Season 5; Episode 1: Blonde Arrival with a hint of Brunette
Today we’ll be catching up with our panelists, playing a game, and dishing the hot tea! Plus: TT’s cup is pouring out!

*Each panelist is shown getting their final touches whilst awaiting Jac. Tyler and TT air kiss.*
Taylor: *whispers to Tyler* girl I got some shit to tell you — it went down in Twitter.
Tyler: *laughs* You always got the best tea!
Elle: Hi hi hi! Hey hey hey! It is SO amazing to be back after quite the hiatus! Kathy and I are so so happy to welcome back our favorite journalist.. Taylor Thompson! *audience applauds and cheers* Our favorite producer and former Lady.. Tyler Newman!! *audience applauds and cheers* Also.. one last thing we are SO excited to welcome back reality tv star and author, Jac Carter! *audience applauds and cheers* This season we’re covering it ALL! The Real Housewives of Beverly Beach, Basketball Wives, Baller Wives, Ladies of Twitter, Ultimate Girls Trip Fiji, and more!*audience applauds and cheers* We might even touch on our amazing friends and colleagues in the talk show world Getting Real Tea! I’m so excited to be back. As everyone knows I run one of the largest analytics companies in Twitter, my husband is also a Stonewood so we’re doing our annual charity gala soon and of course I want to see lots of faces there! Kathy how are you doing?
Kathy: Oh wow Elle that was quite the introduction! I’m so glad we are back in a new set for our fifth season! We are definitely unfiltered and ready to talk about the latest this shows and their seasons! I’ve been busy working on possibly producing some more shows in the Roleplay in the near future as well as continuing to build my fashion empire!
Elle: Yaasssss fashion empire! You be selling out all the time!
Taylor: *nods* We love that, we need some new faces in the community.
Kathy: How do you feel about it being our fifth season Elle, and Taylor and Tyler’s Third season of Reality of Roleplay? I’ll be honest I never thought we would have made it this far!
Elle: I had no idea when you and I sat on our original Full of Fashion stage that we’d be here five years later.. this is amazing.
Kathy: It truly is amazing. I’m so glad to have the support of the Roleplay community as well as an amazing group of ladies who have really turned into a sisterhood.
Tyler: They said good things come in threes! Hopefully that means the third season will be our best yesterday, TT!
Taylor: *nods* happy to be here, again next to my best gal Ty.
Kathy: Yes, we are glad you two are back and better than ever! Tyler word on the curb is the 17th season of Ladies of Twitter just wrapped! How are you feeling about that?
Tyler: Ladies did recently wrap up season 17, I’m very thrilled to share with you all. And, no lie, I think it’s one of the most light and humorous seasons that the show has had in a really long time. The Ladies deliver!
Taylor: Interesting! I saw one of the newbies was so excited to be on the show she posted her announcement prematurely. *tucks hair behind the ear* I hope she doesn’t get demoted for that botched announcement!
*the audience ooos*
Kathy: I love to hear it is light hearted this season. Is there anyone the audience should keep their eyes on this season?
Tyler: I think that most of the girls had a moment where they shined this year. But I would say that I’d keep my eyes on the —
*Jac walks out on set as Freedom by Beyoncé plays. Jac is seen waving to the audience who are all confused why she’s entering in the middle of a segment*
Jac: Yes! Yes! It is me! It is I. The Jacqueline!
Tyler: *stares at Jacqueline* Well, she stays interrupting me. *laughs*
Taylor: *looks confused* Yes, you’ve been introduced. We saw you. Who fucked up the music in production? Why is Kamala Harris song playing. The DNC is in Chicago not Twitter!
Kathy: Well hello Jacqueline. I’m glad you could finally join us. It’s your first day back and I heard you’re already causing ruckus in your dressing room?
Jac: *to Kathy* Me? A ruckus? Never. That must’ve been TT! *to all* Hello ladies! I am so happy to be back at this table with you incredible women after a disastrous fourth season! How are we all? How much have you all missed me?
*Taylor cuts eyes at the audience and cameras*
Taylor: *whispers to Tyler* I’m leaving at 8.
Kathy: Well I wasn’t say it was disastrous. *looks around* Would any of you guys say it was!?
Elle: *side eyes Jac* We did miss you so! We love having you back and we do have a lot to discuss with you on your new show hop Basketball Wives as well!
Tyler: Who is we? *laughs*
Jac: We is the panel, producers, studio audience and the viewing public all at home tuning in now, Tyler! *waves at the camera* I promise you that we’ll finish out this season and that each and every one of us will be here and fulfil our contractual obligations!
Kathy: Back to Tyler and what he was saying before you came out on your speaker and dramatics. *laughs* Tyler is there anything else you can tease about this season of Ladies of Twitter?
Jac: *shakes head and whispers to self* Very nasty.
Tyler: I think this season has some real sisterhood…but I know my girls want the tea. *laughs* So I’ll just say this…the new Ladies of Twitter definitely weren’t met with open arms by all the vets.
Taylor: Excited for the new women! I think the cast shakeup was needed especially with Devyn leaving.
*audience gasps*
Elle: Oh? I imagine there’s some hazing going on. *chuckles*
Kathy: So the old Twitter didn’t really mesh with the new Twitter girls? Got it. Well that’s going to be interesting to see!
Jac: Tyler, if you had to pick one of the cast who is the stand out this season who would it be and why?
Tyler: It’s hard to pick just one…but maybe this one time I’ll pick one. It’s the premiere, right? *looks around* I think the women in the most mess were Billie and Amal.
Taylor: Amal needs to calm down, she’s always in some shit!
