Season 5; Episode 5: Draya Parks!

Reality Of Roleplay
17 min readSep 30, 2024


In today’s episode; we discuss what's going on at the Beverly Beach, a bit on everyone's favorite Family Hustle, plus; special guest Draya Parks joins us to talk all things Fiji! Hope you're excited, because it starts now!

Tyler Newman, Taylor Thompson, Kathy Irvine, & Elle Stonewood

Kathy: *comes out dancing and has a seat* this is going to be such a great episode! *looks at Tyler, TT, and Elle* Girls it’s the core four against the world! Here we go! Hey hey hey to all of our lovely friends at home! We are back for an all new episode of Reality Roleplay and I’m Kathy Irvine back with Elle Stonewood, Taylor Thompson and Tyler Newman Scott. How are we feeling ladies? I needed that two week break, I feel refreshed and ready to go!

Elle: I’m feeling so amazing today! *sips from Pinkalicious mug* Ready to go!

Tyler: I think next season I’ll have to negotiate a longer vacation! *laughs* I loved my time off, nothing like peace and quiet.

Taylor: Excited! My sister is here today!

Tyler: *looks at Kathy* I thought I was this bitch’s sister?

Taylor: You too babe! My other sister!

Tyler: I kid, I kid. *blows a kiss*

Kathy: How about we get into some of the hottest topics in Roleplay?

Tyler: Let’s do it!

Taylor: Let’s get into all the mess of the week on all of our favorite shows!

Tyler: On the Basketball Wives: Twitter reunion special, we saw the group ready to have a go at Ana. We saw she and Tanya go at it over Bre and Eva. We saw her fight with our sister Jacqueline. What do we think? Is Ana the problem?

Taylor: I think Ana brings a lot of entertainment, however, I do think she likes the cameras and puts herself in the middle of all the mess.

Kathy: Here is my thing I think with Ana she is a really great person.. but she likes the mess too much and doesn’t try and savor herself or her friendships.

Elle: I don’t necessarily think Ana’s the problem. I think she definitely finds herself at the center of a lot of drama however yes I agree with TT. She does love being entertainment!

Tyler: I think every show needs a big mouth, I guess Basketball Wives has Ana. *laughs* She was in every segment it seemed.

Kathy: I mean she’s becoming the face of Basketball Wives Twitter if we are being honest here. With Eva out the door now, I think Ana is the next lead of that show. I’ll just throw it out there.

Taylor: She’s a star for sure!

Tyler: Give her a water and a pay raise if you’re bringing her back for season 10. Because she’s parched from all that talking and she needs coins to pay a chiropractor for putting all that work on her back.

Elle: She definitely held down the fort. I guess we’ll see with such big personalities out the door, how she handles herself without them.

Kathy: I definitely want to see some of the other ladies in the mix a little bit more next season if everyone except Eva is back for season 10!

Tyler: Eva is a big loss, I think we definitely need more something with Eva heading to Europe.

Taylor: I don’t feel Eva is that big of a loss. Her entire personal storyline was cut from this last season.

Kathy: Agreed. I think if they add in a new girl to the mix she’s gotta be spicy and not afraid to get in the mix! I want someone other than Ana stirring the mess!

Taylor: Yes!

Tyler: I just feel that sometimes it’s hard for a show to bounce back fast after losing a big anchor like Eva. She’s been there a long time. Like me back in the day before I made it to the nursing home. *laughs* But I’m excited to see season 10!

Kathy: Oh Tyler, you makes a great point about Eva. I do have to say, I don’t think your void has ever been filled on Ladies of Twitter! Ladies of Twitter hasn’t been the same without you!

Tyler: You’re too sweet. *laughs and blushes*

Elle: If everyone plays their part and fills in there shouldn’t be too big of a void without Eva being there.

Taylor: I will say that Eva has come and gone before. She wasn’t on season 6 or 7 right?

Elle: And how did those seasons fair exactly.. *sips* No shade to anyone involved.

Taylor: *laughs* The cast is much stronger now then back then, even Eva has said that is why she felt comfortable stepping away to join her wife.

Kathy: I definitely know she wasn’t on 7 so it can be done without her. *laughs*

Taylor: I just hope with her time away that she can save her marriage with Penelope.

