Season 5; Episode 8: Finale w/ the Fabulous Four & Bridgette Andrews
The ladies come together for one last episode of the season to dish on the latest with BBWT, LoT, and of course it is not a mess fest without, Bridgette Stacey Andrews from NO BS on to dish her latest thoughts on everything Roleplay. Tune in NOW!
*The ladies are seen mingling backstage before the episode begins*
Kathy: Ladies, this is the final episode of the season! I am glad we could all be here for this *smiles* lets go out and give them one hell of a finale.
Tyler: I love you ladies, let’s go out there and do the damn thing!
Elle: You know this pink barbie is ready for her pinkalicious cup to be filled all episode*laughs*
TT: Glad I could be here, with you girls. It has been quite the season this season *side eyes Elle*
*The ladies walkout on stage and have a seat at the table*
Tyler: Hello and bonjour. Welcome to another amazing episode of Reality of Roleplay. I’m joined tonight by my beautiful girlfriends, hi girls! How was your Thanksgiving?
TT: It was lovely. I spent it in Twitter with my girls. How was yours, Ty?
Elle: Mine was wonderful, all of Chris’ extended family came over and we cooked allll morning! *giggles*
Kathy: Oh I fixed a wonderful turkey for my mother and I and we of course drank way too much wine! It was such a fun day! TT even came back for a glass of wine. I guess her girls wore her out *laughs*
TT: Those little whores were on my nerves!
Tyler: Mine was fab! We had fun and sun as a family on the because of Malibu. Ordered out, of course. But the food was delish!
Elle: *laughs* Oh Ty your refusal to cook is hilarious.
Tyler: Why dirty up a good oven?
Kathy: Tyler, doesn’t cook? *pretends to be shocked* Well ladies this is the finale episode of the season. How does it feel Tyler and TT to be on your third season?
TT: Lovely. So glad Jac was fired midseason. Hated her.
Tyler: I always love sitting down with my girls and chatting. You three are truly sisters to me, so it’s always a good time.
TT: Awww Ty we love you!
Kathy: Tyler and TT, you two were the best investments I could’ve ever brought onto this show! You both have brought life back to this show! I’m so glad you guys love this crazy journey as much as I do. I know it’s been rocky at times but you guys have weathered the storm with me and I’m grateful for that. *smiles*
Tyler: I love you girls too. *blows a kiss* And Tre, SINCE you’re watching, get back in here bitch. *laughs as the audience applauds* We need our fifth sister.
TT: *stands up and walks over to Kathy and Tyler to hug them* Oh MY girls! *side eyes Elle*
Kathy: Maybe one day Tre Spice will come back for more than an episode. *laughs* one can only hope!
Elle: We can hope! Today we’ve got a true star in the making, she’s a talk show host herself, making up one half of the amazing No BS duo, it’s Bridgette Stacey Andrews! *applauds with audience*
Tyler: *claps for Bridgette* Yes girl!
TT: Come on out Bridgette! You’re the new mess queen!
Bridgette: *Bridgette walks in, strutting towards the women* Hello, hello, hello Reality of Roleplay! Thank you so much for having me! *air kisses the women* I am so excited to be here!
Kathy: Oh my god she’s even more beautiful in person!! Hello gorgeous! We are going to put you in the middle of all of us *points to middle seat*! The new time night time talk show is here and she’s HOT HOT HOT!!
Elle: We’re so excited to have you! *waves her over* Come take a seat!
Bridgette: *takes a seat in between Elle and Kathy* Mhmhh, this set is nice! *smiles*
Tyler: Welcome Bridgette! Now TT mama, are you worried about being the second messiest person in this room? You usually take the cake. *laughs*
TT: I’m happy! Maybe Bridgette can tell me something I don’t know. I’m prepped to talk a lot of shit tonight!!
Elle: You always are. *giggles* Well we have a lot to discuss today!
Tyler: You know we all love to talk some shit here, so I hope she’s got something good.
Bridgette: Well thank you! You know I love to talk my ish! Especially now that NO BS is off the air, let’s get to it! *claps*
TT: Tell us Bridgette, do you actually like your co-star on No BS, Simone? She dropped out last minute from attending today. Is she difficult to work with?
Bridgette: Oh, well damn! Of course, I love her! She just… she just had a fight with her boo, she hopped on a plane to go cuss him out in person! *giggles* Love my girl!
