Season 5; Episode 3: Brittany Slay & Gwendolyn Solace
In today’s episode it's a Baller Wives take over! Plus former panelist Tre Spice joins Tyler, Jac, and TT to dish her hot thoughts! All that and more starts now!

*Cameras cut to an unnamed special guest in Elle’s dressing room looking at herself in the mirror*
Voice: I hope momma still has it!
*Cameras pan on stage as we see our panelists getting their final glam*
Jac: Hello Hello and welcome to another episode of the iconic talk show, Reality of Roleplay. I’m the Jacqueline Carter and tonight we’re down to 3! With our dear friends and panelists, Elle Stonewood and Kathy Irvine visiting a local nursing home for Kathy, we’ve decided to welcome back a veteran of the panel. Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome *pauses* TRECINA SPICE!!!

*Tyler and the audience are shown erupting with applause*
TT: *claps for Tre* Yass it’s spicy! I knew she’d be back even though she says she hates this show.
Tre: Hi ladies! Hey you guys! *waves* Long time no see! *sits* You ladies look so good…especially you TT! Two snaps for you girl!
TT: I know, I know!
Tyler: Always good to be with my sister Tre!
Jac: She looks great, doesn’t she Trecina? Those Ozempic shots do the body good!! Now, how have you been? Catch us all up on what you’ve been up to since you were last on the panel!
Tre: Oh well you know I’m still on television as we’re about to celebrate the fifth season of Family Hustle: Twitter on September 10th! It’s a good season and I’m in charge of the boys and gals! *laughs* Aside from that, I’m now a tourism ambassador for Twitter Island because this face right here, brings in a crowd okay!
*Audience oohs when Tre says she works for the tourism office*
Jac: Oh how incredible! Did you hear that ladies and gentlemen? If you’re ever in Twitter Island and are on one of those city bus tours, there’s a high possibility that our Trecina will be your tour guide!
Tyler: Now what does being a tourism ambassador entail? Can you let you know or will we see on Family Hustle?
TT: Sounds like a scam or something.
Tre: You’ll see on the upcoming season but basically it’s my job to promote the island to tourists and hope they’ll come again. That’s the short version of it practically.
Tyler: Ooooo how fun!
TT: Well that’s nice Tre, you want to do the honors of introducing tonight’s guests?!
Jac: Yes! Let’s see if you can still read the cue cards! We made sure they used the extra large font just for you, Trecina!
Tre: Yes! So tonight’s guests are two badass bitches who dominate the sports industry! Your husband might have secretly seen this particular woman in a sex act while you may have seen the other dominate the court. Help me welcome Juniper “Brittany Slay” Bailey and Gwendolyn Solace! *claps*

Brittany: *struts in with Gwen* It’s a party! Hi ladies!
Gwen: *struts beside Brittany waving* Hey ladies!!
Tyler: *claps and waves to Gwen and Brittany* Hello gorgeous girls!
TT: Welcome ladies! How are you two ladies doing?! Hate your show didn’t air this week — such an irregular schedule it has.
Brittany: Yeah, it’s been a scheduling whirlwind but I’m glad you have two engaged cast members, if you know what I mean.
Tre: Hi ladies! You both look gorgeous! I hope you weren’t upset by that intro Brittany. *laughs*
Brittany: I’m not upset. I mean, you were a stripper.
Tre: Yes I was but my vagina wasn’t out. That’s the difference. *laughs*
Brittany: Sure *nods*
Jac: *nods* Trecina most definitely was a stripper.
Tyler: Oh. *laughs* We’re coming out swinging on all fronts I see.
Gwen: Hi TT, it’s good to see you. I wish our episode would have aired this week too but we have 3 amazing episodes coming next week to round out our season. But thank you ladies for having us, somebody has to promote the show. Our lazy cast members have been so quiet on the timeline.
Brittany: At least Riley woke up this week!
Tyler: Some say lazy is the worst of the sins.
Tre: Care to name them? *sips from Elle’s Pinkalicious cup*
Brittany: Blair, Femi, and Luna are asleep at the wheel.
*TT shuffles her cards*
TT: Before we dive into all things Baller Wives, Let’s get into some Beverly Beach shall we? This episode we saw Valentina torn between her mother and her husband. Quite frankly there is no love lost between those two. If you were in her shoes, would you choose blood over water?