Kathy: She said everything was fine two weeks ago *blinks*

Elle: We know TT loves to embellish.

Tyler: “Fine” you mean. She said they weren’t living together…or sleeping together. *laughs*

Taylor: Ellen we know you barely show up here but we’ve covered Penelope and Eva’s marital issues here! No embellishing, it’s just the word on the street babe but let’s move on.

Elle: *sips* Different strokes for different folks you guys!

Elle: Moving along, there’s always a lot going on with the Family Hustle and this season has no shortage of drama! Courtney’s dealing with a fallout with her family but I think the name on everybody’s lips has been Frankie. I’m excited for her return to medicine obviously it’s nice to see her resuming her passion but I don’t know if everyone feels the same way. What do you ladies make of everything that’s gone on so far and specifically Frankie!

Taylor: Well I was surprised she got her medical license back following all the mugshots!

Tyler: I’m not gonna lie, good for Frankie, but was the weed not profitable? *laughs* If I got into the grass, medicine could kiss my ass. *winks*

*TT proceeds to pull out every one of Frankie’s mugshots*

Elle: So..

Tyler: *falls out of chair laughing* TT done brought the mugshots to the set.

Kathy: *puts face down in hands* Oh TT we done went over this. Why are you like this? *laughs*

Kathy: I think Frankie going back to medicine is a good thing but I’m kinda with Tyler if my grass in my backyard is paying the bills why would I go back to the stress of medicine??

Taylor: She probably wants to get out of business with the toxic ass Spice boys.

Elle: Maybe she was missing her true passion? Maybe it’s not even about the money! *to TT* Or that yes!

Kathy: Not them toxic Spice boys! *laughs*

Taylor: I’m sure you all saw her statement this week saying her and Ryan are no longer together. Maybe she’s washing her hands with KP too?

Elle: If she’s washing her hands of the whole clique that’ll be interesting to watch.. I definitely think it’s something to be paying attention to.

Tyler: With all that weed, I wouldn’t care about money. *laughs* There’s a reason mama moved to Malibu. *turns to TT* Maybe Kasey can take over her stake of the business.

Elle: Girrllll now Kasey Kasey KP. Those two have been humping like rabbits all over my timeline.

Tyler: Humping like rabbits or is Kasey chasing that boy like a dog and a squirrel?

Taylor: *laughs* Kasey turns a blind eye to all his bullshit.

Elle: Let’s ask the real questions do we think it’s gonna last?

Tyler: Kim and Kris lasted 72 days. Do we want to bet if it’s over or under? *smirks*

Taylor: No, he’s a cheater.

Tyler: I’ll bet you Jac Carter’s salary on this program it’s under.

Taylor: I know we’ve seen that baby girl on the timeline. I’m interested in a paternity test. Perhaps I’ll host a Maury style special!!!

Elle: Kathy what say you?

Kathy: I’m so over seeing Kasey and KP all over my timeline girls if I’m being honest. They are annoying the shit out of me. One minute they are announcing their love together on the timeline and then the next girls are coming forward they just left his house from sleeping with him.

Taylor: I’m also confused on who proposed to who? Trecina said Kasey proposed to KP and Kasey said KP proposed to her. Trecina is also now saying she doesn’t want them to marry. Lot going on!!!

Tyler: Tre was always the classy Spice. I bet our sister will object! Stop that wedding, Tre. *looks into the camera* Do it for us all.

Elle: Tre saw through it like we all do. Now let’s hope they call it off before they both get too far in.

Kathy: Will Kasey ever get a spot on family hustle is the question of the day!

Elle: I always think about this, I wanna know!

Kathy: I think like we’ve all said Tre sees through her bullshit and doesn’t want it on her show. Because let’s be real she , Frankie and Courtney call the shots.

Tyler: Kasey will get a spot on Family Hustle the day I do. *laughs and mouthes* Tre, call me.

Taylor: Never! *laughs*

Taylor: Okay girls, moving onto Beverly Beach! The ladies kicked off their cast trip to Paris and we saw some of the women bonding over their involvement in Olivia Blake’s fashion show while the other women questioned Olivia’s actual involvement in the fashion line and her business practices. What were you all’s thoughts on Yvonne and Valentina coming for Olivia and Olivia’s aggressive line of defense; particularly her interaction with Yvonne?