TT: Oh Lordy reminds me of Ellen. *laughs* She’s always cursing at Chris in her dressing room!
Bridgette: OH?
Tyler: Oh Lordy reminds me of Ellen. *laughs* She’s always cursing at Chris in her dressing room!
Bridgette: I guess sometimes you need to do it face to face!
Elle: Excuse you TT, cursing is not my thing *giggles* I can tell you missed me *winks*
TT: *smiles* Love you Ellen!
Kathy: Well ladies we talked a lot of shit last episode and it caused quite the ruckus on the timeline. Today’s episode will be no different. I want to talk about some things going on in Roleplay.
TT: I got some SHAT TO SPEW!
Tyler: Just as a legal note, the Reality of Roleplay panelists are not affiliated with the Bluesky or any of its users. *chuckles* Now let’s dish girls. Who has some tea?
Kathy: Bridgette you better not be scared to dish your opinion on it because we are doing our first segment today of Roleplay Roundup. We are going to do a roundup of all the latest on the Roleplay shows.
Bridgette: Scared? Never, honey! Let’s get it started *winks*
Tyler: I’d like a cup…pour me up TT.
Kathy: *holds coffee mug up* If it has anything to do with that heifer Ana Lilard I want all the tea on her. She came into my mentions over the break looking for problems.
TT: Well I’m hearing that this season is a bit of a let down; at least from what has been filmed so far. It’s giving CHOP. I’m hearing discussions as to what next season will look like in terms of a potential cast shake up may occur….and they’ve allegedly entertained bringing on someone in a friend capacity who looks a lot like Marcie Maples from Real Housewives Beverly Beach!
Kathy: I thought we established between shows we would try not to use faces that were actively being used. What’s going on in Roleplay girls?
Tyler: As far as duplicates, for me it depends on the case. I’ve been around this app for a lot longer though so I feel like I’ve seen twins and triplets of some of these girls and their faces.
TT: From what I am hearing and again, not confirmed but the central storylines have been about cast member husbands and boyfriends being gay. Apparently GLADD is not happy with the show’s producers as a cast member reported the stuff to GLADD in an effort to cease the gay rumors.
Kathy: Wait are they trying to exploit gay people for entertainment? Is this basketball wives or basketball players of twitter? Why are the men the central storyline. I hate when shows make the men the storyline. If they were that interesting they would have their own show.
Bridgette: Chop? Oh that’s sad… I thought it was going to be dramatic, didn’t Genie break her femur? She should be careful *shakes her head* And I agree about the faces thing. It’s confusing and frustrating to those who are already using a face when suddenly 10 new characters pop up. Classless!
Elle: Wait they’re bringing in a newbie that looks like another girl that seems messy on purpose? They have husbands for storylines.. okay
TT: Well when production companies don’t respect each other you get duplicates!
Tyler: We all felt the next season without Eva would be different…I’m not surprised by another shake up. The Marion was a force and now — *looks at Bridgette* And now Genie is breaking her femur I guess?
Bridgette: Yes, she was in the ambulance with a new girl… who looks just like a Ladies of the city cast member!
TT: *shakes head* I’ve heard nothing about Genie and what she is bringing or not bringing to the show. A lot of tea is centering around one of the new girls, Bridget, Bre, and Ana. And Bridgette I saw that…she reminded me of Cash from Real Housewives of Bel Air. What the hell is going on!
Kathy: Do we think that Basketball Wives is on its final seasons? I wish Eva was here right now…. This is *shakes head* a mess, and I need to talk to her.
TT: I doubt it’s the end, but I see another reboot. They have a strong core but from what I’m hearing the cast is no longer meshing as a friend group and the season is kind of trash but hopefully they’ll get it together. I think they are halfway through filming.
Tyler: I don’t think it’s over. I think sometimes shows have a season slump. They’ll come back stronger. And maybe they’ll make it Basketball Wives Europe and move to follow Eva. *laughs*
Elle: I hope not they really are a bigger show on here and they’re one of the OGs to really be here. I want to see a reboot or at least how they’d do one!
TT: *nods* I think building around Ana, Bre, and Tanya is a good idea!
Kathy: I think if we can maybe get Eva on the phone after this episode and give her some pointers the ship can be saved. *looks at Camera* Eva we will call you girl! Now that Ana girl, get that garbage off my screen.