Tre: Valentina’s mom was quite bitchy to me. I felt she wanted to exploit her daughter for whatever reason that is but sometimes water is thicker than blood. Valentina needs to cut her off.
Brittany: I think Valentina should prioritize her lifestyle and the family she’s built over her mom, especially if it’s this toxic.
Jac: Personally, I’m sticking with my husband in this situation. My heart breaks that my dear friend Miss Tina is going through such turmoil but when you commit yourself to someone and decide to embark on the beauty of life with that person, they need to be your priority. You can’t have your mother undermining your relationship. If Miss Tina lets her mother get involved in her relationship too much, she’s going to end up bitterly divorced and in a loveless second marriage like Tre.
Tre: Let it be on the record that Jac spoke about my marriage but we’ll get in her ass once we talk about Basketball Wives.
Jac: I’m just joking Trecina! Don’t tell me you’ve lost your incredible sense of humour after being away from the panel.
Gwen: I don’t understand Valentina’s situation. Every time I watch it i’m just like if it’s causing such a strain on your marriage and you mentally, why not just put your mom in a house around the neighborhood. It’s no need for this woman to be living in their home especially navigating marriage woes.
Brittany: Maybe she needed a story. Is production like that over there?
Tyler: I agree with Gwen, I don’t understand the need for the mom in the house. Isn’t she rich? She can’t even afford a garage apartment?
TT: Oh my ladies. *laughs* I would try and get my mom and husband to mend fences or I’d have to whoop some ass!
Tre: I think the mom is looking for camera time because her daughter is a star and she wasn’t able to achieve that at her age.
Tyler: Yeah, I’m not turning my back on my mama. But having in laws in the same space as the husband doesn’t often work. *laughs*
TT: We also saw Yvonne and Violette meet up and discuss their friendship or lack thereof. Yvonne tries to plant seeds of doubt in Violette’s mind regarding Olivia and Violette’s friendship. Do you think Yvonne is on to something regarding Olivia and Violette’s friendship?
Gwen: I think Yvonne is simply getting back at Olivia. I honestly think there’s a game being played and Violette is just stupid enough to be caught in the middle. *rolls eyes* I can’t stand that girl and her stupidity.
Brittany: Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Yvonne may be a bit like Calista- messy and backstabbing, but I’d question if my fiancé’s friends turned blind eyes toward him cheating.
Tre: On one hand, I do think Yvonne might be making some valid points but she too also has an agenda of her own.
Jac: I’ve actually done a complete 180 on Olivia. Im loving her on the show now and I think this is typical of Yvonne. She always turns on people. Every single person she’s filmed with becomes victim of her relentless abuse. Hell, I caught up with Sheridan the other day and she told me that Yvonne sent her some vile text messages.
Tyler: I think Olivia has shown herself to be a loyal friend to so many of the other Wives. She’s doing charity work with Monse, as Monse’s mentor. I think Yvonne is reaching.
Tre: Well is she really being a mentor to Monsé?
Jac: I don’t think Monse needs a mentor. Monse IS the mentor! *nods* No, it’s true.
Gwen: A mentor for the homeless?
Jac: *looks Gwendolyn up and down* Who is the homeless?
Gwen: Well your friend’s storyline this season is being broke so she’s nearing the homeless department.
*audience ooos*
Brittany: I also didn’t know you could be a housewife if your work pays your husband’s bills. *shrugs, looking at Gwen*
Gwen: *laughs looking at Brittany* maybe she should start a sugarmama show, since that’s what she’s becoming now.
Tyler: Could anyone provide that girl that much help..
Brittany: Isn’t she broke? I don’t know about being a mentor.
Tre: I mean look at Olivia’s contract with Weston? Monsé better read that fine print because Olivia seems sweet and all but I think she’s an undercover shady woman. Yvonne happen to me more upfront which gets her into mess.
TT: *nods* I just love the mess — seeing Olivia not back down from Yvonne and match her level of pettiness has been entertaining to me. *laughs* you girls really don’t like Monse!