Tyler: I think they need to call a real friend for Olivia, I’ve seen her fucked over by her “friends” and “acquaintances” all season.

Elle: Honestly I think they were picking at little things with Olivia because of bigger issues they’re having with her but haven’t been able to address. So the minutia is just built up stuff.

Kathy: It’s kinda crazy to me how Yvonne and Olivia have had this sudden switch in their dynamics. As a viewer I’m real confused by it. Like where did Yvonne develop these strong feelings from and why did all the sudden people from the streets start coming to her?

Taylor: *nods* I agree with everything stated. It was a quick and dirty turn while the younger women were at Coachella. *laughs*

Kathy: Like it almost seems calculated on Yvonne’s side. I love her to death but something’s up.

Tyler: I just feel like at every turn, the girls have been poking at Olivia. With the fashion, with that assistant of hers, Violette about the men, it’s just constant.

Taylor: Do we think Yvonne was trying to make a play for that Andy seat at the reunion with this chess move?

Tyler: Well, I say this with love to Yvonne, but I think it was for relevance period. *laughs* Getting remarried to the same man as the first time only gives you so much to discuss.

Kathy: I mean I think she should have gotten it alongside Olivia. They are both the longest two standing people on this season. So I don’t think she’s that desperate for it.

Tyler: She just wanted a seat on stage with Andy.

Taylor: I don’t know Kathy, I think Marcie and Valentina have contributed a lot to the show this season too and could get those seats.

Elle: I don’t think Marcie wants it. I think she’s already overwhelmed with the stuff with her marriage I don’t see her pining for it.

Tyler: I agree with TT. I think those 4 each had strong moments this season and a big, core story to get the first seat.

Kathy: Speaking of those two, I think they have gave a stellar performance this season. Both had AMAZING sophomore seasons in two completely different ways.

Tyler: I agree with you too, Kath. I was on the fence with Val after her first, but they’ve both proven they’re here to stay with this year.

Kathy: I think those four: Olivia, Yvonne, Marcie and Val could easily become the new four for Beverly Beach moving forward. They all have compelling lives. Without further ado; we brought in some big shoes after a small break! Taylor do you want to do the honors?

Taylor: Sure! I know our audience loves this lady and she has her own talk show that just wrapped its third season, the first with her at the helm to record ratings — please welcome my friend, sister, and co-producer of Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip — Draya Parks!!!!

Draya Parks

*Draya walks out to a roaring applause as the panelists clap for her*

Draya: Yass for the claps! Thank you ladies for having me!

Tyler: Happy to have you here!

Elle: So glad you joined us!

Draya: *blows kiss* Thank you baby!

Kathy: Yess Draya! We were just fixing to talk about Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip: Fiji! How did you think the overall premiere season went?

Draya: Girl! A mess! Did you see all that unnecessary drama on social media? It just made me realize why I love talking about people but not being in the drama. I think the season was okay…? I’m sorry it wasn’t amazing but it was cute.

Kathy: Oh we will get into that social media mess later on in a game! Don’t worry. *laughs and winks*

Draya: I think we did our best. There were a few peeping toms like Belen. I remember a producer on field had to wake me up a few times when she was filming.

Tyler: Who do you think stole the show for you in terms of season 1?

Draya: I think Tanya, Teiarra, and Clara. If it wasn’t for them and even Billie I don’t think we would’ve made it to 4 episodes. Alexis did work… but she disappeared like her show. I contacted her and she acted like she didn’t know, so girl f*ck you!

*audience gasps*

Kathy: Well that Alexis sure don’t have the best track record.. *laughs* not fuck you!

Taylor: *laughs* I also tried to reach out to Alexis and I think the bitch must have fell and hit her head and has amnesia!

Tyler: Alexis seemed to attract drama like a moth to a flame. And yet she seems so boring and cagey as a person.

Elle: I’ve never met her.

Draya: I mean I liked Alexis. Past tense. But her not really completing her commitments just showed me the type of person she is.

Tyler: Me either. *laughs* She was too scared to show up to film this show with us.

Draya: Victoria was funny but I do think she flopped along with Yvonne. They’re funny and iconic, but maybe in their respective shows.

Kathy: So was the group really too much for Victoria for her to leave or did something else happened that we didn’t see?