Kathy: Well I can always expect that Amal to find herself in hot waters. Lord knows she was a mess when I seen her last! *laughs*
Elle: *sips coffee* Amal if you’re watching this I want my pink Hermes Birkin you borrowed to match your outfit for that event you went to. I’m actually very upset with her about it.
Taylor: Anyways! Speaking of Twitter, Jacqueline I hear for whatever reason your a basketball wife now? How in the hell are you connected to basketball?
Jac: Well TT, you’re right! I am joining the ladies over at Basketball Wives in a highly featured friend of role this season. After I left Beverly Beach, I took some time away from the spotlight due to the toxicity of this platform that Tyler and I built together. Funnily enough, I just so happened to be down in Australia visiting my aunt who had a terrible fall and my dear friend, Eva Marion, reached out and invited me to join the girls for a little dinner. After that first scene, the producers handed me a very lucrative 6 figure contract to finish out the season and the rest is history. I’m officially a cast member on Basketball Wives Twitter and I just know you are all going to love it.
Taylor: Can you answer the question though, how are you connected to the world of basketball? *smiles* We all want to know! In all your season of Ladies of Twitter and your very short stint on Beverly Beach basketball was never mentioned!
Jac: TT, I know you haven’t filmed any kind of reality television program that is centred on trashing others but I can’t disclose that as it’s explored in the shows storyline this season. You’ll have to stay tuned.
Taylor: Whatever that means!
Kathy: I wanna know how you met Eva Marion?
Jac: I actually met Eva years and years ago when Basketball Wives first aired. We’ve always remained in contact and supportive of each other.
Elle: Did you build basketball relationships then?
Kathy: Oh, how nice! Well I am definitely looking at how you are connected to basketball as well as your friendship with Eva blossom!
Taylor: *laughs* Okay. We looked forward to more lies connecting you to the world of basketball!
Jac: *gestures to TT* And we look forward to exploring your journey with Ozempic this season on Reality of Roleplay!
Kathy: *puts hands in face* Wait what’s wrong with ozempic? I love my slim figure thanks to ozempic and Dr. Stonewood!
Tyler: *squints* So…did you make more friends or foes with the other girls on Basketball Wives?
Jac: I actually had an incredible time filming with the girls. I felt like a mentor to these ladies. I’ve been doing this for so long that sometimes I enjoy passing on my knowledge and wisdom to the new generation of stars!
Kathy: Well Jac thanks for catching us up on what’s been new in your life!! It’s never a dull moment with you. *laughs* Now TT I’ve seen all over the blogs, the billboards and the magazines. This Ultimate Girls Trip. Tell us how that came to be? What can we expect from this season! I also must mention the budget must be HIGH for this girls trip. I mean the advertisements haven’t stopped.
Taylor: Oh yes, I love that question! Draya Parks and I wanted to do something fun for the roleplay girls that was a bit different than normal. You can expect lots of laughs and fighting. I don’t think it’s toxic at all, definitely some funny feuds that go a little low but nothing too crazy. As we mentioned on Getting the Real Tea, one woman does break a bit and leave the trip early due to a really heated dinner.
Tyler: What do you think the viewers are going to enjoy the most about this group you’ve formed for the first season? Is there someone for everyone?
Taylor: *laughs* Definitely there’s someone to root for, for everyone. You will definitely find someone you’ll vibe with and you’ll absolutely be entertained by all. It’s a great ensemble cast.
Kathy: Can you tell us exclusively on here who that person is that leaves the trip? I’ve been dying to know since yours and Draya’s interviews dropped!
Taylor: *looks at Kathy* I don’t want to reveal! That’s a big moment and we captured the full departure, like a thief in the night, she snuck on out. *laughs*
Kathy: Oooo that’s juicy!! Well I’m definitely looking forward to it. All I can see is these beautiful women’s faces when I’m heading to the studio or to the boutique here in Twitter!! Will we get a second season?
Taylor: *nods* We are in early talks with some potential women for a second season. I think we have a pretty insane cast lined up for season 2!
Jac: Can you share with us who your dream cast would be for UGT season 2, TT?
Taylor: *laughs* Without spoiling the cast of season 2, I will just throw out some names that I would like to see on the show in the future! Honestly, you ladies are on a short list. Beverly Beach’s Sheridan Campbell, Lorelei, Valentina Armani, Imani. Ladies of Twitter’s Erica Kaoir, Grace Whitworth, Amal Hadid, Pat Fireson, Jerika. Basketball Wives Penelope, Bre, and Ana. Baller Wives Cassie, Brittany, Riley, and Calista! I may have missed some but those ladies are all on my radar. Also wanting to open it to other shows like Bel Air — love Ciara and Legendary Housewives has some fun girls too who aren’t scared to dive in! *laughs* I gave you all so many names that there’s no way you’ll figure out the cast!
Kathy: That sounds so good!! I’m sure by the end of the episodes for RHUGTFiji I’ll be ready for another season! Will the ladies go to a new location this next season?
Taylor: *nods* Yes! We are currently scouting locations!
Jac: Can’t wait! I just know it’s going to be a massive success for you and the entire team over at Activator Productions!
Kathy: Love that!! With that I think Elle has a game for us all to partake in!
Elle: While Fiji might be turning up the heat we’ll be turning it up just a little hotter with a game we like to call Fashion Em or Trashin Em’! Each panelist has looks they’ll be presenting and we’ll all react and say Fashion! Or Trash hun!
Jac: *claps* Ohhh I love games!

