Season 5; Episode 2: Yvonne Langley & Monse DeRosier!
Today we’ll be diving in to the new season of Basketball Wives Twitter, Beverly Beach, Baller Wives Twitter, and more!
*Each panelist is shown getting sat in their chairs and getting their final touches.*
Tyler: Welcome girls, gays, and Jacqueline to another episode of Reality of Roleplay! *claps and laughs* Wasn’t that quite a premiere! Well, we’re just getting started. How are we feeling tonight girls? Ready to dish?
Jac: I’m doing well, sweetheart and thank you for putting me in a category above the rest of the panel *gestures to the ladies*. So kind and considerate of you
Kathy: I’m so ready to dish! It feels good coming back to the studio every week! I’m getting my groove back and I’m ready to cover some hot topics today!
TT: Always ready, ladies!
Kathy: We miss you Elle, she is gone today. So, I think we got some exciting guests coming on today to fill her big shoes, quite literally! *laughs*
Tyler: Well, we’re missing our beach blonde Barbie tonight, but we’ve got a big guest…and I think maybe a backup or something? *laughs* We’re in for quite a show. Should I introduce the audience to our guests, gals?
TT: Oh yes ma’am! Bring em out bring em out! *dances*
Tyler: Please welcome to the stage, the fabulous and iconic, Yvonne Langley!! *claps and pauses* And also, Monse DeRosier. *sighs and begrudgingly claps*
Jac: *stands and claps for Monse* MONSWAY!!! The Anchor! The Queen!
Kathy: *stands up and claps* welcome ladies, you look so fabulous, Monse! Stunning! Stunning! *hugs*
Monse: *dances onto the stage and hugs everyone, side eyeing Tyler on the way to her seat* Hey ladies! Thank you for having me. I’m so excited to finally be on the show!
Jac: *walks over to Monse’s seat* How dare you not give me a hug and squeeze my tits?! *laughs and gives Monse a big hug*
Monse: Honey, I can’t be grabbing tits. I have… allegations to beat *laughs*
Kathy: We are glad to have you on! You’ll be beside Jac today! *laughs*
TT: Is your costar joining us? *laughs and looks around*
Monse: Great question! They separated us in our dressing rooms, probably so we wouldn’t tussle backstage
Kathy: Maybe she’ll join us ladies. You know us elder women have more malfunctions than usual! I usually always get here earlier for wardrobe fittings and what not!
Jac: Maybe the stitches from her most recent facelift have come a loose
Tyler: It is harder getting ready after the second marriage. *laughs* Hopefully she’ll join us soon
TT: *looks annoyed* Okay ladies, I want to get into Basketball Wives: Twitter! Are we watching?!
Jac: *turns to TT* Hold on *raises hand*
Tyler: Who isn’t? *laughs* What a season so far — *stares at Jac*
Jac: Let’s be polite to our guest, Monse “The Anchor” DeRosier. How are you, Monse? Thank you for joining us today
Monse: *laughs* I’m doing great, Jac. Thank you hun. Happy to be here! I’m glad I finally got the invite from you ladies!
Kathy: We definitely have a lot of hot topics to get into, Monse. I hope you’re ready to dish it!
Monse: I’m ready hunni! I have to live up to the “Messy Monse” title I’ve been seeing all over the Internet lately.
Tyler: *rolls eyes* What were you saying TT?
TT: Okay ladies, before I was rudely interrupted. I was saying I want to get into Basketball Wives: Twitter! In the latest episode, we saw our friend Jac’s debut. *laughs* Jac and everyone else…what are your thoughts on Ana’s meltdown at the beginning of the episode and her current beef with everyone on the cast?
Tyler: Friend is a term we use loosely around here. *laughs* But let’s let our resident diva tell us what she thinks of Ana since it’s her big debut. *smirks at Jac*
Jac: It was sad. It was sad to see Ana in such a volatile space. I’ve only really interacted with her a few times and it seems like she’s in the thick of the drama all the time. She’s not very well liked amongst the cast. I know this first hand. She’s umm *pauses* unhinged
Kathy: Listen I root for the underdog so Ana, stand strong girl! I hope whatever battles you’re fighting in your head you get through! Do not let the girls beat you while you’re down. I mean it’s gotta be rough going up a whole cast! Jac, I loved seeing you on there. You brought a different vibe to the show!
