Season 5; Episode 6: Mike Slovain & Ryan Spice
In today’s episode; we discuss the season finale of Real Housewives of Beverly Beach, the newest season of Real Housewives of Bel Air, and we touch a bit on everyone’s favorite family, Family Hustle, plus; we are joined by special guests Mike Slovain and Ryan Spice joins us to talk all things Family Hustle! Hope you’ve got your tea, because the show starts now!
Tyler, Kathy and TT are seen coming out onto the set and having a seat around the table
Producers: It is go time in 3..2..1.. GO!
Tyler: *turns and looks to Kathy and TT* Hello, hello girls, boys, gays, and theys. I’m here today joined by my beautiful girlfriends Kath and TT. How are we today girls?
Kathy: *walks out waving to the girls and has a seat* I’m so glad to be back in the studio. It’s been a minute with everyone sick and conflicting schedules. I’m glad we are all back (for the most part) in studio together!
Tyler: I’m so glad we’re back together too. I love it when all the girls are together.
Kathy: Me too! *looks around and is waiting on TT* I guess her glam is running behind.
TT: You tried it? You do not see me old lady? I am so glad to be back with my older sisters today! *smiles*
Kathy: You were just quiet down there. Which is unusual for you. Did the cat get your tongue?
Tyler: *laughs* This table is so long sometimes it’s hard to see all the way down it.
TT: Sorry I was just so excited and in my head about one of our guest this week we have on! He is so hot! *laughs*
Tyler: *laughs* Should we bring out our guests Kath?
Kathy: Yes I think it’s time we bring out our guests! I wanna welcome Mike and Ryan from Family Hustle! It’s a RoR first having the family hustle men on!
The ladies stand and welcome the men
TT: *claps* men! First time for everything!!
Mike: *walks out and gives the ladies church hugs* Thank you ladies. It’s always a pleasure being the first. *laughs*
Kathy: *claps and hugs Mike* Mike don’t tell your wife you’re out here passing out hugs to me *laughs*
TT: Oh hello Michael! I’ve blogged about you a time or two! *looks at Ryan* And you too!
Ryan: Thank you ladies for having us!
Mike: Well Miss Kathy, she told me and I quote, “Stay away from that bitch TT even though she looks good.” *laughs*
Tyler: Always such a jokester our sister Tre is. *laughs*
TT: Oh Oh my goodness, I see she still has a hateful heart for me. Sit by me, Ryan *scoots over*
Kathy: Well we do miss Tre she was quite the panelists on here. Ryan thank you for being here. You might watch out for TT she likes to test the her limits, if you know what I mean! * winks and laughs*
Ryan: You got me in the hot seat today TT *sits down by TT*
TT: You look so good in person, Ryan. *winks and fans self with card* didn’t expect this ladies, I got the fanny flutters!
Kathy: Oh lord TT he’s in a relationship!! TAKEN
Mike: Was… in a relationship Kathy. Paste tense, Miss Kathy *laughs*
TT: I saw the breakup announcement Katherine… ZIP it.
Ryan: I am indeed single ladies.
Kathy: oh well alright then, I am behind a little bit. Well TT is a free agent too! Is TT your type Ryan?
Tyler: Stand up ands give him a spin, TT.
Ryan: Well, no but Sheridan Campbell is my type.
TT: Oh my, isn’t that your brothers ex boo thing. *laughs*
Kathy: *busts out laughing* well damn. Sounds like the men are going to be cut throat today.
Ryan: I’m just being honest. Frankie is fine but Sheri and I are good friends, she knows she look good. TT is cool and all but she’s a fun time *smiling*
Tyler: Not a fun time *laughs*
TT: I am a fun time, indeed Ryan. *winks*
Kathy: Well men do you watch Roleplay other than your shows?
Mike: *to Kathy* I’ve seen a few episodes of Beverly Beach with my wife and I’ve caught a glimpse of the shows Christina Phillips has on her C! network too.
Ryan: I watch Beverly Beach from time to time. Baller Wives, of course. Gotta support Christina Phillips on her C! Network.
Tyler: Well then why don’t we dive into some Beverly Beach? This week, we saw the finale episodes. And wow did Olivia and Yvonne come to blows. Everything from husbands to assistants and money was brought up. What do we all think?
TT: I think it was quite a scene. It seemed that they tried to put a bandaid on the issue and some apologies were rendered but I don’t think they held up based on what was said on social media.
Kathy: Their fight this season through the back half of this season still confuses me but I guess we will hopefully see more of it in season 10. However I will say that some of the things that was announced in the finale about Olivia’s husband, Brandon was something.