Tyler: Ooooo, I love that and I’m up first girls. Let’s see Miss Violette from Beverly Beach!
Taylor: Trash! She’s gained some weight.
Kathy: *looks around* Where the hell was this? It looks like she was ready to go on the battlegrounds in Iraq.
Tyler: I’ve got to be honest. Put it in the trash. It’s giving a jumpsuit and she’s giving Holes.
Elle: Okayy.. it’s. I love the top but yeah it’s just.. yeah. Trashin.
Jac: Ohhh I love it! Very fashionable.
Kathy: Four for trash and one says it’s fashion!
Elle: Taylor whatcha gott? *smiles*

Taylor: I have the next look! This is Beverly Beach’s Serena at Coachella!
Elle: It’s giving diamonds and demure! Very mindful and chic! Fashion!
Tyler: That’s simple and stylish. I’ll give it a Fashion.
Kathy: Now that Serena sometimes doesn't understand the assignment, but for Coachella I think it’s Fashion. I say valley chic.
Jac: Fashion fashion fashion!
Taylor: Love the look!

Jac: What do we think of this?
Elle: Oh… rather bland. Trashin.
Kathy: *blinks* Well it’s definitely a choice. I could’ve designed her something in one day better than that! I have to say trash hun!
Tyler: Oh…well I just love her hair. But I’m gonna give it a Trashin. The dress isn’t doing it for me.
Taylor: *laughs* Trash! It’s early 2000s!

Kathy: So next up is Blair Hamilton from Baller Wives in a shimmery dress!
Taylor: Oh — well, I don’t like how it fits. I am going to trash it.
Tyler: It’s certainly shiny…but it’s a no from me. Trashing it.
Kathy: I love the dress, I just think it could’ve been tailored to her! So it’s trash hun for me!
Elle: It’s.. well. Trash.

Elle: Ana Lillard from Basketball Wives serving in this silver!
Taylor: Adore!!! Fashion!!
Elle: I think so as well!
Tyler: Oooo now this is shiny done right. That’s getting a fashion from me!
Kathy: Fashion omg I love that! It’s giving body!
Jac: Stunning girl!

Tyler: Next up is…our very own Taylorita Thompsonini!
Elle: I love this pink! Yass curls! It’s giving!
Taylor: That’s me! Fashion!
Jac: I love it. Ozempic queen!
Kathy: Now that face card didn’t decline!! I see you TT you better honk the horn on their asses!
Tyler: She’s giving us a very simple, tasteful face. I’m giving my sister a fashion, of course.

Taylor: Next up is Marcie Maples from Beverly Beach! Love the dress, fashion!
Elle: The editing oh Miss Maples.. cute dress.
Jac: Skinny mini. Love.
Kathy: Oh my god her figure looks phenomenal in that dress, FASHION!! *snaps*
Tyler: I always think Marcie is beautiful. I think that dress is stunning, fashion.