Elle: What you got to sayyyy Kathy. *giggles*
TT: *laughs* I saw y’all fighting on the timeline
Kathy: She just reminds of a wannabe star. It’s like she’s got a little bit of an ego from BBWT and acts like her shit don’t stink. I just find her actions on Twitter to be distasteful.
Elle: Distasteful oop… well then.
Kathy: And honestly I could see her being in on calling men’s husband gay or questioning their sexuality which is garbage behavior to me.
Tyler: Well you know who they say insults gay people. *sips my tea*
Kathy: *looks at Tyler* right.
Tyler: Your closet can’t be that big and bad sir.
Kathy: TT, is that all you had to dish on BBWT? *looks at the other end of the table*
TT: Yes that is all! Let’s move onto the next topic!!!
Tyler: Speaking of coming soon, did you girls see the Baller Wives Chicago trailer? What did we all think of that?
Bridgette: I loved it! I hear there’s a lot of newbies… hopefully they didn’t declass the show, Chicago is very much the classier Baller Wives Show
Kathy: I did see the trailer!! I called Christina to congratulate her on the newest season. She really does do phenomenal work and by the looks of the sneak peak it looks promising this season
TT: I heard Cassie Carlisle has already given an ultimatum that she won’t be returning next season if a certain newbie is back that she didn’t enjoy working with this year.
Bridgette: I’m hearing Layla also almost got the boot, given that her multiple jobs kept her from filming multiple times. Let’s see if she managed to save her full time spot! *smirks*
Tyler: I enjoyed the trailer. I’m excited for the season, I think Christina always captures a really dynamic group of girls, she has some phenomenal casting. They aren’t all hits, but she has some firecrackers for sure! Have to give Christina some love after her recent tweet to me. *blows a kiss*
Kathy: *laughs* Tyler I seen that and chuckled. She moved on from me to you it seems. Thank you GOD! So while I was on the phone with her she did drop me a nuggets of information. Would you like to hear some of it.
Tyler: Spill the tea girl
Elle: Yes of COURSE!
Kathy: She let me know that an altercation happened at one event in Chicago this season between two cast members. It got so bad they were banned from the establishment indefinitely.
Bridgette: *gasps* And I was talking about it being the classy show… something is in the air with these ballers!
Elle: That’s crazy where were they!
Tyler: I hope it wasn’t the Sears Tower! You’d hate to see them miss out on the tallest building. *looks at TT* That is in Chicago, right?
TT: Yes Hunni!
Kathy: Christina said she couldn’t say because they may be facing legal action after the incident. Let’s just hope whoever it happened between they both don’t return for another season.
Tyler: I hope everyone kept their extensions in their head hunni.
Elle: And their glasses unshattered!
Bridgette: Now, since we’re being unfiltered… we’ve spoken about shows that are currently happening or premiering soon, but speaking of shows that aren’t happening… Tyler, are we getting Ladies of Twitter or aren’t we? We all saw the tweets teasing an announcement last week! *leans in looking at Tyler*
Kathy: *glances over at Tyler* well damn
Bridgette: I’m asking as a die hard fan, honey!
Tyler: It’s definitely coming dear. *smiles* Sometimes perfection takes a moment, and we’ve been taking a moment for sure, but I promise that once you see things, they’re gonna be worth the wait. *winks*
Bridgette: *nods* Glad to hear that! I was fearing with Amal leaving and going back to the emirates you were having some issues with the footage. Cannot wait!
Kathy: I don’t think anyone has to worry about Amal anymore. *looks around* I think she’s done for good…
Tyler: I don’t want to speak on the cast in that way. But I think that everyone shines this season, no one person made the season, so I’m excited to share EVERYONE with the world.
Kathy: So what Tyler is saying is fuck her and he can’t wait to highlight the rest of the girls and show us they are the stars. Let’s be real Amal thought she was the star of the show.
TT: Woohoo!! SAY IT for the audience again Kathy!
Bridgette: Mhmhh! Cant wait for the announcement then, I’ll be tuned in!
Elle: *sips pinkalicious mug* I am excited for the new season I will say!
Tyler: I’m excited for everyone to see it! This season was one of my favorites to produce, and I think we filmed a killer season.
Kathy: I mean Tyler it must feel good that all the girls are wanting Ladies Back. This is like one of the most highly anticipated seasons of Roleplay in a long time.
Elle: It is… everyone’s kind of patiently waiting for it! *giggles*
Bridgette: *nods along* We sure are! I know many people were wondering which is why I asked! The hype is there!