Jac: Oh thank you sweet Kath! The people online are calling it a Jacaissaince of sorts. They’re seeing me in the light that illuminates the essence of my soul
TT: Oh lord, not unhinged. She’ll be tweeting about that! *Waves to camera* Hey Ana! We’ve seen in the last couple episodes the friendship fall out between Bre’Symone and Tamir. Things came to a head at the end of the episode with insults hurled regarding each of the women’s parenting skills. What are you all’s thoughts on this friendship fall out?
Tyler: It’s definitely hard falling out with a whole group of girls. Jacqueline knows that first hand.
Jac: As do you Tyler. From memory, you fell out with your own cousin on Ladies of Twitter, right?
Tyler: Didn’t they chase you out of Beverly Beach with a — Nevermind darling. *turns to TT* Talking about parenting is gross. It’s hard being a mother and everyone is doing the best they can.
Monse: I’ll be honest, I’ve been too busy at the office to catch the current season *guiltily puts hand over her mouth* but if anyone came for my parenting that friendship is dead in the water. If things are getting that ugly, especially between friends, I think there’s something deeper there
TT: *nods* I think the parenting insults are a bit far.
Kathy: Listen I have a hard time when mothers go after one another’s parenting. It just seems like such a low blow. So I really do hate to see what seemed like such a beautiful and genuine friendship get to this point where they are insulting parenting. I hope them two fix it at the reunion!
TT: Jac, any thoughts? You’re on the show so I figured you’d have some insight into their beef.
Jac: It was heartbreaking to be sat at the table and watch them hurl such vitriolic insults at each other. I know first hand what it’s like to have my parenting questioned and it’s not nice. It also never works out for the person hurling the insult. Look at my dear friend, Sheridan Campbell. She left the Beach only to work on an unfinished spin off that tanked in the ratings. The viewers were revolted and repulsed by her treatment towards me, my daughter and my unborn son, so I hope the girls can get it together and not go down Campbell Crescent
Kathy: *tries and covers laugh* well that was quite the take Jac.
TT: Jacqueline, we aren’t discussing you and the many things you’ve went through during your multiple jobs let’s stay on topic and highlight the women on the shows we are cussing and discussing!
Jac: You asked my thoughts so I’m sharing my thoughts. Isn’t that what this show is about
Kathy: Now that we’ve touched on the Basket Ball divas. I wanna take us down the shore to the Beverly Beach! Monse what do you think about this season? How do you feel about you being branded as Messy Monse!
Monse: I’m loving this season! I think we knew we had something really special during filming because it felt so much lighter than the past few seasons, even with all the drama. I definitely wasn’t expecting to be branded as messy *laughs* I tried my best to be open and honest and in some — well most cases that didn’t translate well. I really just tried to be me, whether the ladies choose to believe that or not *shrugs*
Jac: *claps for Monse’s response* Honestly, she’s such a class act. Am I right studio audience?
Kathy: Well that’s quite the response. I want to get right into it. The first thing I want to talk about is.. you inviting Bree Bailey on camera to talk about her daughter’s relationship with one of your costars fiancés. Now that was messy… *laughs*
TT: *nods* Very, very messy. I didn’t want to see Bree Bailey back on the show…ever.
Tyler: Downright tacky. *makes a face*
Monse: It looks bad, I get it. I really do. Bree is probably one of the most controversial characters we’ve had on the show. But when Violette tried to turn the tables on me for trying to be a good friend, I had to bring the receipts! I may be a mess sometimes, but I’m not a liar.
TT: Well it’s a bit convenient, especially since the alleged text messages were from a Sprint phone. That company hasn’t existed in years.
Kathy: *looks at TT* wait sprint is no longer in service?
Yvonne: I’m sorry I’m late. I texted Kathy to let her know my flight from Aruba was delayed, I see you guys did not wait on me… *looks around* What lies has Monse told you?
Kathy: Yvonne we were just talking about what trasnpired between Biance Bree Bailey’s daughter and Jean Luc. What did you think about Monse bringing Bree Bailey back on to expose Violette and Jean Luc?