Jac: *smirks at Gwendolyn before looking to the camera* Ignoring that incredibly rude remark towards my best friend, Monsway DeRosier, I’m going to pivot the conversation on my show. Ladies, I want to talk about the season finale of Basketball Wives Twitter. The ladies were in sunny Sydney for the finale and it was anything but beaming. Ladies, what did we all think?
TT: I thought it was interesting seeing the ladies end the season on a bit of a high note — high for them. Like mostly everyone was getting along.
Brittany: I do want to say I’m sad that this may be one of the last times we see Eva around. I love her, she’s attended a lot of my husband’s movie premieres.
Tre: I thought Basketball Wives had a very good season this year! I’m sad to hear that our dear OG Eva is departing the show after 10 seasons but she’s going to be with her love Penelope in Poland.
TT: See I heard Poland but I was told by my friend Draya Parks that Penelope lives in England so I am a bit confused!
Brittany: Draya Parks spreads fake news. *rolls eyes*
TT: Oh Britney, you’re just angry she leaked your cheating news. *laughs*
Brittany: Oh TT, why don’t you get back to leaking news to pay your bills.
TT: I’ll go back to leaking news for coins when you go back to filming those sex tapes, Britney Slay my Cooch.
Jac: I will say, being on the trip with the ladies I loved that we were able to finish off this experience in a peaceful place but the episode wasn’t all peaches and cream now, was it? We had the big fight between Eva and Ana where my good girlfriend Eva screamed, “COME HEREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE BITCH” At the iconic Treehouse restaurant. What did we all think of that?
Tre: I normally love Ava but I feel she kinda instigated that with her energy by coming in late. But I feel tho some of the girls do love to poke at her for a reaction at times and then when she gives one, she’s in the wrong
Gwen: I loved that fight, it was entertaining. I think Eva is definitely a force on that show and it’s sad that she’s leaving. I just hope with her departure there’s not a season 6 fiasco where the show lost its quality.
Tyler: I’m sad to see Eva’s departure too, moments like the one Jac just imitated have certainly made Miss Marion a star, so it’ll be a big loss to the show.
TT: I think it was time for Eva to go. Did she have a storyline this season? Penelope refuses to film or acknowledge her?
Brittany: *leans to Gwen* Who are these rude bitches?
Jac: *looks over at Brittany* Excuse me! We don’t curse on my television program
Brittany: Whatever blonde.
Jac: *slams table* Watch your mouth!
*audience ohs*
Brittany: Ooo, is she going to hit me?
Tre: Oh I see some of the ladies lost class since I left.
Gwen: Wow! I would think you would know your guest name when inviting them on. *whispers to Brittany* How tacky is that one?
Brittany: Very. Half of them are.
Jac: We’re here to talk about the reality of roleplay not the reality of your deplorable behaviour.
Brittany: Okay so keep hosting blonde, your children aren’t here.
Tre: Jac clearly thinks she’s the head blonde without Elle & Kathy. Excuse her.
TT: Ladies, ladies, behave. *looks at the Baller Wives and over at producers* These broads got me defending Whacko Jacko.
Tyler: Ladies, ladies. Let’s simmer down and grab a drink as we drift away to Girls Trip Fiji! *claps* What a show, and this episode, a tropical storm was brewing, Hurricane Hall of Fame. We saw Alexis and Billie with simmering tensions over their Hall of Fame past…ladies, what do we make of this feud? Does it make sense to you all?
TT: *nods* It makes a lot of sense knowing those two were having a bitter feud on social media back before this trip was filmed. Alexis was extremely toxic and so was that evil dog of hers.
Tre: *sighs* You know having seen it first hand without cameras, I’m actually not interested in seeing it on camera but Alexis & Billie were both my friends at the time. I was like Mommy Dearest in the Hall of Fame.
TT: That’s interesting Trecina, I figured you’d have some loyalty to Billie Reed who claims to be your sister.
Tyler: That dog had half the girls sneezing and coughing! *laughs* I think this Hall of Fame feud is weird, Alexis seems like a very…standoffish person.
Brittany: Her energy would probably fit well with some of your cohosts.
Jac: Well I know for Trecina and I, it was very hard to watch. We’ve grown up with these girls so to see their relationship so strained over a puppy *pauses* it’s disappointing. Brittany, you’re about 3 seconds from security yanking you off this set and throwing you out back with the rest of the trash.