Taylor: Next up is Calista Banks! From Baller Wives!
Elle: Stunning! Chic in black I love it it’s giving fashion!
Tyler: Calista is looking cute and thin. It’s a fashion.
Taylor: I like it too, fashion.
Kathy: I’m glad you specified who that was I thought that that was Amal for a second there! Definitely fashion!
Jac: Stunner. Amal’s twin!

Elle: Yvonne’s Wedding Dress! Beverly Beach!
Jac: I think Amal wore that last season on LoT!
Kathy: Yvonne looks so happy and blissful! I would say fashion!
Tyler: Hmmmm. I love the dress but I’m not sure about that hair. I’ll give it on the way to fashion. Maybe next wedding?
Taylor: Agree with Tyler!

Kathy: Monse from RHOBB at Coachella! Thoughts?
Taylor: I’m going to trash this look.
Elle: It’s meh.
Tyler: *Tyler dozes off on TT’s shoulder as she snores* Put it in the trash.
Kathy: I would say it’s a no for me Monse, I hope your finances get back in order and you get a stylist!
Kathy: Well that’s it for Fashion Em’ or Trashin Em’ ! Now Taylor told me backstage she had some tea to spill for this week! You know everyone’s missed TT’s Tea spill! So the floor is all yours!
Taylor: So I have some tea for the gals today…I am hearing two very different things regarding roleplay comings and goings do you girls want to hear the coming or going first?!
Tyler: Let’s do the coming first! They always come sweeter than they go.
Kathy: I agree with Tyler! *nudges Tyler* I was going to say that!
Elle: Sounds good!
*Kathy blinks*
Taylor: Well! Let me just move forward, Jac is more quiet than Petra was last season on the panel. *laughs* Okay so I hear there is some fire starting as it relates to a reboot of Connecticut Wives. I think with Real Housewives: Ultimate Girls Trip: Fiji getting so much attention and two ladies from Connecticut Wives being on the show, it’s lead to some interest in a reboot of sorts. We hear that Belen Russo is particular excited and hoping to get a contract offer as she is hurting for a check.
Kathy: Not she’s hurting for a check! *laughs* TT did you not pay her enough for the girls trip?
Taylor: She was celebrating that, that check cleared!
Kathy: Or does she have a spending problem? *laughs*
Jac: I would do great on another girls trip!
Taylor: *laughs* Would you ladies be here for a Connecticut Wives reboot?
Kathy: Now I would love to see ConnecticutWives come back with some new faces and some old faces. It has potential there.
Elle: I’d love to see some of my Connecticut friends on screen again!
Tyler: I always thought Connecticut Wives had potential. We’ll see what becomes of it all. Belen was definitely the most dynamic part of that reboot season.
Taylor: *nods* I agree, I think Belen is fun! She made me laugh in a scene this season on Girls Trip! Now do you all want me to go ahead and move on to the going?!
Tyler: Yes, let’s get going. *laughs*
Kathy: Go ahead, I’ve got another production meeting to get to shortly!
Taylor: Okay well, rumors have swirled these past few weeks that Baller Wives is on the chopping block over at the C! Network. I hear the network hasn’t been impressed with the engagement the show is getting this season and the network is frustrated with some of the stars of the show for their lack of promotion for the show. I will say though, I did see the ladies on the timeline today arguing about the latest episode so maybe they have been giving their marching orders to save the franchise. What do you think, ladies?
Kathy: As sad as I would be if it was the end of Baller Wives, I think it could leave more room for C! Network to put all their eggs in Baller Wives Chicago.
Tyler: I love Baller Wives so I’d hate to see it leave the C Network. I think they have quite a dynamic cast of characters, so there’s definitely potential there. Hopefully the girls get back online.
Taylor: *nods* I’m hoping it can get back on track!
Elle: I love Baller Wives I love the girls there and I’d hate to see it get cancelled. I think it has a lot more to show for itself than what’s going on.
Kathy: Thank you TT, for the piping hot tea!! We can always expect you to bring the shade with the tea. And, as always this is tea and not facts! Only time will tell if these things are true. *winks* Tune in next week as we will have Monse DeRosier & Yvonne J. Langley from The Real Housewives of Beverly Beach on to talk about how the season was for them and dish any behind the scenes tea!

Thanks so much for watching! Tune in next Monday for some Beverly Beach icons! Don’t forget to tune into Activator Studios for Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip: Fiji every Sunday! Have a great week! :)