Yvonne: Oh! We’re talking about Bree *pretends to fall out in seat* I thought, it was a ploy to secure a full time spot because I know we all saw Monse’s presence was lacking for a few episodes. didn’t think it was appropriate to ambush Violette or Bree’s daughter- Bianca, is it?- with this sort of confrontational intervention.
Monse: I don’t know what goes on in the Bailey household, TT. I have my own finances to worry about *laughs*
Tyler: But see you’re talking about living your authentic life, but you’re out here bringing things out about other people’s lives. To some, it might seem like it was all a move to snatch back that fulltime slot that you were rumored to be losing…what would you say to that?
Monse: I’m glad you brought that up! I was in fact slated to be a friend this season and honestly I think that took a lot of the pressure off to perform for my flute. I think if anything, I was more real and willing to get in there without wondering if I was saying the right or wrong thing. And if I got a flute in the end well… I’m not complaining!
Yvonne: When have you cared about right or wrong, my dear?
Monse: When everyone says you’re boring and bring nothing to the show, it definitely plays a role in how you choose act on camera. I’ve definitely played it up for the cameras in past seasons but what you see this season was definitely the real me, and I think the viewers are responding to that.
Jac: I’m glad Petra came to her senses and realised that without Monse there is *shakes head* no show. I love Monse’s storyline this season! I love seeing her in this new light.
TT: *nods* I personally thought you were more likable and authentic this season. You haven’t been as attached at the hip as you typically are.
Kathy: Very interesting Monse, I’m glad to see you holding a flute. You definitely have a compelling storyline. Moving on to Yvonne… Yvonne in the latest episode you and Olivia have a falling out. walk me through that. What is going on with you two, where are the two of you now?
Yvonne: So, Olivia and I have not spoken aside from social media since the show wrapped. I did see her at a Beverly Beach Bitches for Harris event but we didn’t speak to each other. As for our current issue, I think Olivia is very protective of Violette and my opinion doesn’t favor her so things just started going downhill from that comment.
Kathy: So you two are not really on speaking terms at this time, is what you’re saying?
Yvonne: That’s correct, Kathy. But I think it’s because we’re waiting for the reunion to really hash it out, there’s no grave animosity
Jac: Yvonne, what was the nature of your relationship with Olivia before she returned to the show? Had the two of you kept in contact after your dismissal after season 1 and her dismissal after season 3?
TT: Yvonne, were you and Olivia fired as Jacqueline claims? I thought you both walked away.
Yvonne: To be clear, I wasn’t dismissed after Season 1 and I don’t believe she was dismissed after Season 3. I filmed for a portion of Season 2 before leaving because I felt odd in the group. Olivia and I kept in touch while she lived in L.A.- after all, we are friends for almost 20 years. Fun fact she even styled me for the Season 6 reunion!
Tyler: Not Weston? *laughs* I kid.
Yvonne: I didn’t know who Weston was until Valentina and Monse brought him up.I’ve only ever dealt with Olivia during my long tenure as a Blake Agency customer
Monse: Honey I barely knew him. I think he was this season’s Phoebe *laughs*
Yvonne: Well, you know I love Phoebe, Monse! She should’ve been the model for Paris Fashion Week.
Tyler: Is marriage to one man better or worse the second time around, Yvonne? *laughs* I changed models when I bought a new car.
Jac: I think Tyler means when she changed face *laughs and turns to the audience* a complete head transplant.
Tyler: I know you’ve had horrible luck in your first marriage, Tyler. Didn’t he cheat on you with one of your friends? That’s what TT told me. But I didn’t have that level of betrayal, we genuinely grew apart and I had broader ambitions for myself. We’ve found our way back to each other, though
TT: *scratches head* I did no such thing! Don’t we have two other shows to talk about?! Let’s keep it moving.
Tyler: *laughs* Not TT telling all my business! You bitch! *playfully shoves TT* That’s wonderful Yvonne. Bringing the grace and love to Beverly Beach. But with that, let’s move on to Baller Wives Twitter girls!
Yvonne: Oh, I love some of those girls! Let’s talk about them.
Kathy: Yes let’s go back to more tasteful topics. Love those baller wives!
Tyler: This week, we saw Femi and Brittany come out swinging with their words at Riley’s launch party. Girls, who do we think was in the right? I’ll be honest with you, I’m not always sure I know what Femi is saying. *laughs*
TT: I hate Femi. I am team Brittany!