Tyler: Absence makes the heart grow fonder I guess. *laughs* I’m excited to get it out for the fans and the cast to see. It’s been a rather busy season of life, but I promise it’s coming and I swear it’s GOOODDDD.
Kathy: Well now that the this show is wrapping up for the season. I may have some free time to come film some scenes with the girls Tyler if you let me *laughs*
Bridgette: So should she! *points to Elle* I know the fans are begging for an Elle comeback of some sort.
Elle: Ohhhhh.. I don’t know about that, Bridgette!
Tyler: You know I always say the door is open for my returning girls. *pauses* Well, that goes for most of them *winks*
Kathy: Well Bridgette it’s no secret your show NO BS with Simone was a smashing hit this season. We have some questions for you before we close out our fifth season of Reality of Roleplay.
Bridgette: Oh, I love that! Bring it on! *smiles*
Kathy: So this is a two part question… first part, who is one guest you had on this season that you would never have back and who is one role player you’ll never have on NO BS?
Bridgette: Oh, well damn… I would definitely not have Saffiyah on… too much editing would have to be done. As far as past guests I enjoyed all of them quite frankly! We knew who not to invite *smirks*
Kathy: Okay very political. You are playing it somewhat safe! Anyone else want to ask anything about NO BS
Tyler: She wants that season two! *laughs*
Bridgette: Well, I gotta earn that check! *giggles*
Tyler: What was your favorite moment from your first season of No BS and what is your favorite thing about your cohost?
Bridgette: My favorite moment? Well perhaps when Kasey revealed Frankie was being cheated on by Ryan? Talk about an exclusive! *giggles*
Kathy: Oh, I had already forgot about Kasey being on your show and dropping that information. *laughs*
Bridgette: That’s the main reason Frankie and Ryan called it quit, honey! A mess!
Tyler: Kasey got a star spot on No BS. *sips my tea* Look at her go
Kathy: I’m glad she was able to get on there and drop that exclusive.
Elle: Kasey’s something… I thought she was still with KP.
Bridgette: No one really knows at this point *sighs* The Spice family is a mess when it comes to relationships and commitment!
TT: I don’t think they are together anymore
Tyler: Didn’t KP have that baby mama, Ella I think was her name?
TT: Yes! KP’s baby mother Ella gave birth to KP Jr.
Kathy: I don’t think the spice/slovain families have one stable relationship in them *laughs* I guess it makes for good tv
Bridgette: I still remember when Tre got cheated on the first time on real housewives of YouTube… iconic!
Tyler: But Tre, if you were still tuned in, we love you doll. *blows the camera a kiss* Come home soon.
Kathy: She’ll be back to clear what I said up. You know she’s defensive honey!
TT: Okay Bridgette I expect an answer and NO BS unlike what you’ve been giving to us so far with these answers… Name your Top 5 Iconic Roleplay Characters from your POV.
Bridgette: Okay, top 5? Mhhh… Definitely Billie Reed, Tre Spice-Slovain, Sheridan Campbell, Tyler Newman Scott and… Elle Stonewood I’d say! Honorable mention to Christina Phillips though!
Kathy: That’s one hell of a lineup!
Tyler: You’re too kind Bridgette. I knew I liked this guest!
Bridgette: Just being honest!
Kathy: Well I’ve got one more question to ask to close us out. WHEN CAN WE EXPECT SEASON TWO?!
Bridgette: Season 2 is coming early 2025! But you better keep an eye open, we’re always up to something! *winks*
Kathy: That’s great to hear Bridgette, we will definitely keep our eyes peeled for what’s next for you two. I want to thank the fabulous co-host from NO BS for coming on today. Who knows maybe if things don’t work out over there you can come join us over here at Reality of Roleplay for more than episode. *winks* This does conclude our fifth season of Reality of Roleplay. I can’t believe in my wildest dreams this is where I would be. I want to think Elle for being the best co-host throughout all of this and to my TT and Tyler I’ve expressed gratitude for you both at the beginning of the episode but I want to reiterate again the life you both breathe into this show. I hope we can sit around and do this for a lot longer. *smiles* this is not the end but a goodbye for now! Keep your eyes peeled. I’m always up to something *winks*
We are so thankful for the outpouring support over this last season. Can not wait for you all to see what is in store for RoR and the ladies in 2025 😉 Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season and happy new year ❤️