, I’m glad I got to sit with you lovely affluent ladies!

Taylor: *claps* What a time!

Monse: Always lovely to see you ladies! Tell Tyler I said hello!

Petra: Thank you ladies so much for joining us for another episode of Reality of Roleplay! This was an exciting one that makes me so glad to be back! Don’t forget to tune in to Beverly Beach Thursdays and RoR every Monday! Have a great week!

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Reality Of Roleplay
Reality Of Roleplay

Written by Reality Of Roleplay

Daytime Roleplay Show, covering all Roleplay’s trending topics. Panelists: @kathyirvine_ @ElleStonewood @TylerRHofT @TheTeaCupofRP

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