Jac: Honestly, I’m a big fan of Riley. She’s such a great sports reporter
Tyler: And now a documentarian! What an icon.
Yvonne: Brittany seems fed up with Femi- not so much because of personality but, forgive me Lord, her stupidity?
Kathy: For me I’m going to say Brittany was the one in the right! I think what Femi has done is awful!
Monse: I agree, I think I have to be team Brittany since I don’t know what the hell Femi is going on about half the time *laughs*
Tyler: I’m Team Brittany too. Femi has been going after people left right and center since her debut last season. It’s just a lot
Yvonne: Femi isn’t the brightest bulb in the pack and I think that’s hard for Brittany. In addition to Femi being a very bad friend to Riley and she’s got no interest in making friends within the group.
TT: Femi just doesn’t fit with the group in my opinion.
Tyler: I found Femi good comic relief last season, but I’m not sold anymore.
Kathy: Yvonne my friend you sound like a true Baller Wives fan. You got the good takes on the show!
Yvonne: *laughs at Kathy* I think not everyone is not meant to be full-time on these shows! Sometimes, being part-time is best.
Tyler: Another big moment on this week’s Baller Wives happened when Riley spilled the beans about Dana’s talking shit about Gwen and her auntie. Now lots of drama there, affairs, ghosting, so much to get into. Do we believe Dana, Riley’s Jean stylist?
TT: Oh my goodness I am loving Dana and Lucinda so far! I need to know more. It’s too early for me to pick a side but I am ready to see more!
Yvonne: I actually adore Dana. I met her at Milan Fashion Week about ten years ago
Tyler: I think Dana is a fun firecracker…but I’m not sure if I believe that Gwen is with the ex and the fiance.
Monse: I want to see some receipts, it’s very simple! Either there’s phone calls and texts or there’s not. Who has them!?
Tyler: I think you should put your detective, Bree Bailey, on the case Monse. Because for once I agree with you. Show me the receipts
Yvonne: I definitely do not put it past Gwen to entertain her ex if he’s flirting and taking care of the dinner bill. I mean, I hope we’ve all heard the story of how she got ownership of the team in the divorce. That’s a strategic chick!
Jac: One thing I do want to say about the girls over at Baller Wives and if I can have the floor for a moment? These girls film the show for months and then the incredible producers behind the show spend months tirelessly editing the content for all of our enjoyment and I’m sorry but I’m sick and tired of these girls not promoting the show. *audience scripts in applause* Hell Christina has worked so hard on putting together such compelling television and it’s silence from these girls. Im sorry but as a veteran in this industry, they need to do better. Each and every one of them!
Jac: Ok moving on.. *taps cards on table* ladies, we’re now going to shift over to one of my new favourite shows, The Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip: Fiji. The show premiered this week with stellar ratings, so I want to know girls. What are your thoughts?
Yvonne: Oh another show I am on!
Jac: Yes and the ratings were great despite your participation, Yvonne.
Tyler: I loved this new show! SO many AllStars from all over roleplay!
Kathy: I love the Girls trip! It’s so entertaining and I love the characters they have on there! That Tanya girl is definitely making her splash!
Taylor: Well I’m biased because I’m a producer but I thought the reception was good! *laughs* It was in production almost as long as the C Network shows!
Yvonne: I’m happy that it’s finally aired. I mean, we are just a few months away from it being one year since we filmed it! I almost thought the deal fell through, and maybe if you’re asked to be on, Jac, you can provide the ratings to back up these claims of you birthing the community.
Jac: That’s a great point, Yvonne. Taylor, you’re a producer on that show. Why was there such a delay?
TT: Well because TT and Draya are always booked and busy. *laughs* We had to figure out if we wanted to air or not as Alexis Benton threatened us with a lawsuit.
Tyler: And will she be suing you Miss TT?
TT: No, we had her blessing to air the show. *laughs*
Yvonne: Who do you all think will be the one to leave the trip early? Clearly I know who it is but I’m curious of everyone’s perceptions!
Tyler: Hmm, if I was hedging bets, I’d bet it’s the girl who has vanished from Twitter. *laughs* Alexis Benton
TT: Yvonne, no spoilers! *laughs*
Yvonne: I did not say a word.