Draya: Listen…. I feel like if you travel more than 20 hours to film a show for a week then nothing is too much. Maybe she didn’t feel comfortable with the group, but neither her or Yvonne tried. At one point I was held back by TT from going off.

Kathy: Hmm that’s an interesting take. I do feel like those two were the most isolated from the group.

Taylor: Not Belen? *laughs*

Tyler: Ooo, I love the BTS tea. Care to share with us what almost caused you to go off?

Taylor: I will say I liked that Yvonne and Victoria made up on the show. I wish Victoria stayed so we could see their relationship grow as they rediscovered their friendship in Fiji.

Draya: Oh Lordy here comes the good cop! *laughs* I didn’t want drama from them, this is a group of ladies and I want to see relationships develop but if you’re not trying to do that or to engage… or you think you’re better than anyone. Then stay the fuck home! Simple!

Tyler: *claps* I couldn’t agree more Draya!

Taylor: *nods* Yvonne didn’t enjoy her time in Fiji and made it clear to us off camera.

Kathy: I could so see her not being happy about it. *laughs*

Taylor: *laughs* I think she made that clear with her lack of promoting the show!

Tyler: Did you feel the same way with the season 2 girls?

Kathy: Yes I want to hear about Season Two of girls trip. The cast and location was announced. Congrats ladies!

Elle: Yes we’re all so so excited to watch!

Draya: Thank you baby! Well… season 2 is the opposite of season one, I think it’s very dramatic but not in the sense that anything dark happens — it’s very like dramatic from the get go!

Taylor: *looks at Draya* Nothing dark? *laughs*

Kathy: Who do you think we should be keeping our eyes on, this next season?

Draya: Ummmm. Imani.

Taylor: If I had to pick someone to watch, I’d say Petra!

Kathy: Very interesting. Our very own one season wonder co-panelist.

Tyler: She was on this show? *looks at Kathy*

Kathy: *laughs* she was on here for an episode or two maybe three!

Taylor: If Petra acted on this show like she acted in Tahiti, she’d still be employed!

Kathy: Damn where was that Petra at on this show! I can’t wait to see this Petra.

Elle: Who do you think the ladies on the trip should watch their backs for when it airs?

Draya: I don’t wanna say that just yet because these girls love to get in their feelings.

Elle: Fair enough! Who do you guys think brought the best fashions?

Draya: I’d say Kee.. Ana loves a look too.

Taylor: Agreed, Kee! Fashions straight from Kee’s Kloset!

Kathy: And lastly I want to know was anyone not up to your standards?

Taylor: I thought everyone brought something this season and it did seem they all wanted to be there.

Draya: Yes! I agree! They all tried hunni I had to take a break sometimes because it was too much. Everyone came together at some points though. It’s not all fighting. I promise.

Taylor: *nods* I think the girls saw how well season one did and wanted to up it and wanted that exposure! *laughs*

Kathy: Well that’s good! Now I want to know Draya you just got done hosting your first season of Getting Real Tea. How does that feel?

Draya: I mean… I love to talk my shit honey. I treated the filming of that show as a conversation rather than a job. I wanted to feel like I was having a kii with the girls and not feel like other shows where they sound like robots and they interviews gone on for hours. The promotion for the show lacked but I think Kasey did cute editing the episodes.

Tyler: I love that! You certainly made that show pop, if I may say so.

Kathy: I personally love you as a host! I hope it’s a permanent gig for you! You had a wide variety of guests on this season from Pat Fierson and Jac Carter to Clara to TT to Teairra and Tanya. I’m dying to know who was your favorite and least favorite guests?

Draya: Well, I just got my contract for my second season, so you’ll see me soon. Production is trying to get me to film, I’m like chile let me take a break my gosh. My favorite interview had to be either Ana & Bre or Jac & Pat. Sheridan and Billie was cute too. The most boring… I’d say Brittany and Calista. I just felt like a linebacker being ran over trying to find questions and ask about their cast members who avoid that show like the plague.

Kathy: They aren’t doing a break again until next summer like they typically do every season?

Draya: Well all I know is expect it in the Spring. There’s so many wondering talk shows or show airing right now like Reality of Roleplay.

Kathy: Well Draya you never run for the truth that’s why you’re tv gold! I just adore you! I appreciate you answering those questions about Getting Real Tea, and look forward to you back on the screens in the Spring!