Tyler: I don’t know where Yvonne and Olivia went wrong, I feel like they both got caught up in the mess of the group, they need to come back and get back to where they should be as friends.
Ryan: I think Olivia & Yvonne fallout was a bit sad, they are my favorite two ladies but it felt very passive not really getting to the root on the problem but I hope the ladies can recover and get back on track.
TT: *nods* I agree with you both, still not sure why the tides turned in their friendship but I hope they will calm in season 10 if both ladies return.
Mike: Well women tend to be a bit more combative than men I will say. *laughs*
Kathy: You think so? *looks at Mike*
TT: I don’t know Mike, I just saw a video of your brother being quite combative with a woman. *audience oooooooh’s*
Ryan: What video?
Mike: *nods* Yes that was a video of my brother that happened in 2022 and he paid the price for his actions.
Tyler: Elsewhere on the beach, we saw marriages falling apart. But the most shocking of them all was Val’s fallout because of her own mother. Were you all as shocked as me with that?
TT: *nods at Tyler* Wow, that was a lot but I do think her mother had good intentions. Men are scum, *looks at Mike and Ryan* and Brandon Armani is a scoundrel. I stand with women!
Kathy: Look as someone who has an assertive mother in their life, I sympathized with her. You could tell she really wanted her marriage to survive but from what I seen this season the signs of divorce were right in our face. Not sleeping together, hardly home, and constant bickering.
TT: Three women in Beverly Beach getting a divorce. How dreadful. This is Housewives!
Mike: I kinda need to commend Valentina for being so vulnerable on camera with that to be honest because being open like that isn’t easy.
Ryan: We’re not ALL scum. Sometimes men fall back into bad habits but Val deserves better, I can agree that much. Doing all that arguing and getting no where, I know she wanted her marriage to work but sometimes it’s better to move on with yourself and rebuild who Val is. Wives often get caught in the husband shadow and loses their identity but I applaud the vulnerability
Kathy: That scene the next day was so vulnerable. You could really tell she was really beaten down at that point.
TT: It’ll be interesting to see if she has an identity outside of just being his wife and the drunk party girl in skimpy clothes. Who is Val Armani? Maybe we will finally know in season 10?!
Tyler: Speaking of so many divorces…where do we all think Beverly beach goes from here as the season wraps? I think Serena and Monse should leave with Violette…I’ll be honest.
Mike: I think Beverly Beach has an interesting dynamic going into their tenth season. With all the divorce announcements, there’s no reason why they shouldn’t uplift each other and have a “sisterhood.” *laughs*
Kathy: I would love to see some of the ladies not carrying their weight to fall to the back and let the others rise up and carry this show into a strong tenth season. I need to see more of the sisterhood I seen this season.
TT: With Violette leaving, I think they should bring in 1–2 new girls. I think everyone else will be brought back but I could see Serena or Marcie being demoted into a friend role based on them missing some in the back half of the season.
Tyler: I love Marice. She is such a great soul.
Ryan: Marcie is good for the show but I actually like what Serena brings to the show but either way, you cannot lose Marcie
Mike: You taking a trip to Beverly Beach bro?
Ryan: Maybe to Chicago or The Bay *winks*
TT: I don’t think either should be let go, I just think one may be demoted if they bring in two new people and they bring more to the show. I love Serena and Marcie’s genuine friendships that are showcased on the show. I do think I am happy that Violette left. I didn’t feel she added much to the dynamic overall!
TT: Next up, the fifth season of the Real Housewives of Bel Air kicked off. We saw the return of Ciara and Zara in main capacities, returns of Cash and Gaby in friend roles and Kehlani, Camden, and Pamela as new additions to the main cast. What were you all’s thoughts on the new Bel Air girls?
Tyler: I think Camden seems like a calming presence and Pamela feels like a cougar firecracker. I loved them both to be honest.
Kathy: I’m sure it’s no surprise that I gravitated towards the older lady on the show and seeing that Pamela is a bit of a cougar. I love it, it gave me some inspiration. *busts out laughing* I am still getting to know that Camden though.
TT: I did like both of the new girls. Wasn’t a big fan of Kehlani because I remember when she was on Basketball Wives: Twitter. I don’t know why she’s suddenly a Bel Air housewife. *laughs*
Mike: Yeah she looks like my wife. So I guess that means a hall pass? *laughs*
Kathy: I knew she looked familiar!! That’s where I knew her from!
Ryan: Except sis got a bit more flare than Kehlani.
TT: *laughs* She does look like Trecina Spice
Kathy: Are we going to skate over Mike’s comment? What’s the hall pass comment all about? Do you and Tre play outside of your marriage?