Kathy: I think it’s probably Victoria. She doesn’t seem interested In being there. Can you give us a hint Yvonne?
Yvonne: Hmm…I’ll say this- the exit didn’t really shock me *shrugs* Now I’m zipping my lips.
Tyler: I think maybe Tanya feels like she’s gotta prove she deserves a spot on the Girls Trip while there are girls like Victoria who didn’t care to get the ticket in the first place.
TT: *laughs* I thought Spicy V was hilarious!
Kathy: Hmm, that Tanya is doing too much for me. I’m like all this noise and no brain. WHOMP WHOMP
Yvonne: I want to address TT, and Draya who I love, about something… I saw the two of you say with Clara that I dislike Victoria because she’s too much like me. I’m not sure why we’d have conflict because I show up to film and I’ve secured a sandcastle for every season I’m on. I just don’t like that Victoria put business over friendship and told everyone else before she told me. That’s it. Other than that, I’m good with her.
TT: I never said that. *shrugs*
Yvonne: Well whoever said it, I’m clearing it up. Thanks, Taylor
TT: *laughs* I’m confused because Yvonne had her at her wedding but I heard Victoria was edited out a lot of RHOBB scenes this season
Tyler: Monse said flute, Yvonne says sandcastle, I say beach ball. *looks at Yvonne* You like Victoria? I don’t think so.
Yvonne: *turns to Tyler* I like her for who she is
Tyler: TT, you must’ve worn her out in Fiji! *laughs* Poor thing was tired after all that work.
Yvonne: Victoria was originally slated to be a Friend of the show alongside Monse but with Monse’s promotion and Vic’s inability to really mesh with the group, you see where the cast ended up. *shrugs*
TT: I’m curious to see how Billie and Teairra move forward next season on Ladies of Twitter after their interaction on social media this week after Teairra colluded with Billie’s enemy Alexis this week talking shit about Billie!
Tyler: I found that shocking! I saw them interacting on Twitter…this aired after the Ladies wrapped up filming. But I’d bet there will be sparks next time Teairra and Billie are in the same room. *laughs*
Kathy: That was interesting as well to see Teairra and Billie arguing about it. It will be interesting to see how they move especially now that the ladies of Twitter season has wrapped.
TT: It seemed Billie was blindsided when she saw that moment on the show
Yvonne: I hope it isn’t lingering since it’s been 8 months. I love Billie and Teairra. Billie looks better than Bree Bailey to me!
Kathy: Well I say it’s game time Yvonne. Let’s play a classic game of Beverly Beach or Beverly Bitch.
TT: I’ll go first! Okay ladies, let’s get into our game of the evening. Yvonne, you will like this! We are playing Beverly Beach or Beverly Bitch…in this game we will say different happenings on RHOBB this season and we will say if it’s serving Beverly Beach or Beverly Bitch! Is this very Beverly Beach or Beverly Bitch….Olivia J. Blake scolding Valentina and Serena for dancing to Cardi B on a dinner table?
Yvonne: Beverly Beach
Monse: Beverly Bitch, they were just having fun!
Tyler: I’d say that very Beverly Beach. I thought this was a classy show? Olivia came to bring the class back. That was a bit tacky.
TT: I would agree. The establishment was classy so it wasn’t the time or place.
Kathy: Yeah that was Beverly Beach of Olivia. Know your setting.
Tyler: Up next, Is it Beverly Beach or Beverly Bitch…for Serena and Olivia to make comments on Yvonne’s drinking habits?
TT: Oh wow, well. I’m 50/50. I was wondering if the drinking rumors was why Yvonne was so late tonight. Ultimately, Beverly Bitch. The way it’s being discussed doesn’t seem very friendly.
Monse: Beverly Bitch
Yvonne: Bitchy to say the least. Olivia told me during the season as an off-handed comment that I had no allies because Serena was on her side and now I’m seeing why she said it! Serena was very quick to throw me under the bus despite knowing Olivia for maybe two months.
Kathy: Yeah that was a little bitchy of them. That’s not really their place to say anything about anyone’s drinking habits especially Serena.