Draya: Babe! Adore you!

Kathy: We now have a quick fun game to play today before we close out with TT’s tea spill!

Draya: Lordy don’t get me in trouble now.

Kathy: The game is called Snoozefest or Bringing the Mess! We are going to give you a scenario, or two, and you’ll tell us if it is bringing the mess or if it was a total snooze fest!

Draya: Fun!

Tyler: Let’s get started then! Is it a Snoozefest or Bring the mess to bring a guest into your circle of friends to have a go at your enemy?

Draya: Bring the mess! I love when the girls get pressed

Taylor: *laughs* sometimes it flops!! Snooze fest or bring the mess…the recent social media feud between Real Housewives of Bel Air ex star Kaydee Kimes and Alaya Pargo from the E! network’s Legendary Housewives of Hidden Hills?’

Draya: Listen I don’t know the entire story or those people but I just know photos of folks were under my replies and on the timeline, I was like what is this hunni? I will say don’t start none won’t be none. Keep fighting! I don’t give a fuck

Kathy: What a mess that situation is. *shakes head* Is it a snoozefest or bringing the mess Draya to start a Twitter War with someone and then get your friends to come after the person you’re fighting with?

Draya: A snooze fest… I don’t do jumping.

Kathy: I know that’s right!

Taylor: Last one, snooze fest or bring the mess…slut shaming and denying a woman who comes forward claiming to be the mother of your fiancée’s unborn child.

Draya: Bring the mess! Now who did that?

Taylor: Kasey Mitchell, your boss!

Kathy: Well on that note that’s a classic game of Snoozefest or bringing the mess everyone! *laughs* Thanks Draya for being the first one to play that game with us! TT you had some tea to spill for this week?

Taylor: You haven’t seen or heard about anything between her, KP, and the Baby aka Ella?

Tyler: Next season’s premiere can be Maury style, Draya.

Draya: Yes! I’ll say I support women. Team Baby! Not sure why we’re letting Kasey get away with murder. I mean KP…

Taylor: Okay TT’s Tea Spill Squad…I have some tea on Baller Wives: Chicago! The tea is that the show is finally beginning to film the second season and a lot of new women are in the running for a spot on the full-time cast. I can exclusively report that the women were told they were all working on open contracts except for Cassie Carlisle and they are all aware of this. *audience ooooo’s* One of the testing cast members have already been let go after accusations arose about gun charges against her baller husband.

Tyler: Oh wow! That is some real tea. Those girls better huddle. Miss Christina don’t play.

Kathy: Oh shit one thing about Christina is she is not about to let anyone get off easy.

Taylor: Baby she cancelled those extra episodes for the OG franchise with a quickness and let the world know Femi Ma was fired!!

Kathy: I’m glad she’s making them work before securing a spot. I feel like people are given a spot and get comfortable. Maybe I should start doing that for Reality of Roleplay.

Draya: Well that season flopped. Was it her fault? Yes and no. Don’t cast peeping toms people! The content was good but Calista was the only one putting in the work with Brittany.

Taylor: And Gwen! And Riley! *laughs* Those 4!

Kathy: Yeah I was disappointed by the lack of promotion this season of Baller Wives.

Tyler: I think there’s some good girls there, but there were definitely some snoozes too.

Taylor: If Baller Wives returns, it’ll need a bit of revamp and a restructuring of the contract to get the women to promote.

Kathy: Agreed TT!

Tyler: I have no doubt Christina will put those bitches to work and crack the whip. *laughs* Well, with that, that’s all for this episode of Reality of Roleplay. For all of us here, thanks for joining us and be sure to tune in next time to find out if Kasey is gonna be a stepmom, if Eva is really still with Penelope, and for all the hot gossip on all your favorite shows. See you girls next time. *blows a kiss*

Kathy: Until next time!

*the panelists and Draya Parks all stand up waving bye to the audience as they chat walking backstage*

Thanks so much for watching! Tune in next Monday for another new episode with another amazing special guest! :)



Reality Of Roleplay
Reality Of Roleplay

Written by Reality Of Roleplay

Daytime Roleplay Show, covering all Roleplay’s trending topics. Panelists: @kathyirvine_ @ElleStonewood @TylerRHofT @TheTeaCupofRP

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