Mike: Hey you can’t judge me man considering. *laughs* My wife would never allow me to have a hall pass. *laughs* It was a joke. She’s all I need and I’m all she needs. *smiles*
Ryan: No judgement brother, we all can’t be cheating. You two are like Simone & Cecil of FH
TT: One thing that disappointed me was to see Cash was demoted, but it seemed that maybe some of the returning women weren’t interested in continuing a relationship with her as they no showed her event in the premiere. Still, she showed up to the event in the second episode where Ciara and Zara had quite the spar with Camden trying to play peacemaker. What did you all think about all of the mess?!
Mike: Well as Camden said, “it was Kehlani’s” fault. *laughs* But I mean you know these shows need mess to gain views so it’s all apart of the game.
TT: Look at you Mike, you watch the Bel Air ladies I see. *laughs*
Tyler: I think with Ciara and Zara there’s a deep hurt from the past. But to be in these groups together, you have to find some way to get past all that yelling.
TT: *Nods* Absolutely, they must move forward for the show to be able to move forward. They’ve been fighting for a while in the previous season and it’s time to move on.
Kathy: Look I applauded Camden for being new to the group and standing strong and getting herself in the middle of a fight between veterans. I think the whole situation was a disaster.
Tyler: I agree Kath. For a newbie, she wasn’t afraid to use her voice!
TT: I’m interested to see more of Camden especially with that news article that came out about a domestic disturbance at her home. I wonder if that was on camera…
Kathy: I hope the cameras were there to catch it all! This is going to be juicy
Mike: I don’t want this to come out bad but maybe Ryan can give some sounding advice.
Kathy: *looks at Ryan* care to offer any words of wisdom.
TT: Take all the time ya need, baby. *pats Ryan on the back*
Ryan: It’s definitely tough. I was in a domestic situation with Mac Slaughter and it’s always sad when things turn south. When Mac put her hands on me. I didn’t call the police, I walked away from the relationship but I do think that marriage counseling and maybe some anger management for the husband.
Mike: Just want to make it clear for the audience. Violence in any relationship is NOT okay on any level.
Tyler: I agree Mike.
TT: I found it telling that her husbands lawyer released a statement and she did not. Interesting!
Kathy: Maybe she’s letting it play out and doesn’t need to save face?
TT: *nods* could be, Kath. I agree Michael.
Kathy: Well the last Roleplay show to cover today is Family Hustle! I’m sure you guys can’t wait to talk about this *laughs*
Mike: What’s there not to talk about? *laughs*
Kathy: So I wanted to talk about the opening scene from this last episode. We started the episode with Ryan and Frankie! I wanted to first say your men’s event Ryan was quite something especially when you were having to be KP’s unpaid therapist. How did you feel in that moment?
TT: *laughs* Not the unpaid therapist, Kath. That’s brotherly, advice.
Ryan: I always felt KP was a safe for me to vulnerable and going into that scene, mu intentions was too work it out and find some type of resolve.
Kathy: Well it’s always nice when you and your family make up. That’s what makes your guys show so different. It’s not random women who could give two shits about their friendships. You guys are family!
Mike: Was that shade towards Kasey? *laughs*
Kathy: I don’t know Kasey and her relationship to the show Mike…
Mike: Oh? I apologize then.
Tyler: Kasey would climb a greased up pile of poles to get onto Family Hustle permanently. *laughs*
TT: Kasey isn’t on the show, so we don’t have to speak about her. She’s been missing since we talked about her on the last episode!
Kathy: Okay, I want to move on ladies and gentlemen. I want to get both Mike and Ryan’s thoughts on Frankie insinuating that Mike is misogynistic.
Mike: I thought it was bullshit to be frank and I’m glad I have the opportunity to address that.
Ryan: Frankie doesn’t know Mike like how I’ve known him so when she was saying all that, I felt a wsy because Mike and I have become close and if Frankie went to go talk to him one on one then it would be a different situation
Kathy: Do you feel like you’ve ever been misogynistic, Mike? Or could see where she’s coming from?
Mike: I’m not misogynistic nor have I ever. I was raised by my lovely mother and I have a daughter whom I adore. I respect all women and I thought it was damning for Frankie to put that out there because she didn’t like my opinion.
TT: Maybe she meant your brother!
Mike: She’s also the same women who always downed my career as a police officer so I think she’s job shaming. *laughs* You know sorry I didn’t become a doctor and lose my license. *shrugs*
Ryan: Oh my…. Yall got some water for my boy?
Kathy: *covers mouth* well let’s not take it all the way to hell, Mike.