Tyler: I think it’s Beverly Bitch to talk about someone’s drinking behind their back if you claim to be their friend. If you weren’t friends, maybe Beverly Beach…I mean it is the Housewives. I do have to ask Yvonne, do you think Serena is your real friend?
Yvonne: I believe she is
Kathy: Now onto the next one. — Is it very Beverly Beach or Beverly Bitch of Valentina to say that Marcie’s husband is beating the shit out of her.
Yvonne: That was awful! That is Beverly Bitchy… I think she’s remorseful for what it’s worth
TT: Oh, WOW Beverly Bitch!! It was deplorable.
Kathy: Yeah I agree. I don’t think I could ever come back from someone saying my husband beats the shit out of me.
Monse: I love my Val, but that was bitchy.
Tyler: Beverly Bitch. Thats not how you treat a friend going through something. I think the intent could’ve been good, but the message was W-R-O-N-G!
Olivia: Is this very Beverly Beach or Beverly Bitch…Serena not inviting Olivia, Marcie, or Yvonne to Coachella
Kathy: That was Beverly Beach of her. I mean what woman at our age like me and Yvonne want to go to a hot desert and be hot and miserable?
Tyler: That’s Beverly Beach. I think sometimes you just don’t wanna invite everybody everywhere. *shrugs*
Yvonne: I’ve done Coachella once, don’t need to go twice, unless of course Queen Bey was headlining again.
Monse: Beverly Beach, I mean we did not need their old lady energy there!
Kathy: Is it Very Beverly Beach or Beverly Bitch of you, Yvonne to go around saying that Olivia and Brandon treat their employees like shit
Yvonne: Kathy, don’t spread fake news… I didn’t go around saying it- I said directly to Olivia that I HEARD it.
Tyler: Hmm…well, I think that’s Beverly Bitchy. *watches as Kathy and Yvonne argue*
TT: Beverly Bitch! *laughs*
Monse: That was. bitchy of you, Yvonne *laughs*
Kathy: Well it was said to more than just Olivia though, correct?
Yvonne: Marcie probably wasn’t even listening, dear. She was consumed with the birria.
Kathy: That’s what I’m asking you…
Yvonne: Seemed more like an accusation
Tyler: Girls, girls, I get paid by the hour and the producers are in my ear saying that can’t afford me for another. *laughs* Next up, Is it Beverly Beach or Beverly Bitch…for Monse to reveal her husband is bad with money on national television?
Monse: Beverly Beach of me, I was being real and authentic.
TT: Beverly bitch but I’m glad she did. It’s been interesting!
Kathy: That was so Beverly beach of her! Be authentic even if it means exploiting your husband!
Yvonne: Beverly Beach! It’s about time to admit they’re broke
Tyler: Beverly Bitch. I hate she’s gone when I say this, but how many of her family members is she gonna rag on to hold a beach ball? First wasn’t it the sister? Now it’s the husband? Stop it!
TT: Tyler *laughs* stop it
Tyler: *blows a kiss over at Monse* Love ya Monse.
Monse: *laughs* sure you do Tyler!
Jac: Okay I have the last two scenarios for the game. Is this very Beverly Beach or Beverly Bitchy… Valentina inviting Weston Olivia’s fashion designer to a lunch to talk shit about her?
Monse: That was kind of Beverly Beach of her… The messy part of me loved it.
Tyler: If she’s not careful, she’s gonna run off every in-law and outlaw she’s got in her family. *laughs* Beverly Bitch. That wasn’t fun. Why do that to another woman?
Yvonne: Bitchy, we don’t need extras on this show.
TT: Beverly Bitch, it was low.
Kathy: I think it was kinda of a bitchy thing to do but I did find it entertaining to watch. I can’t lie! Yvonne do you even like Valentina? It seems she really doesn’t have any allies on social media.
TT: It seemed Yvonne and Val were on the same page in this weeks episode
Yvonne: I am growing to like Valentina. We’re finding a way to friendship, honestly.
TT: Is it genuine or strategic since you both have issues with Olivia Blake?
Yvonne: Wouldn’t you like to know *winks* Nothing I do has to do with Olivia Blake except what I’m saying directly to her. Hope that answers your question.
Jac: Okay last one Yvonne! Is this very Beverly Beach or Beverly Bitchy… Monse bringing Bree Bailey back on camera to air out Violette and Jean Luc’s dirty laundry regarding their open marriage.. and what do you think of Violette’s social media absence?