Brittany: *rolls eyes at Jac* Go to hell.
Tre: What Jacqueline said. My sister Billie knows if she needed me I’ll be there in a heartbeat. It’s just very unfortunate because they never got resolve.
TT: Well Tre, we have 2 more episodes!
Tyler: I’ll always ride for my girl Billie, but that Alexis is like arguing with a wall.
Gwen: Well… I have to say Fiji has been such a guilty pleasure of mine. There’s so many comedic moments within the show and the confessionals are actually hilarious!
*audience applauds*
Tyler: Another hot topic from Fiji came in the form of two girls that were stirring the drinks, Teairra and Tanya. This week, we saw them stirring up some mess and sitting back to watch it unfold. Do you think their intentions were pure or full of mess?
TT: Those two are mess boxes! *laughs* I love it!I was gagged when Teairra was shit talking Billie and then running to Billie acting like it was all Alexis.
Tyler: I couldn’t believe Teairra was doing that, TT! What did you do to her? *laughs*
TT: *laughs* I did nothing to my girl!
Jac: Alexis truly has a heart of gold. She’s a lovely person. I don’t like how she’s being portrayed on the program but she isn’t here to defend herself. She’s fled the scene of the crime and for that, I must stand with William Reedicus. (Billie Reed)
Tre: Tanya was clearly messy. She lives for mess and I think she’s playing her role on the show quite well. *laughs*
Jac: I just wish we saw more of this Teairra on Ladies of Twitter. How is it she gets around a group of strangers and we see her come out of her shell but on LoT she’s as quiet as a church mouse. *points at Tyler* You need to do better with your talent
Tyler: I don’t think she’s quiet on Ladies. As for Tanya, she was pure mess too.
TT: Jac, don’t do that. Teairra is one of my faves on Ladies of Twitter!
Tyler: I’m not sure I liked Tanya bringing up that the other girls were desperate to be on roleplay though.
TT: That damn Tanya said she don’t watch no shows, don’t know any of these girls, so she’s going to stir shit up. *laughs* Alright now!
Jac: Let’s move on to the lovely guests we have here today! Brittany and Gwendolyn! What unique names you both have!
Tre: Both very pure. *laughs*
Gwen: Thank you Jac Vandewalzeheiser, Your name is so… peculiar as well. German?
Tre: So I have a question for both of ladies. You both have been friends with Calista before the shore started and clearly we know you guys aren’t in the best spot with her. Do you think fame changed her and do you think you guys can be BFFs again?
Brittany: Calista has changed with the show. She’s holding onto a grudge from the first season and she just isn’t a girl’s girl! Every woman on the show has had a problem with Calista besides Blair. I mean, that should show you…
Gwen: I absolutely believe fame changed her. When I was approached to join this show, Brittany actually warned me that she changed a bit but I couldn’t believe it. This season, she surely showed her true colors and how she will turn on anyone.

Tre: Gwen you did post this…
Jac: *puts on reading glasses to see the image* Umm is this implying that Calista is going to be gangbanged by this gorgeous group of men? Oh I’m a big advocate of gangbangs. Get banged by whichever gang you want! That’s my motto!
Brittany: She’s single so I’m sure she’s living out her fantasies.
Gwen: Well not “going”, the stories I’ve heard Big bank has ALOT of fun. So while she clowns Brittany for her sexual activities, she needs to look in her own mirror.
Tre: Do you guys think she had sex with Usher? I mean he is a fine specimen.
Brittany: She probably did but she says she didn’t. Doesn’t matter, he’s not the last Black man she’ll lust after.
Tyler: We have seen lots of men around her this season…I wouldn’t be surprised if Usher had a turn too.
Gwen: I don’t think she did, I think she was planning on it and if they wouldn’t have set her up, she would have definitely been in his bed.
Jac: We all know that Usher is married, right?
Tyler: Speaking of men, Brittany, we saw you have some drama involving other men as well this season. And I have to ask, was that really Serenity Wilson’s cousin?
Brittany: Yes, that is really Serenity’s cousin.
TT: Who?
Brittany: The individual in the picture that Draya Parks posted.
Tyler: Were the other women supportive of you in your time of struggle with Wyatt?