Mike: That’s not taking it to hell. It’s me being real because what she said was damaging to my character. *laughs* Taking it to tell would be me being the arresting officer who took her to jail and leaking her mugshot to TT 1 of the 4 she has that is.
Tyler: Oop. Was that you that leaked them?
Mike: I would never. I’m a good guy. *laughs*
Tyler: Well, we’ll see whenever you pull me over officer. *winks and laughs*
TT: *looks at Ryan* You not gonna defend your on and off again woman?
Kathy: He said he is single, TT!
TT: They will get back together when the camera rolling hunni
Ryan: Mmmm….. Not at all
Kathy: So the last thing I wanted to discuss about family hustle is Mike your scene with Courtney. She had a hot mic moment that shocked the internet. Calvin has a 12 year old. What’s your thoughts on that ladies
TT: Wow, I was shocked that they hid that from the world
Kathy: Me too TT especially in today’s time.
Mike: *looks at Panelists and Production* Can we break the fourth wall here or is that forbidden? *laughs*
Production: Feel free to break the fourth wall, we are all about the reality of situations on Reality of Roleplay.
TT: Do tell! *smiles* We love mess here!
Kathy: Yeah go ahead Mike! As long as this doesn’t get us in trouble with your wife we are good!
Mike: You know Calvin confirmed it with his dad at the end of the episode and I was shocked looking at that back. As you ladies also know he was originally set to join me here today but I see he took the cowardly way out and didn’t want to face me.
TT: Yikes!
Tyler: Cowardly. *covers face* Mike isn’t holding back tonight
Kathy: That is true Mike. He was set to join us today but at the last minute backed out
Mike: The whole child thing plays a major part for the rest of the season and we were supposed to shoot a reunion for for Season 5 believe it or not to address everything…
Ryan: I think Calvin was underhanded because the way things played out, but what can you expect from a Tyler Perry actor….
Kathy: *laughs* well Calvin if you watch this you’re more than welcome to come on here and give your side of things!
Mike: If you’ll hide your kid, you’ll hide anything quite frankly. *laughs* The role of “Dad” isn’t meant for everyone.
Ryan: Like how he hides things at his practice but hey to each their own. *shrugs*
Kathy: Well I think that’s all we had for our segments today! What do you say we get into TT’s Tea spill?
Ryan: Let’s do it!
TT: Okay girls, I have some tea on the upcoming Ladies of the City show that has been all over the timeline. Are you all ready to sip?
Tyler: I would like some tea.
Kathy: I’m ready to sip. Do you men even like tea?
Ryan: I like tea. It relaxes me.
Mike: I like sweet tea, yeah.
TT: The show sees a group of women rallying together to plan a gala for a charity and well…things are quite the mess. We are hearing that a woman in the group is allegedly a known prostitute who is claiming to be dating a known pimp in the city. This has allegedly caused quite the stir not only in the friend group; but with investors and media companies who are reluctant to support the charity gala due to the involvement of an alleged sex worker. I did some digging, and I think this is the woman:
Tyler: A prostitute? *squints* What are they doing in the City?
Mike: Well I surely don’t know anything about that as a cop. I may need to ask my fellas. *laughs*
Kathy: *looks puzzled* what’s different in the city than down by the beach where I am? I guess prostitution clearly *laughs*
Tyler: Well, every City has that one street corner. I guess that’s hers
Kathy: Oh wow. I don’t think this is appropriate to be posting online. I can almost see her pu***!!!
TT: These are photos from her escort website allegedly…
Mike: Is her alias Demi Lovato?
TT: Mike, you don’t recognize her? *sips*
Mike: No I don’t. *laughs* Ryan is the single man so he knows more about that life than I do.
Ryan: Sex workers taking over the world but is she trying to be in Players Club?? She is not my type, Mike. You know this.
Kathy: Well this has been quite the episodes.
Tyler: It has been a hoot with you men.
Mike: Glad we were able to have fun with you ladies. Us men aren’t that bad. Don’t you agree now TT?
Ryan: Ladies! I have enjoyed my time and thank you for the last invite
TT: I agree hun *winks at Ryan*
Kathy: I wanna thank Mike and Ryan from Family Hustle for joining us today. It was fun to see you guys and officially meet you both. Ryan we wish you the best of luck with your dating search, TT is available if you need a good time girl and Mike you are so more sensible than your wife is. I appreciate you coming on here and breaking the fourth wall a bit with us. Until next week where we will hopefully have all of our panelists back and we are back with another shady guest(s) *winks*!
Mike is seen taking a self and posing with the Panelists
Mike: I am going to send this to my wife. I am sure she wishes she was here tonight. Mostly to keep an eye on me *laughs*