Tyler: Beverly Broke Bitchy and Begging for Beach honey.
Yvonne: Beverly Beach
Monse: Beverly Beach, you guys know that made great for TV.
TT: *laughs* Beverly Bitch! No one asked for Bree Bailey back. Perhaps that is why the timeline was relatively quiet this week for the episode. Viewers do not want to see that lady after her past comments!
Kathy: That was some messy stuff right there… and Monse was the one saying she don’t know how she got Branded that name! Beverly Beach for sure!
Yvonne: I felt vindicated because he wasn’t worth Violette or Bianca’s time and energy, But it wouldn’t be the Beach without a little mess!
Kathy: Have you heard or seen from Violette, Yvonne? She’s went radio silent it seems.
Tyler: Well, didn’t Violette vanish? Some I’m not sure any of those three are worth the time or energy it seems.
Yvonne: I don’t speak to Violette and her silence is actually not a thought of mine. Maybe she’ll come back, maybe she won’t. Who cares? She wasn’t good for our group
TT: Yvonne, do you think Olivia and Brandon Blake knew about Jean-Luc’s infidelities? It was established early on that they were friends with Jean-Luc and that is how Violette was connected to Olivia. I’m curious your thoughts.
Yvonne: I don’t think Olivia and Brandon thought their relationship was conventional or headed toward an actual wedding, yes
Tyler: What do you think would be good for the group, Yvonne?
Yvonne: The remaining six ladies and maybe someone new who’s actually from Beach society not Canada.
TT: Is that shade at Sheridan Campbell and Violette, Yvonne?
Yvonne: Absolutely not! I love Sheridan, even if she is on the Bay
Kathy: Well alrighty then.. there you have it. Yvonne and Monse are spilling it all, and not holding back! That’s why we brought you guys on! Make sure to check them out every Monday on @RHOBeverlyBeach at 7:30 PM CST!
TT: As we wrap up, I have one spill of tea for the ladies in TT’s Tea Spill! *smiles*
Kathy: My favorite segment of the day!
TT: Are you ladies ready for this TT Tea?! *shakes breasts*
Tyler: Yessss! Give me a cup doll!
TT: After reporting last week that Baller Wives: Twitter was on the brink of cancellation, someone reached out to me close to the C Network and told me that the network is trying to save the series and is considering a shakeup of the cast. Additionally, there is rumblings that the network wants Luna to return and reunite with her castmates and tell her side of the story as it relates to what occurred on and off camera that caused her swift exit and demotion and lack of promotion of the current season by her.
Kathy: So we may be getting a Baller Wives for another season? *claps* Good because I want Riley, Brittany, Luna and Calista back at the bare minimum! Christina I’m looking at you girl!
Tyler: I think Christina has done a brilliant job over at the C! Network, like I said last week, and I definitely think she should keep Baller Wives Twitter around. And I’m confident she’ll pick yet another stellar cast!
TT: I honestly would like to see the current cast minus Femi and maybe Blair. I even want more of Lucinda and Dana! BUT they all have to promote the show because it deserves it!!
Yvonne: Are they reuniting with a reunion or a new season?
TT: That I don’t know! We shall see!
Kathy: Well thank god Reality of Roleplay is back on because we love Baller Wives and will promote it every week!
Yvonne: Well ladies, thank you for inviting Monse and I to join you today. Again, I’m sorry for my tardiness and it has nothing to do with drinking *glares at TT*
Tyler: It was great having you both on! Can’t wait to see more of Beverly Beach and all these other fabulous shows
TT: Well that’s all folks! Shout out to our guests Monse and Yvonne Langley and tune in next week where will dish all the latest Roleplay news and cover all the hottest shows with some of the Baller Wives ladies! Until then, xoxo TT…and my fabulous co-hosts *laughs*
Thanks so much for watching and supporting the panelists! Tune in every Monday for some Beverly Beach icons! Don’t forget to tune into Activator Studios for Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip: Fiji every Sunday! C! Network every Wednesday for Baller Wives and VH1 for Basketball Wives every Tuesday! Have a great week and stay tuned as we have a surprise panelist making a cameo next week!