Brittany: Yes, Luna, Gwen, and Riley rallied around me and I appreciate them.
Gwen: Always.
Jac: Speaking of Luna, how did you ladies feel about her reduced role on the show this season? She doesn’t really seem to fit in with the rest of the cast.
Brittany: I think Luna took her feud with Riley and Gwen really hard and things just took a downturn. She wasn’t able to reel it back in which is important in this group.
Gwen: I actually think Luna would have been amazing for the show. I don’t get along with her at the moment but her potential especially in this season was noticeable. I mean she fit more than Blair and that’s an “OG.”
Tyler: Luna really spiraled with Riley, Gwen, and Calista. She was flipping the fuck out.
Brittany: I think the show would’ve fell apart without Blair trying to bring us together. *laughs*
Tyler: All I see her bringing together is a 12 pack of Capri Suns.
TT: *nods* I loved Luna. I have the last question here, if you all are renewed for another season will you return and who do you want on the cast with you?
Gwen: I think the only Returnees should Be Brittany, Calista, Lucinda, Riley & I. Femi is, well I don’t know. Blair is like watching paint dry and Dana just didn’t do it for me.
Brittany: If we get a season 5, no Femi. And I think Calista feels she’s above the show so she should get off.
Gwen: I’ll add if Luna is capable enough to be around this group again, throw her back into the mix.
TT: I agree with that cast except I’d keep Dana! I love that cast Gwen!
Gwen: *looks in the camera* Christina, pay me!
Jac: I’d get rid of Calista as well Brittany. Calista needs a break.
Brittany: At least we’ve agreed on something tonight. *laughs* I’d rather Charlotte and Joi returned to replace her.
Tre: Okay ladies we’re going to play a game called Call It or Ball It! We’re going to ask you some scenarios from your show and you’ll say whether you’ll call it out or you’ll let the ball roll. Easy right?
Brittany: Easy as pie!
Tre: I’ll start. Would you call out your friend if she brought on another friend who had no association to basketball on the show? *hides under card* Sorry Elle.
Gwen: Call it out. *looks over at Jac* Definitely.
Jac: Well given that I have such a strong tie to the basketball lifestyle, I’m assuming we’re talking about Elle?
TT: Call it out for sure!!
Tyler: Call it out.
Brittany: Call it out.
Tre: But didn’t you bring on Elle? So you regret bringing her on the show? That’s interesting…
Brittany: I didn’t say that, Tree. (Tre)
Tre: Oh I’m sorry Reese’s Cup. (Brittany)
TT: *laughs* Would you call it out or Ball it Out if your friend has been seen entertaining multiple men on camera this season, leading to many of the ladies to insinuate she is a whore?
Jac: *hands Gwendolyn a tissue and whispers to her* Your eye was twitching over at me when Tre asked the question so here you go sweetheart. *normal voice* Ball out. Literally. Balls are out
Brittany: Ball it out. Calista doesn’t need to be called for the identity she embraces. Maybe she can whore her way down the altar soon
Gwen: Ball it out. I’m a friend all around, I know how to keep my mouth closed.
Tre: Well yes! You can’t have any ole man around the ladies because you don’t know if he’s a child molester or a bum on the street! Call it out!
Tyler: I’d call it out too. That’s some mess.
Jac: Call it or Ball it, would you forgive a friend who used information you confidentially shared with them as a weapon against you?
TT: Call it out!
Tyler: Call it out. Thats some messy ass shit.
Gwen: Call it out!
Tre: Well Jac you should know about that. *laughs*
Jac: Yes, I would. I’ve seen you do it for the last 65 years you’ve been on television Trecina. (Tre)
Brittany: Call it out. Someone does that to me this season. Hopefully it’lln air.
TT: Oop!
Jac: Call it or Ball it, would you be comfortable with your spouse getting close to a coworker and potentially engaging in sessual relations with said coworker behind your back?
Tre: Hmmm I don’t know. I don’t think you need to Call It until you have proof. Cause people be loud and wrong.
TT: Call it out! We love mess. You know all about that, Trecina Spicer! (Tre Spice)
Tre: But it wasn’t my husband so. *laughs*
Tyler: Uhm, I would probably ball it out until I knew the truth.
Gwen: Call IT! I’d be loud, wrong and getting to the bottom of it all.
Brittany: Call it out, that’s messy.
Tyler: Would you call it or ball it if you heard girls in your group of friends were calling you boring?
Brittany: Is Calista still close to R- *she stops* Nevermind, ladies. Tune in.
Tre: I would call it because clearly I can’t be boring if we’re on the same platform!
TT: Call it out! I’m mentioning it all girls! But then again no one has ever said I’m boring. *shrugs* Blair needs a storyline, bless her heart.
Brittany: Ball it out. Why would I care what you think if we’re on the same platform with the same role? I’d tell whoever said it to go to hell.
Jac: Oh that would never happen to me. I’m anything but boring.
Gwen: Call it out! Blair needs to get off the show! BORINGG!!
Tyler: Call that out! Boring? Never.
Tre: Would you call it or ball if the person you brought on the show befriended someone who you weren’t particularly friends with?
TT: Ball it out!
Brittany: Ball it out. We don’t have a show if there’s too much division and “sides.”
Tyler: Ball it out. Are we kindergarteners?
Jac: I’m balling. Let everyone be friends. Thats the way I operate. I come from a place of kindness.
TT: Would you call it out or Ball it Out if your stylist dressed you in blue jeans while dressing their other clients in designer wear?
Tre: Call it because bitch I’m paying you good money to style me.
Jac: Ball it Out! I love me a pair of mom jeans.
Tyler: Ball it out. Maybe blue jeans are your signature thing. *laughs* Dolly did it.
Brittany: Call it out. I want the access too.
Gwen: Call IT! I would chew my stylist out, literally.
TT: Dana always does Riley wrong. *laughs*
Jac: You may need to hire a new stylist sweetheart.
Tyler: And last up for this game, Would you call it or ball it if your friend called her business partner just her partner…with her boyfriend in the room?
Gwen: Ball it, I don’t think that was a big deal.
TT: Ball it.
Tyler: I agree. Ball it.
Jac: Call it out, but that’s because I’m a messy bitch and I know how to create great television.
Tre: I mean correct terminology is important. There’s a business partner and then there’s a partner. It’s common sense to me.
Brittany: Ball it. Clearly she’s soft-launching. Let her be.
Tre: She wants to be the next Kim Kardashian. Or Lorelei Sullivan! Love you girl!
TT: Oh that was a dumb bitch right there! *laughs*
Jac: We love and miss you Lorelei!
TT: Let’s get into TT’s Tea! Well I have it on good authority that Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip season 2 will begin filming next week and 8 women have signed contracts to star on the second season!
*audience erupts with applause as the panelists clap*
Tyler: Woot woot! I’m excited to hear who ended up on season 2. I’m loving the first season.
Brittany: *looks at Gwen* Are you one of the 8? Would you even tell me? *laughs*
Gwen: You would probably find out when my cast photo dropped. *laughs*
TT: I will give a bit of a tease — Baller Wives will be represented this season!!
Jac: Gwendolyn is not of the stature to be on that show.
Gwen: Because I don’t beg like the panelist in front of me? I’m sorry that I have a legitimate business and shows aren’t my only source of income, hun.
*audience ooos and ohs*
TT: Oop — *looks at producers and holds ear* Well ladies, I believe that’s all we got for today! Thank you to both of our guests here, GG and Juniper! *claps* Way to represent Baller Wives even when it isn’t airing!
*as cameras wrapped and TT runs out, some of the ladies were seen arguing with cut mics, producers caught this*
Jac: Gwen and Juniper, I pray your show gets renewed for another season as without it, you’d both fade into obscurity.
Brittany: *laughs, walking out with Gwen* They’ll hate her by the end of the season and maybe we can get the seat.
Gwen: They already do, she’s been fired from everything. *cackles walking out*
Jac: At least none of my shows are on the brink of cancelation *cackles louder walking out* I’m a star. I’m the queen. I’m the veteran. I’m the OG. They want to be me!
Tre: *quietly under her breath* But your show was canceled tho after four episodes..
*producers escorted each woman, aside from TT who ran, out to ensure safety and a healthy backstage environment*

Thank you all so so much for tuning in! We’ll see you again next Monday! :)